Project #22: Synthesizer – Volume Sound – Mk07
DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #Synthesizer #UltrasonicSynth #Mozzi #Arduino #ArduinoProMini #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
Volume Sound
Volume the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound. The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet the sound is. Sounds are vibrations that travel through the air. Volume, or loudness, is related to the strength, intensity, pressure, or power of the sound. Amplified vibrations result in louder sounds. There are a few ways of varying the volume.
I am using the Mozzi audio library to implement a simple synthesizer and using a potentiometer to control the amplitude of a sinewave with Mozzi sonification library. To convey the volume level. Volume it to an 8 bit range for efficient calculations.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
2 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
3 x 1M Ohm Potentiometer
3 x Knob
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x SparkFun USB Mini-B Breakout
1 x SPDT Slide Switch
1 x JST Jumper 2 Wire Connector
1 x JST Jumper 3 Wire Connector
1 x Insignia Speakers
1 x SparkFun Solderable Breadboard – Large
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
Ech – Digital 13
Tri – Digital 12
EcR – Digital 11
TrR – Digital 10
SPK – Digital 9
CAP – Analog A0
CAH – Analog A1
CAV – Analog A2
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #22: Synthesizer - Volume - Mk07 22-07 DL2207Mk04p.ino 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz 2 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor 3 x 1M Ohm Potentiometer 3 x Knob 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout 1 x SparkFun USB Mini-B Breakout 1 x SPDT Slide Switch 1 x JST Jumper 2 Wire Connector 1 x JST Jumper 3 Wire Connector 1 x Insignia Speakers 1 x SparkFun Solderable Breadboard - Large 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Mozzi #include <MozziGuts.h> // Oscillator #include <Oscil.h> // Table for Oscils to play #include <tables/cos2048_int8.h> // Smoothing Control #include <Smooth.h> // Maps unpredictable inputs to a range #include <AutoMap.h> // Desired carrier frequency max and min, for AutoMap const int MIN_CARRIER_FREQ = 22; const int MAX_CARRIER_FREQ = 440; // Desired intensity max and min, for AutoMap, note they're inverted for reverse dynamics const int MIN_INTENSITY = 700; const int MAX_INTENSITY = 10; // Desired mod speed max and min, for AutoMap, note they're inverted for reverse dynamics const int MIN_MOD_SPEED = 10000; const int MAX_MOD_SPEED = 1; // Maps unpredictable inputs to a range AutoMap kMapCarrierFreq(0,1023,MIN_CARRIER_FREQ,MAX_CARRIER_FREQ); AutoMap kMapIntensity(0,1023,MIN_INTENSITY,MAX_INTENSITY); AutoMap kMapModSpeed(0,1023,MIN_MOD_SPEED,MAX_MOD_SPEED); // Set the input for the knob to analog pin 0 const int KNOB_PIN = A0; // Set the analog input for fm_intensity int LDR1_PIN; // Set the analog input for mod rate int LDR2_PIN; // Table for Oscils to play Oscil<COS2048_NUM_CELLS, AUDIO_RATE> aCarrier(COS2048_DATA); Oscil<COS2048_NUM_CELLS, AUDIO_RATE> aModulator(COS2048_DATA); Oscil<COS2048_NUM_CELLS, CONTROL_RATE> kIntensityMod(COS2048_DATA); // Harmonics (Brightness) int iModRatio = A1; int mod_ratio; // Carries control info from updateControl to updateAudio long fm_intensity; // Smoothing for intensity to remove clicks on transitions float smoothness = 0.95f; Smooth <long> aSmoothIntensity(smoothness); // Trigger pin 12 to pitch distance sensor const int iTrigPitch = 12; // Echo Receive pin 13 to pitch distance sensor const int iEchoPitch = 13; // Define the useable range of the pitch sensor const int pitchLowThreshold = 45; const int pitchHighThreshold = 2; // Stores the distance measured by the distance sensor float distance = 0; // Trigger pin 10 to rate distance sensor const int iTrigRate = 10; // Echo Receive pin 13 to pitch distance sensor const int iEchoRate = 11; // Define the useable range of the pitch sensor const int rateLowThreshold = 45; const int rateHighThreshold = 2; // Stores the distance measured by the distance sensor float rate = 0; // Volume // Set the input for the knob to analog pin 2 const int iVolKnob = A2; // To convey the Volume level from updateControl() to updateAudio() byte bVolume; // Mini Speaker int SPK = 9; // Software Version Information String sver = "22-07"; void loop() { // Audio Hook audioHook(); }
// HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor // Setup HC-SR04 void setupHCSR04() { // The trigger iTrig Pitch will output pulses of electricity pinMode(iTrigPitch, OUTPUT); // The echo iEcho will measure the duration of pulses coming back from the distance sensor pinMode(iEchoPitch, INPUT); // The trigger iTrig Rate will output pulses of electricity pinMode(iTrigRate, OUTPUT); // The echo iEcho will measure the duration of pulses coming back from the distance sensor pinMode(iEchoRate, INPUT); } // Distance float isDistance() { // Variable to store the time it takes for a ping to bounce off an object float echoTime; // Variable to store the distance calculated from the echo time float calculatedDistance; // Send out an ultrasonic pulse that's 10ms long digitalWrite(iTrigPitch, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(iTrigPitch, LOW); // Use the pulseIn command to see how long it takes for the // pulse to bounce back to the sensor echoTime = pulseIn(iEchoPitch, HIGH); // Calculate the distance of the object that reflected the pulse // (half the bounce time multiplied by the speed of sound) calculatedDistance = echoTime * 0.034 / 2; // Send back the distance that was calculated return calculatedDistance; } // Rate float isRate() { // Variable to store the time it takes for a ping to bounce off an object float echoTime; // Variable to store the distance calculated from the echo time float calculatedDistance; // Send out an ultrasonic pulse that's 10ms long digitalWrite(iTrigRate, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(iTrigRate, LOW); // Use the pulseIn command to see how long it takes for the // pulse to bounce back to the sensor echoTime = pulseIn(iEchoRate, HIGH); // Calculate the distance of the object that reflected the pulse // (half the bounce time multiplied by the speed of sound) // cm = 58.0 calculatedDistance = echoTime * 0.034 / 2; // Send back the distance that was calculated return calculatedDistance; }
// Mozzi // Update Control void updateControl(){ // Variable to store the distance measured by the sensor distance = isDistance(); // Low Threshold if ( distance >= pitchLowThreshold) { // pitchLowThreshold distance = pitchLowThreshold; } // High Threshold if ( distance < pitchHighThreshold){ // pitchHighThreshold distance = pitchHighThreshold; } // Variable to store the distance measured by the sensor rate = isRate(); // Low Threshold if ( rate >= rateLowThreshold) { // rateLowThreshold rate = rateLowThreshold; } // High Threshold if ( rate < rateHighThreshold){ // rateHighThreshold rate = rateHighThreshold; } // Map distance = map(distance, 45, 2, 0, 1023); rate = map(rate, 45, 2, 0, 1023); // Read the knob // Value is 0-1023 int knob_value = mozziAnalogRead(KNOB_PIN); // Read the mod_ratio // Value is 0-1023 mod_ratio = mozziAnalogRead(iModRatio); // Map mod_ratio = map(mod_ratio, 0, 1023, 2, 15); // Map the knob to carrier frequency int carrier_freq = kMapCarrierFreq(knob_value); // Calculate the modulation frequency to stay in ratio int mod_freq = carrier_freq * mod_ratio; // Set the FM oscillator frequencies aCarrier.setFreq(carrier_freq); aModulator.setFreq(mod_freq); // Read the light dependent resistor on the width LDR1_PIN = distance; int LDR1_value = LDR1_PIN; int LDR1_calibrated = kMapIntensity(LDR1_value); // Calculate the fm_intensity // Shift back to range after 8 bit multiply fm_intensity = ((long)LDR1_calibrated * (>>8; // Read the light dependent resistor on the speed LDR2_PIN = rate; int LDR2_value= LDR2_PIN; // Use a float here for low frequencies float mod_speed = (float)kMapModSpeed(LDR2_value)/1000; kIntensityMod.setFreq(mod_speed); // Read the variable resistor for volume // Value is 0-1023 int iVolValue = mozziAnalogRead(iVolKnob); // map it to an 8 bit range for efficient calculations in updateAudio bVolume = map(iVolValue, 0, 1023, 155, 1); } // Update Audio int updateAudio() { // Update Audio long modulation = * * bVolume; return aCarrier.phMod(modulation); }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup HC-SR04 setupHCSR04(); // Delay delay( 200 ); // Mozzi Start startMozzi(); }
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