Project #12: Robotics – RC Servo Motor – Mk02
Servo (Radio Control)
Servos (also RC servos) are small, cheap, mass-produced servomotors or other actuators used for radio control and small-scale robotics.
Radio control servos are connected through a standard three-wire connection: two wires for a DC power supply and one for control, carrying a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal. Each servo has a separate connection and PWM signal from the radio control receiver. This signal is easily generated by simple electronics, or by microcontrollers such as the Arduino. This, together with their low-cost, has led to their wide adoption for robotics and physical computing.
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
2 x EasyDriver – Stepper Motor Driver
2 x Small Stepper Motor
2 x Pololu Mounting
2 x RC Servo Motor
2 x Potentiometer 1M Ohm
2 x Knob
4 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
22 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
3 x Half-Size Breadboard
Arduino UNO
SP1 – Digital 3
DI1 – Digital 2
SP2 – Digital 5
DI2 – Digital 4
SV1 – Digital 6
PO1 – Analog A0
SV2 – Digital 7
PO2 – Analog A1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - RC Servo Motor - Mk02 // 12-01 // DL1912Mk01p.ino 12-02 // Arduino UNO // Screw Shield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // 2 x Small Stepper Motor // 2 x EasyDriver // 2 x RC Servo Motor // 2 x Potentiometer // include the library code: #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> #include <Servo.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // 2 x EasyDriver int dirPinR = 2; // EasyDriver Right int stepPinR = 3; // stepPin Right int dirPinL = 4; // EasyDriver Left int stepPinL = 5; // stepPin Left int i = 0; // 2 x RC Servo Motor // 2 x Potentiometer Servo isRCServo1; // Create servo object to control a RCServo1 int servo1 = 6; // Servo 1 int iPot1 = A0; // Analog Potentiometer 1 int iVal1; // Variable - Analog Potentiometer 1 Servo isRCServo2; // Create servo object to control a RCServo2 int servo2 = 7; // Servo 2 int iPot2 = A1; // Analog Potentiometer 2 int iVal2; // Variable - Analog Potentiometer 2 void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Up isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Down isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Up RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Down RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } }
// Servo // isServoSetup void isServoSetup() { // 2 x RC Servo Motor isRCServo1.attach( servo1 ); isRCServo2.attach( servo2 ); } // isServo1 void isServo1() { // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 iVal1 = analogRead( iPot1 ); // Reads the value of the iPot1 (Value between 0 and 1023) iVal1 = map(iVal1, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Scale it to use it with the isRCServo1 (Value between 0 and 180) isRCServo1.write( iVal1 ); // isRCServo1 sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("isRCServo 1"); // isRCServo 1 // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( iVal1 ); // Reads the value iVal1 delay(500); } // isServo2 void isServo2() { // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 iVal2 = analogRead( iPot2 ); // Reads the value of the iPot2 (Value between 0 and 1023) iVal2 = map(iVal2, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Scale it to use it with the isRCServo2 (Value between 0 and 180) isRCServo2.write( iVal2 ); // isRCServo2 sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("isRCServo 2"); // isRCServo 2 // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( iVal2 ); // Reads the value iVal2 delay(500); }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // 2 x EasyDriver pinMode(dirPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinL, OUTPUT); } // isStepper1 void isStepper1(){ // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("EasyDriver"); // EasyDriver RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Up"); delay(500); // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepper2 void isStepper2(){ // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("EasyDriver"); // EasyDriver RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Down"); delay(500); // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(100); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepperStop void isStepperStop() { // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ // Up yy = 1; // 2 x EasyDriver isStepper1(); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ // Down yy = 2; // 2 x EasyDriver isStepper2(); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ // Right yy = 3; // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 isServo1(); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ // Left yy = 4; // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 2 isServo2(); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ // Stop yy = 5; // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); delay( 500 ); // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); }
// Setup void setup() { // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // EasyDriver delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // 2 x EasyDriver isStepperSetup(); // 2 x RC Servo Motor isServoSetup(); }
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