Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth GPS Receiver GP-20U7 – Mk24
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #GPS #SparkFun #BME280 #CCS811 #IMU #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
GPS Receiver – GP-20U7 (56 Channel)
The GP-20U7 is a compact GPS receiver with a built-in high performances all-in-one GPS chipset. The GP-20U7 accurately provides position, velocity, and time readings as well possessing high sensitivity and tracking capabilities. Thanks to the low power consumption this receiver requires, the GP-20U7 is ideal for portable applications such as tablet PCs, smart phones, and other devices requiring positioning capability. With 56 channels in search mode and 22 channels “All-In-View” tracking, the GP-20U7 is quite the work horse for its size.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x Arduino Uno
1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
1 x SparkFun BME280 – Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude
1 x SparkFun Air Quality Breakout – CCS811
1 x Pololu AltIMU-10 v5
1 x GPS Receiver – GP-20U7
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 850mAh
2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
GPR – Digital 16
GPT – Digital 17
RX2 – Bluetooth
TX2 – Bluetooth
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth GPS Receiver GP-20U7 - Mk24 26-24 DL2307Mk05pr.ino 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 1 x SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude 1 x SparkFun Air Quality Breakout - CCS811 1 x Pololu AltIMU-10 v5 1 x GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 85mAh 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Bluetooth Serial #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it #endif // Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // Includes and variables for IMU integration // STMicroelectronics LSM6DS33 gyroscope and accelerometer #include <LSM6.h> // STMicroelectronics LIS3MDL magnetometer #include <LIS3MDL.h> // STMicroelectronics LPS25H digital barometer #include <LPS.h> // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> // ESP32 Hardware Serial #include <HardwareSerial.h> // Bluetooth Serial BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude BME280 myBME280; float BMEtempC = 0; float BMEhumid = 0; float BMEpressure = 0; float BMEaltitudeM = 0; String FullString = ""; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); float CCS811CO2 = 0; float CCS811TVOC = 0; String FullStringA = ""; // 9DoF IMU // STMicroelectronics LSM6DS33 gyroscope and accelerometer LSM6 imu; // Accelerometer and Gyroscopes // Accelerometer int imuAX; int imuAY; int imuAZ; String FullStringB = ""; // Gyroscopes int imuGX; int imuGY; int imuGZ; String FullStringC = ""; // STMicroelectronics LIS3MDL magnetometer LIS3MDL mag; // Magnetometer int magX; int magY; int magZ; String FullStringD = ""; // STMicroelectronics LPS25H digital barometer LPS ps; // Digital Barometer float pressure; float altitude; float temperature; String FullStringF = ""; // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 16 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection #define gpsTXPIN 17 // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; // Latitude float TargetLat; // Longitude float TargetLon; String FullStringG = ""; // GPS Date, Time, Speed, Altitude // GPS Date String TargetDat; // GPS Time String TargetTim; // GPS Speeds M/S String TargetSMS; // GPS Speeds Km/h String TargetSKH; // GPS Altitude Meters String TargetALT; // GPS Status String GPSSt = ""; String FullStringH = ""; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-24"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // Accelerometer and Gyroscopes isIMU(); // Magnetometer isMag(); // Barometer isBarometer(); // isGPS isGPS(); // Delay 1 sec delay(1000); }
// Accelerometer and Gyroscopes // Setup IMU void setupIMU() { // Setup IMU imu.init(); // Default imu.enableDefault(); } // Accelerometer and Gyroscopes void isIMU() { // Accelerometer and Gyroscopes; // Accelerometer x, y, z imuAX = imu.a.x; imuAY = imu.a.y; imuAZ = imu.a.z; // Gyroscopes x, y, z imuGX = imu.g.x; imuGY = imu.g.y; imuGZ = imu.g.z; // FullString B FullStringB = "Accelerometer X = " + String(imuAX) + " Accelerometer Y = " + String(imuAY) + " Accelerometer Z = " + String(imuAZ) + "\r\n"; // FullStringB Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringB.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringB.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringB.c_str()[i]); } // FullString C FullStringC = "Gyroscopes X = " + String(imuGX) + " Gyroscopes Y = " + String(imuGY) + " Gyroscopes Z = " + String(imuGZ) + "\r\n"; // FullStringC Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringC.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringC.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringC.c_str()[i]); } }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = (myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(), 2); // FullString FullString = "Temperature = " + String(BMEtempC,2) + " Humidity = " + String(BMEhumid,2) + " Barometric = " + String(BMEpressure,2) + " Altitude Meters = " + String(BMEaltitudeM,2) + "\r\n"; // FullString Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullString.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); } }
// STMicroelectronics LPS25H digital barometer // Setup Barometer void isSetupBarometer(){ // Setup Barometer ps.init(); // Default ps.enableDefault(); } // Barometer void isBarometer(){ // Barometer pressure = ps.readPressureMillibars(); // Altitude Meters altitude = ps.pressureToAltitudeMeters(pressure); // Temperature Celsius temperature = ps.readTemperatureC(); // FullStringF FullStringF = "Barometer = " + String(pressure,2) + " Altitude Meters = " + String(altitude,2) + " Temperature Celsius = " + String(temperature,2) + "\r\n"; // FullStringF Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringF.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringF.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringF.c_str()[i]); } }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); // FullStringA FullStringA = "TVOCs = " + String(CCS811TVOC,2) + " eCO2 = " + String(CCS811CO2,2) + "\r\n"; // FullStringA Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringA.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringA.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringA.c_str()[i]); } }
// GPS Receiver // Setup GPS void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1 , gpsRXPIN , gpsTXPIN ); } // isGPS void isGPS(){ // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( )) { // GPS Vector Pointer Target displayInfo(); // GPS Date, Time, Speed, Altitude displayDTS(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo(){ // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { // Latitude TargetLat =; // Longitude TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); // GPS Status 2 GPSSt = "Yes"; // FullStringG FullStringG = "Latitude = " + String(TargetLat) + " Longitude = " + String(TargetLon) + "\r\n"; // FullStringG Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringG.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringG.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringG.c_str()[i]); } } else { // GPS Status 0 GPSSt = "No"; } } // GPS Date, Time, Speed, Altitude void displayDTS(){ // Date TargetDat = ""; if ( { // Date // Year TargetDat += String(, DEC); TargetDat += "/"; // Month TargetDat += String(, DEC); TargetDat += "/"; // Day TargetDat += String(, DEC); // FullStringH FullStringH = "Date = " + String(TargetDat) + "\r\n"; // FullStringH Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringH.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); } } // Time TargetTim = ""; if (gps.time.isValid()) { // Time // Hour TargetTim += String(gps.time.hour(), DEC); TargetTim += ":"; // Minute TargetTim += String(gps.time.minute(), DEC); TargetTim += ":"; // Secound TargetTim += String(gps.time.second(), DEC); // FullStringH FullStringH = "Time = " + String(TargetTim) + "\r\n"; // FullStringH Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringH.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); } } // Speed TargetSMS = ""; TargetSKH = ""; if (gps.speed.isValid()) { // Speed // M/S int x = gps.speed.mps(); TargetSMS = String( x, DEC); // Km/h int y = gps.speed.kmph(); TargetSKH = String( y, DEC); // FullStringH FullStringH = "Speed = " + String(TargetSMS) + "\r\n"; // FullStringH Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringH.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); } } // Altitude TargetALT = ""; if (gps.altitude.isValid()) { // Altitude // Meters int z = gps.altitude.meters(); TargetALT = String( z, DEC); // FullStringH FullStringH = "Altitude = " + String(TargetALT) + "\r\n"; // FullStringH Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringH.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringH.c_str()[i]); } } }
// Magnetometer // Setup Magnetometer void setupMag() { // Setup Magnetometer mag.init(); // Default mag.enableDefault(); } // Magnetometer void isMag() { // Magnetometer; // Magnetometer x, y, z magX = mag.m.x; magY = mag.m.y; magZ = mag.m.z; // FullString D FullStringD = "Magnetometer X = " + String(magX) + " Magnetometer Y = " + String(magY) + " Magnetometer Z = " + String(magZ) + "\r\n"; // FullStringD Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullStringD.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullStringD.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullStringD.c_str()[i]); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Serial Begin Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Starting BLE work!"); // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.begin("Don Luc Electronics"); Serial.println("Bluetooth Started! Ready to pair..."); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // Wire - Inialize I2C Hardware Wire.begin(); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Setup IMU setupIMU(); // Setup Magnetometer setupMag(); // Setup Barometer isSetupBarometer(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // Initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Turn the LED on HIGH digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); }
Arduino Uno
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth GPS Receiver GP-20U7 - Mk24 26-24 DL2307Mk05pr.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic 1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 1 x SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude 1 x SparkFun Air Quality Breakout - CCS811 1 x Pololu AltIMU-10 v5 1 x GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 85mAh 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA //String BTA = "0006664FDC9E"; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-24"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Setup Bluetooth // Begin the serial monitor at 9600bps Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Print three times individually bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); // Enter command mode // Short delay, wait for the Mate to send back CMD delay(100); // Temporarily Change the baudrate to 9600, no parity bluetooth.println("U,9600,N"); // 115200 can be too fast at times for NewSoftSerial to relay the data reliably // Start bluetooth serial at 9600 bluetooth.begin(9600); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If the bluetooth sent any characters if(bluetooth.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.print((char); } // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if(Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
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