Project #6: MicroView – Mk02
// ***** Don Luc ***** // Software Version Information // 2.01 // DonLuc1804Mk04 2.01 // MicroView #include <MicroView.h> #include <Time.h> #include <TimeLib.h> // This is the radius of the clock: #define CLOCK_SIZE 23 // Use these defines to set the clock's begin time #define HOUR 9 #define MINUTE 00 #define SECOND 00 #define DAY 9 #define MONTH 4 #define YEAR 2018 // LCD W/H const uint8_t maxW = uView.getLCDWidth(); const uint8_t midW = maxW/2; const uint8_t maxH = uView.getLCDHeight(); const uint8_t midH = maxH/2; // Clock long zzz = 0; static boolean firstDraw = false; static unsigned long mSec = millis() + 1000; static float degresshour, degressmin, degresssec, hourx, houry, minx, miny, secx, secy; void loop() { drawFace(); zzz = 0; while(zzz < 5000) { drawTime(); zzz++; } uView.clear(PAGE); firstDraw = false; uView.setFontType(0); uView.setCursor(0,20); uView.print("09/04/2018"); uView.display(); delay(5000); uView.clear(PAGE); }
void drawFace() { // Draw the clock face. That includes the circle outline and // the 12, 3, 6, and 9 text. uView.setFontType(0); // set font type 0 (Smallest) uint8_t fontW = uView.getFontWidth(); uint8_t fontH = uView.getFontHeight(); //uView.setCursor(27, 0); // points cursor to x=27 y=0 uView.setCursor(midW-fontW-1, midH-CLOCK_SIZE+1); uView.print(12); // Print the "12" uView.setCursor(midW-(fontW/2)-1, midH+CLOCK_SIZE-fontH-1); uView.print(6); // Print the "6" uView.setCursor(midW-CLOCK_SIZE+1, midH-fontH/2); uView.print(9); // Print the "9" uView.setCursor(midW+CLOCK_SIZE-fontW-2, midH-fontH/2); uView.print(3); // Print the "3", midH-1, CLOCK_SIZE); //Draw the clock uView.display(); }
void drawTime() { // If mSec if (mSec != (unsigned long)second()) { // First time draw requires extra line to set up XOR's: if (firstDraw) { uView.line(midW, midH, 32 + hourx, 24 + houry, WHITE, XOR); uView.line(midW, midH, 32 + minx, 24 + miny, WHITE, XOR); uView.line(midW, midH, 32 + secx, 24 + secy, WHITE, XOR); } // Calculate hour hand degrees: degresshour = (((hour() * 360) / 12) + 270) * (PI / 180); // Calculate minute hand degrees: degressmin = (((minute() * 360) / 60) + 270) * (PI / 180); // Calculate second hand degrees: degresssec = (((second() * 360) / 60) + 270) * (PI / 180); // Calculate x,y coordinates of hour hand: hourx = cos(degresshour) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 2.5); houry = sin(degresshour) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 2.5); // Calculate x,y coordinates of minute hand: minx = cos(degressmin) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 1.4); miny = sin(degressmin) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 1.4); // Calculate x,y coordinates of second hand: secx = cos(degresssec) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 1.1); secy = sin(degresssec) * (CLOCK_SIZE / 1.1); // Draw hands with the line function: uView.line(midW, midH, midW+hourx, midH+houry, WHITE, XOR); uView.line(midW, midH, midW+minx, midH+miny, WHITE, XOR); uView.line(midW, midH, midW+secx, midH+secy, WHITE, XOR); // Set firstDraw flag to true, so we don't do it again. firstDraw = true; // Actually draw the hands with the display() function. uView.display(); } }
void setup() { // Set the time in the time library: setTime(HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DAY, MONTH, YEAR); uView.begin(); // begin of MicroView uView.clear(ALL); // erase hardware memory inside the OLED controller uView.display(); // display the content in the buffer memory, by default it is the MicroView logo delay(1000); uView.clear(PAGE); // erase the memory buffer, when next uView.display() is called, the OLED will be cleared. uView.setFontType(1); uView.setCursor(0,20); uView.print("Don Luc"); uView.display(); delay(5000); uView.clear(PAGE); uView.display(); // display the content in the buffer // Draw clock face (circle outline & text): drawFace(); }
Don Luc
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