Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth SparkFun BME280 – Mk21
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #SparkFun #BME280 #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout – BME280
The SparkFun BME280 Atmospheric Sensor Breakout is the easy way to measure barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature readings all without taking up too much space. Basically, anything you need to know about atmospheric conditions you can find out from this tiny breakout. The BME280 Breakout has been design to be used in indoor/outdoor navigation, weather forecasting, home automation, and even personal health and wellness monitoring.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x Android NextBook
1 x SparkFun BME280 – Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 850mAh
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
RX2 – Bluetooth
TX2 – Bluetooth
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - SparkFun BME280 - Mk21 26-21 DL2307Mk02pr.ino 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 1 x Android NextBook 1 x SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 850mAh 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Bluetooth Serial #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it #endif // Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // Bluetooth Serial BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude BME280 myBME280; float BMEtempC = 0; float BMEhumid = 0; float BMEpressure = 0; float BMEaltitudeM = 0; String FullString = ""; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-21"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude isBME280(); // Delay 1 sec delay(1000); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = (myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(), 2); // FullString FullString = "Temperature = " + String(BMEtempC,2) + " Humidity = " + String(BMEhumid,2) + " Barometric = " + String(BMEpressure,2) + " Altitude Meters = " + String(BMEaltitudeM,2) + "\r\n"; // FullString Bluetooth Serial + Serial for(int i = 0; i < FullString.length(); i++) { // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); // Serial Serial.write(FullString.c_str()[i]); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Serial Begin Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting BLE work!"); // Bluetooth Serial SerialBT.begin("Don Luc Electronics"); Serial.println("Bluetooth Started! Ready to pair..."); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // Wire - Inialize I2C Hardware Wire.begin(); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude myBME280.begin(); // Initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Turn the LED on HIGH digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM – Mk20
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #SparkFun #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
The SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus is the next step to get started with Espressif IoT ideations while still enjoying all the amenities of the original ESP32 Thing. Espressif’s ESP32 WROOM is a powerful WiFi and Bluetooth MCU module that targets a wide variety of applications. At the core of this module is the ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip which is designed to be both scalable and adaptive. To make the Thing Plus even easier to use, we’ve moved a few pins around to make the board Feather compatible and it utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system.
The ESP32 Thing plus integrates a rich set of peripherals, ranging from capacitive touch sensors, SD card interface, Ethernet, high-speed SPI, UART, I2S and I2C. Thanks to the onboard ESP32 WROOM module, the SparkFun Thing Plus features 16MB of flash memory, 520kB of internal SRAM, an integrated 802.11 BGN WiFi transceiver and dual-mode Bluetooth capabilities, and a JST connector to plug in a LiPo battery.
1 x Arduino Uno
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM - Mk20 26-20 DL2307Mk01pr.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 2 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // Software Version Information String sver = "26-20"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Setup Bluetooth // Begin the serial monitor at 9600bps Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Print three times individually bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); // Enter command mode // Short delay, wait for the Mate to send back CMD delay(100); // Temporarily Change the baudrate to 9600, no parity bluetooth.println("U,9600,N"); // 115200 can be too fast at times for NewSoftSerial to relay the data reliably // Start bluetooth serial at 9600 bluetooth.begin(9600); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If the bluetooth sent any characters if(bluetooth.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.print((char); } // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if(Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
RX2 – Bluetooth
TX2 – Bluetooth
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM - Mk20 26-20 DL2307Mk01pr.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 2 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Bluetooth Serial #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it #endif // Bluetooth Serial BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-20"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Serial Begin Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth device name SerialBT.begin("DL2307Mk01ps"); // Serial Serial.println("The device started, now you can pair it with bluetooth!"); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if (Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth SerialBT.write(; } // If the bluetooth sent any characters if (SerialBT.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.write(; } // Delay delay(20); }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth Commands – Mk19
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
ACTION Commands
Begin by sending the inquiry scan command: I,
If the modem finds any modules, you can try sending the connect command: C,
< to connect to one of them. The modem in the example above found one devices in range, by sending the C,0006664FAE18 command, we can attempt to connect to one of them. After sending the connect command, the device will respond with "TRYING", which will be followed by either "CONNECT failed" or the connection will be successful. After a successful connection we immediately enter data mode, and the modem becomes a pipeline. Any characters sent from one Bluetooth device will be sent to the other, and vice-versa. DL2306Mk061 x Arduino Uno
1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
2 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth Commands - Mk19 26-19 DL2306Mk03pr.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic 2 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA //String BTA = "0006664FDC9E"; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-19"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Setup Bluetooth // Begin the serial monitor at 9600bps Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Print three times individually bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); // Enter command mode // Short delay, wait for the Mate to send back CMD delay(100); // Temporarily Change the baudrate to 9600, no parity bluetooth.println("U,9600,N"); // 115200 can be too fast at times for NewSoftSerial to relay the data reliably // Start bluetooth serial at 9600 bluetooth.begin(9600); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If the bluetooth sent any characters if(bluetooth.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.print((char); } // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if(Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth Commands - Mk19 26-19 DL2306Mk03ps.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic 2 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 2 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA //String BTA = "0006664FAE18"; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-19"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Setup Bluetooth // Begin the serial monitor at 9600bps Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Print three times individually bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); // Enter command mode // Short delay, wait for the Mate to send back CMD delay(100); // Temporarily Change the baudrate to 9600, no parity bluetooth.println("U,9600,N"); // 115200 can be too fast at times for NewSoftSerial to relay the data reliably // Start bluetooth serial at 9600 bluetooth.begin(9600); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If the bluetooth sent any characters if(bluetooth.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.print((char); } // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if(Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth Moteino – Mk18
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #Accelerometer #Magnetometer #Gyroscope #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
Moteino began as a low power wireless Arduino compatible development platform based on the popular ATmega328p chip used in the Arduino UNO. Moteinos are compatible and can communicate with any other Arduino or development platform that uses the popular HopeRF RFM69 or LoRa transceivers, or even the older RFM12B. Moteino also comes with an optional SPI flash memory chip for wireless programming, or data logging. Moteino was designed to be a compact, highly customizable and affordable development platform, suitable for IoT, home automation and long range wireless projects.
Moteino in RFM12B to rebuild suggests doing as new without completely replacing. I decided to stripped down at RFM12B and rebuild in Bluetooth.
1 x Moteino
1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
1 x SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom Breakout – MPU-9150
1 x LED Red
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
LED – Digital 8
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
SDA – Analog A4
SCL – Analog A5
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth Moteino - Mk18 26-18 DL2306Mk05p.ino 1 x Moteino 1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 1 x SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom Breakout - MPU-9150 1 x LED Red 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) #include <Wire.h> // I2CDev I2C utilities #include "I2Cdev.h" // MPU9150Lib 9-axis fusion #include "MPU9150Lib.h" // CalLib magnetometer and accelerometer calibration #include "CalLib.h" // Motion Driver InvenSense Embedded SDK v5.1 #include <dmpKey.h> #include <dmpmap.h> #include <inv_mpu.h> #include <inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h> // EEPROM Magnetometer and Accelerometer data is stored #include <EEPROM.h> // the MPU object MPU9150Lib MPU; // MPU_UPDATE_RATE defines the rate (in Hz) // at which the MPU updates the sensor data and DMP output #define MPU_UPDATE_RATE (20) // MAG_UPDATE_RATE defines the rate (in Hz) at which the // MPU updates the magnetometer data // MAG_UPDATE_RATE should be less than or equal to the MPU_UPDATE_RATE #define MAG_UPDATE_RATE (10) // MPU_MAG_MIX defines the influence that the magnetometer has on the yaw output. // The magnetometer itself is quite noisy so some mixing with the gyro yaw can help // significantly. Some example values are defined below: // Just use gyro yaw #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_ONLY 0 // Just use magnetometer and no gyro yaw #define MPU_MAG_MIX_MAG_ONLY 1 // A good mix value #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_MAG 10 // mainly gyros with a bit of mag correction #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_SOME_MAG 50 // MPU_LPF_RATE is the low pas filter rate and can be between 5 and 188Hz #define MPU_LPF_RATE 5 // This is our earth frame gravity vector - quaternions and vectors MPUQuaternion gravity; // Quaternion Result float Quaternion_X = 0.0; float Quaternion_Y = 0.0; float Quaternion_Z = 0.0; // SERIAL_PORT_SPEED defines the speed to use for the debug serial port #define SERIAL_PORT_SPEED 115200 // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA String BTA = "0006664FAE18"; // LED Red int iLedRed = 8; // Variable to calculate frequency unsigned long curr = 0; unsigned long last = 0; unsigned long freq; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-18"; void loop() { // MPU isMPU(); }
// MPU // Setup MPU void isSetupMPU() { // MPU MPU.init(MPU_UPDATE_RATE, MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_MAG, MAG_UPDATE_RATE, MPU_LPF_RATE); // start the MPU // Set up the initial gravity vector for quaternion rotation // Max value down the z axis gravity[QUAT_W] = 0; gravity[QUAT_X] = 0; gravity[QUAT_Y] = 0; gravity[QUAT_Z] = SENSOR_RANGE; } // MPU void isMPU() { // Quaternion // This is our body frame gravity vector MPUQuaternion rotatedGravity; // This is the conjugate of the fused quaternion MPUQuaternion fusedConjugate; // Used in the rotation MPUQuaternion qTemp; // The accelerations MPUVector3 result; // Get the latest data if ( { // Need this for the rotation MPUQuaternionConjugate(MPU.m_fusedQuaternion, fusedConjugate); // Rotate the gravity vector into the body frame MPUQuaternionMultiply(gravity, MPU.m_fusedQuaternion, qTemp); MPUQuaternionMultiply(fusedConjugate, qTemp, rotatedGravity); // Now subtract rotated gravity from the body accels to get real accelerations. // Note that signs are reversed to get +ve acceleration results // in the conventional axes. // Quaternion Result Quaternion_X = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_X] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_X]); Quaternion_Y = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_Y] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_Y]); Quaternion_Z = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_Z] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_Z]); // Variable to calculate frequency curr = micros(); freq = curr - last; last = curr; // Bluetooth Serial.print( "Blue|" + BTA + "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_X ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_Y ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_Z ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( freq ); Serial.println( "|*" ); // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Serial Serial.begin(SERIAL_PORT_SPEED); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // LED Red pinMode(iLedRed, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(iLedRed, HIGH); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices Wire.begin(); // Pause delay(50); // Setup MPU isSetupMPU(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth MPU-9150 – Mk17
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #Accelerometer #Magnetometer #Gyroscope #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
MotionInterface is becoming a “Must-Have” function being adopted by smartphone and tablet manufacturers due to the enormous value it adds to the end user experience. In smartphones, it finds use in applications such as gesture commands for applications and phone control, enhanced gaming, augmented reality, panoramic photo capture and viewing, and pedestrian and vehicle navigation. With its ability to precisely and accurately track user motions, MotionTracking technology can convert handsets and tablets into powerful 3D intelligent devices that can be used in applications ranging from health and fitness monitoring to location-based services. Key requirements for MotionInterface enabled devices are small package size, low power consumption, high accuracy and repeatability, high shock tolerance, and application specific performance programmability, all at a low consumer price point.
1 x Arduino Uno
1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
1 x SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom Breakout – MPU-9150
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
SDA – Analog A4
SCL – Analog A5
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth MPU-9150 - Mk17 26-17 DL2306Mk07p.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 1 x SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom Breakout - MPU-9150 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) #include <Wire.h> // I2CDev I2C utilities #include "I2Cdev.h" // MPU9150Lib 9-axis fusion #include "MPU9150Lib.h" // CalLib magnetometer and accelerometer calibration #include "CalLib.h" // Motion Driver InvenSense Embedded SDK v5.1 #include <dmpKey.h> #include <dmpmap.h> #include <inv_mpu.h> #include <inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h> // EEPROM Magnetometer and Accelerometer data is stored #include <EEPROM.h> // the MPU object MPU9150Lib MPU; // MPU_UPDATE_RATE defines the rate (in Hz) // at which the MPU updates the sensor data and DMP output #define MPU_UPDATE_RATE (20) // MAG_UPDATE_RATE defines the rate (in Hz) at which the // MPU updates the magnetometer data // MAG_UPDATE_RATE should be less than or equal to the MPU_UPDATE_RATE #define MAG_UPDATE_RATE (10) // MPU_MAG_MIX defines the influence that the magnetometer has on the yaw output. // The magnetometer itself is quite noisy so some mixing with the gyro yaw can help // significantly. Some example values are defined below: // Just use gyro yaw #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_ONLY 0 // Just use magnetometer and no gyro yaw #define MPU_MAG_MIX_MAG_ONLY 1 // A good mix value #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_MAG 10 // mainly gyros with a bit of mag correction #define MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_SOME_MAG 50 // MPU_LPF_RATE is the low pas filter rate and can be between 5 and 188Hz #define MPU_LPF_RATE 5 // This is our earth frame gravity vector - quaternions and vectors MPUQuaternion gravity; // Quaternion Result float Quaternion_X = 0.0; float Quaternion_Y = 0.0; float Quaternion_Z = 0.0; // SERIAL_PORT_SPEED defines the speed to use for the debug serial port #define SERIAL_PORT_SPEED 115200 // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA String BTA = "0006664FDC9E"; // Variable to calculate frequency unsigned long curr = 0; unsigned long last = 0; unsigned long freq; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-17"; void loop() { // MPU isMPU(); }
// MPU // Setup MPU void isSetupMPU() { // MPU MPU.init(MPU_UPDATE_RATE, MPU_MAG_MIX_GYRO_AND_MAG, MAG_UPDATE_RATE, MPU_LPF_RATE); // start the MPU // Set up the initial gravity vector for quaternion rotation // Max value down the z axis gravity[QUAT_W] = 0; gravity[QUAT_X] = 0; gravity[QUAT_Y] = 0; gravity[QUAT_Z] = SENSOR_RANGE; } // MPU void isMPU() { // Quaternion // This is our body frame gravity vector MPUQuaternion rotatedGravity; // This is the conjugate of the fused quaternion MPUQuaternion fusedConjugate; // Used in the rotation MPUQuaternion qTemp; // The accelerations MPUVector3 result; // Get the latest data if ( { // Need this for the rotation MPUQuaternionConjugate(MPU.m_fusedQuaternion, fusedConjugate); // Rotate the gravity vector into the body frame MPUQuaternionMultiply(gravity, MPU.m_fusedQuaternion, qTemp); MPUQuaternionMultiply(fusedConjugate, qTemp, rotatedGravity); // Now subtract rotated gravity from the body accels to get real accelerations. // Note that signs are reversed to get +ve acceleration results // in the conventional axes. // Quaternion Result Quaternion_X = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_X] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_X]); Quaternion_Y = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_Y] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_Y]); Quaternion_Z = -(MPU.m_calAccel[VEC3_Z] - rotatedGravity[QUAT_Z]); // Variable to calculate frequency curr = micros(); freq = curr - last; last = curr; // Bluetooth Serial.print( "Blue|" + BTA + "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_X ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_Y ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( Quaternion_Z ); Serial.print( "|" ); Serial.print( freq ); Serial.println( "|*" ); // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Serial Serial.begin(SERIAL_PORT_SPEED); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Give display time to power on delay(100); // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices Wire.begin(); // Pause delay(50); // Setup MPU isSetupMPU(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – Bluetooth Mate Silver – Mk16
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
The Bluetooth Mate is very similar to our BlueSMiRF modem, but it is designed specifically to be used with our Arduino Pros and LilyPad Arduinos. These modems work as a serial (RX/TX) pipe, and are a great wireless replacement for serial cables. Any serial stream from 2400 to 115200bps can be passed seamlessly from your computer to your target.
Bluetooth Mate has the same pin out as the FTDI Basic, and is meant to plug directly into an Arduino Pro, Pro Mini, or LilyPad Mainboard. Because we’ve arranged the pins to do this, you cannot directly plug the Bluetooth Mate to an FTDI Basic board.
The RN-42 is perfect for short range, battery powered applications. The RN-42 uses only 26uA in sleep mode while still being discoverable and connectable. Multiple user configurable power modes allow the user to dial in the lowest power profile for a given application. The Bluetooth Mate has on-board voltage regulators, so it can be powered from any 3.3 to 6VDC power supply. We’ve got level shifting all set up so the RX and TX pins on the remote unit are 3-6VDC tolerant.
1 x Arduino Uno
1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno
RX – Digital 3
TX – Digital 2
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - Bluetooth Mate Silver - Mk16 26-16 DL2306Mk03p.ino 1 x Arduino Uno 1 x SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Software Serial #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Software Serial // TX-O pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D2 int bluetoothTx = 2; // RX-I pin of bluetooth mate, Arduino D3 int bluetoothRx = 3; // Bluetooth SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx); // BTA //String BTA = "0006664FDC9E"; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-16"; void loop() { // isBluetooth isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // Setup Bluetooth void isSetupBluetooth(){ // Setup Bluetooth // Begin the serial monitor at 9600bps Serial.begin(9600); // Bluetooth // The Bluetooth Mate defaults to 115200bps bluetooth.begin(115200); // Print three times individually bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); bluetooth.print("$"); // Enter command mode // Short delay, wait for the Mate to send back CMD delay(100); // Temporarily Change the baudrate to 9600, no parity bluetooth.println("U,9600,N"); // 115200 can be too fast at times for NewSoftSerial to relay the data reliably // Start bluetooth serial at 9600 bluetooth.begin(9600); } // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // If the bluetooth sent any characters if(bluetooth.available()) { // Send any characters the bluetooth prints to the serial monitor Serial.print((char); } // If stuff was typed in the serial monitor if(Serial.available()) { // Send any characters the Serial monitor prints to the bluetooth bluetooth.print((char); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Bluetooth isSetupBluetooth(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – 4×4 Offroad Race – Mk15
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #Games #Gamepad #ESP32 #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
4×4 Offroad Race
3D off-road racing game. Powerful off-road vehicles, trails and routes running on dirt roads, extreme weather conditions and violent opponents, all that we call 4×4 Offroad Race. You will be able to experience the most powerful four-wheel drive vehicles. You have to overcome terrible roads, do jumps over bumps and potholes and knock opponents off the track to win all the races.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit
1 x Thumb Joystick
1 x SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout
1 x Terminal Block Breakout FeatherWing
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 1 Ah
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
LJH – Analog A3
LJV – Analog A2
LJS – Digital 12
RJH – Analog A1
RJV – Analog A0
RJS – Digital 21
LD1 – Digital 16
LD2 – Digital 18
LD3 – Digital 19
LD4 – Digital 17
LT – Digital 5
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - 4x4 Offroad Race - Mk15 26-15 DL2304Mk03p.ino 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 1 x SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit 1 x Thumb Joystick 1 x SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout 1 x Terminal Block Breakout FeatherWing 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 1 Ah 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Arduino #include <Arduino.h> // ESP32 BLE Gamepad #include <BleGamepad.h> // ESP32 BLE Gamepad BleGamepad bleGamepad; // Left Joystick #define LJH A3 #define LJV A2 #define LJS 12 // Right Joystick #define RJH A0 #define RJV A1 #define RJS 21 // D-pad #define LD1 19 #define LD2 17 #define LD3 18 #define LD4 16 // LT #define LT 5 // Previous Button State int previousButton1State = HIGH; int previousButton2State = HIGH; int previousButton3State = HIGH; int previousButton4State = HIGH; int previousButton5State = HIGH; int previousButton6State = HIGH; int previousButton7State = HIGH; // Number of pot samples to take (to smooth the values) const int numberOfPotSamples = 5; // Delay in milliseconds between pot samples const int delayBetweenSamples = 2; // Additional delay in milliseconds between HID reports const int delayBetweenHIDReports = 5; // Delay in milliseconds between button press const int debounceDelay = 10; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-15"; void loop() { // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // ESP32 BLE Gamepad if(bleGamepad.isConnected()) { // Button isButton(); // Joystick isThumbJoystick(); } }
// Games // Set Inputs void setInputs() { // Make the button line an input pinMode(LJS, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RJS, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LD1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LD2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LD3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LD4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LT, INPUT_PULLUP); // Initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Turn the LED on HIGH digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } // Button void isButton(){ // Button1 State LD1 int currentButton1State = digitalRead(LD1); if (currentButton1State != previousButton1State) { if (currentButton1State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_1); } } previousButton1State = currentButton1State; // Button2 State LD2 int currentButton2State = digitalRead(LD2); if (currentButton2State != previousButton2State) { if (currentButton2State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_2); } } previousButton2State = currentButton2State; // Button3 State LD3 int currentButton3State = digitalRead(LD3); if (currentButton3State != previousButton3State) { if (currentButton3State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_3); } } previousButton3State = currentButton3State; // Button4 State LD4 int currentButton4State = digitalRead(LD4); if (currentButton4State != previousButton4State) { if (currentButton4State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_4); } } previousButton4State = currentButton4State; // Button5 State LJS int currentButton5State = digitalRead(LJS); if (currentButton5State != previousButton5State) { if (currentButton5State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_5); } } previousButton5State = currentButton5State; // Button6 State RJS int currentButton6State = digitalRead(RJS); if (currentButton6State != previousButton6State) { if (currentButton6State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_6); } } previousButton6State = currentButton6State; // Button7 State LT int currentButton7State = digitalRead(LT); if (currentButton7State != previousButton7State) { if (currentButton7State == LOW) {; } else { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_7); } } previousButton7State = currentButton7State; }
// Thumb Joystick void isThumbJoystick() { // Joystick LJH // Joystick Pot Values LJH int potValues[numberOfPotSamples]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValues[i] = analogRead(LJH); delay(delayBetweenSamples); } int potValue = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValue += potValues[i]; } // Value / Pot Samples potValue = potValue / numberOfPotSamples; // Adjusted Value int adjustedValue = map(potValue, 0, 4095, 32737, 0); // Joystick LJV // Joystick Pot Values LJV int potValues2[numberOfPotSamples]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValues2[i] = analogRead(LJV); delay(delayBetweenSamples); } int potValue2 = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValue2 += potValues2[i]; } // Value2 / Pot Samples potValue2 = potValue2 / numberOfPotSamples; // Adjusted Value2 int adjustedValue2 = map(potValue2, 0, 4095, 32737, 0); // Joystick RJH // Joystick Pot Values RJH int potValues3[numberOfPotSamples]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValues3[i] = analogRead(RJH); delay(delayBetweenSamples); } int potValue3 = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValue3 += potValues3[i]; } // Value3 / Pot Samples potValue3 = potValue3 / numberOfPotSamples; // Adjusted Value3 int adjustedValue3 = map(potValue3, 0, 4095, 32737, 0); // Joystick RJV // Joystick Pot Values RJV int potValues4[numberOfPotSamples]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValues4[i] = analogRead(RJV); delay(delayBetweenSamples); } int potValue4 = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfPotSamples ; i++) { potValue4 += potValues4[i]; } // Value4 / Pot Samples potValue4 = potValue4 / numberOfPotSamples; // Adjusted Value4 int adjustedValue4 = map(potValue4, 0, 4095, 0, 32737); //bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, 0, 0, adjustedValue3, adjustedValue4, DPAD_CENTERED); bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, adjustedValue4, 0, adjustedValue3, 0, DPAD_CENTERED); delay(delayBetweenHIDReports); // D-pad // LD1 if (digitalRead(LD1) == LOW){ bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, adjustedValue4, 0, adjustedValue3, 0, DPAD_UP); } // LD2 if (digitalRead(LD2) == LOW){ bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, adjustedValue4, 0, adjustedValue3, 0, DPAD_LEFT); } // LD3 if (digitalRead(LD3) == LOW){ bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, adjustedValue4, 0, adjustedValue3, 0, DPAD_DOWN); } // LD4 if (digitalRead(LD4) == LOW){ bleGamepad.setAxes(adjustedValue, adjustedValue2, adjustedValue4, 0, adjustedValue3, 0, DPAD_RIGHT); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Set Inputs setInputs(); // ESP32 BLE Gamepad bleGamepad.begin(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – SparkFun Joystick Shield – Mk09
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #Bluetooth #SparkFunJoystickShield #SparkFunThingPlusESP32WROOM #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit
The SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit contains all the parts you need to enable your Arduino with a joystick. The shield sits on top of your Arduino and turns it into a simple controller. Five momentary push buttons and a two-axis thumb joystick gives your Arduino functionality on the level of old Nintendo controllers. Soldering is required, but it’s relatively easy and requires minimal tools. We even have a step by step guide.
The momentary push buttons are connected to Arduino digital pins 2-6; when pressed they will pull the pin low. Vertical movement of the joystick will produce a proportional analog voltage on analog pin 0, likewise, horizontal movement of the joystick can be tracked on analog pin 1.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 1 Ah
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
DLE_UP – Digital 16
DLE_DOWN – Digital 19
DLE_LEFT – Digital 18
DLE_RIGHT – Digital 17
DLE_FIRE – Digital 21
DLE_SPACE – Digital 5
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - SparkFun Joystick Shield - Mk09 26-09 DL2301Mk01p.ino 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 1 x SparkFun Joystick Shield Kit 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 1 Ah 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // ESP32 BLE Keyboard - NIMBLE #define USE_NIMBLE #include <BleKeyboard.h> // ESP32 BLE Keyboard BleKeyboard bleKeyboard; // Game Controller Buttons #define DLE_UP 16 #define DLE_DOWN 19 #define DLE_LEFT 18 #define DLE_RIGHT 17 #define DLE_FIRE 21 #define DLE_SPACE 5 // Button bool keyStates[6] = {false, false, false, false, false, false}; int keyPins[6] = {DLE_UP, DLE_DOWN, DLE_LEFT, DLE_RIGHT, DLE_FIRE, DLE_SPACE}; uint8_t keyCodes[6] = {'w', 'x', 'a', 'd', 'y', ' '}; // Connect Notification Sent bool connectNotificationSent = false; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-09"; void loop() { // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // Counter int counter; // ESP32 BLE Keyboard if(bleKeyboard.isConnected()) { // Connect Notification Sent if (!connectNotificationSent) { connectNotificationSent = true; } // Button for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++){ handleButton(counter); } } }
// Games // Set Inputs void setInputs() { // Make the button line an input pinMode(DLE_UP, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DLE_DOWN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DLE_LEFT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DLE_RIGHT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DLE_FIRE, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(DLE_SPACE, INPUT_PULLUP); } // Handle Button void handleButton(int keyIndex){ // Handle the button press if (!digitalRead(keyPins[keyIndex])){ // Button pressed if (!keyStates[keyIndex]){ // Key not currently pressed keyStates[keyIndex] = true;[keyIndex]); } } else { // Button not pressed if (keyStates[keyIndex]){ // Key currently pressed keyStates[keyIndex] = false; bleKeyboard.release(keyCodes[keyIndex]); } } }
// Setup void setup() { // Set Inputs setInputs(); // ESP32 BLE Keyboard bleKeyboard.begin(); }
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2023
Don Luc
Project #26 – Radio Frequency – B4J – Mk08
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #RadioFrequency #B4J #Bluetooth #SparkFunThingPlusESP32WROOM #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
RAD development tool for cross platform desktop, server and IoT solutions. B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions. With B4J you can easily create desktop applications, console programs and server solutions. B4J apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards such as Raspberry Pi. The compiled apps are standalone, without any external dependencies.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 1 Ah
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
TX0 – Digital 26
TR0 – Digital 27
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #26 - Radio Frequency - B4J - Mk08 26-08 DL2301Mk01p.ino 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 1 x GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 (56 Channel) 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 1 Ah 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) #include "BluetoothSerial.h" // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // Software Version Information String sver = "26-08"; void loop() { // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) isBluetooth(); }
// Bluetooth // isBluetooth void isBluetooth() { // Input byte inputFromOtherSide; // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) if (SerialBT.available()) { // Input Read inputFromOtherSide =; // Write SerialBT.write(inputFromOtherSide); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Bluetooth Serial (ESP32SPP) SerialBT.begin("DLE"); // Delay delay(1000); }
B4J – Bluetooth
#Region Project Attributes ' Form Width and Form Height #MainFormWidth: 600 #MainFormHeight: 400 #End Region Sub Process_Globals 'Java OpenJDK 11 Private fx As JFX ' MainForm => Form Private MainForm As Form ' Button Private btnConnect As Button Private btnSearch As Button Private btnSend As Button ' List View Private ListView1 As ListView ' Text Field Private txtInput As TextField ' Text Area Private txtLog As TextArea ' Bluetooth Private bt As Bluetooth ' Async Streams Private astream As AsyncStreams ' Boolean Private connected As Boolean Private searchingForDevices As Boolean ' Bluetooth Connection Private currentConnection As BluetoothConnection ' Map Private foundDevices As Map ' Button Private btnDisconnect As Button ' Label Private lblConnectionState As Label Private lblSearchState As Label ' Image View Private ImageView1 As ImageView End Sub Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) ' App Start => MainForm = Form1 MainForm = Form1 MainForm.SetFormStyle("UNIFIED") ' Load the layout file. MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("1") ' Show MainForm.Show ' Bluetooth bt.Initialize("bt") foundDevices.Initialize If bt.IsEnabled Then bt.Listen End If ' Update State UpdateState End Sub Private Sub UpdateState ' Update State If bt.IsEnabled = False Then ' No Bluetooth lblSearchState.Text = "Bluetooth not available" For Each n As Node In MainForm.RootPane n.Enabled = False Next Else ' Bluetooth ' Button btnSearch.Enabled = Not(searchingForDevices) btnConnect.Enabled = Not(connected) And ListView1.SelectedIndex > -1 txtInput.Enabled = connected btnSend.Enabled = connected btnDisconnect.Enabled = connected ' State => Connected or Disconnected Dim state As String If connected Then state = "Connected: " & currentConnection.Name Else state = "Disconnected" End If ' Label lblConnectionState.Text = state lblSearchState.Text = "Searching..." lblSearchState.Visible = searchingForDevices End If End Sub Private Sub btnSearch_Action ' Button ' Search Boolean Dim res As Boolean = bt.StartDiscovery If res Then ' Searching For Devices searchingForDevices = True ' List View ListView1.Items.Clear ' Update State UpdateState Else ' Error Log("Error starting discovery") End If End Sub Private Sub bt_DeviceFound (Name As String, MacAddress As String) ' Button ' Device Found => Description Dim description As String = Name & ": " & MacAddress ' List View ListView1.Items.Add(description) ' Found Devices foundDevices.Put(description, MacAddress) End Sub Private Sub bt_DiscoveryFinished ' Button ' Discovery Finished searchingForDevices = False ' Update State UpdateState End Sub Private Sub btnConnect_Action ' Button ' Connect Dim address As String = foundDevices.Get(ListView1.SelectedItem) ' Bluetooth bt.Connect(address) End Sub Private Sub bt_Connected (Success As Boolean, connection As BluetoothConnection) ' Button Log($"Connected, success=${Success}"$) ' Success If Success Then ' Connection currentConnection = connection connected = True ' AStream If astream.IsInitialized Then astream.Close astream.InitializePrefix(connection.InputStream, True, connection.OutputStream, "AStream") End If ' Bluetooth Listen bt.Listen ' Update State UpdateState End Sub Sub AStream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte) ' AStream New Data ' You => Arduino LogMessage("You", BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")) End Sub Sub AStream_Error ' AStream Error connected = False ' Update State UpdateState End Sub Sub AStream_Terminated ' AStream Terminated AStream_Error End Sub Private Sub txtInput_Action ' Button Send btnSend_Action End Sub Private Sub btnSend_Action ' Button Send If txtInput.Text.Length > 0 Then ' AStream ' Me => B4J LogMessage("Me", txtInput.Text) ' AStream Write astream.Write(txtInput.Text.GetBytes("utf8")) txtInput.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub LogMessage(From As String, Msg As String) ' Log Message txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text & From & ": " & Msg & CRLF txtLog.SetSelection(txtLog.Text.Length, txtLog.Text.Length) End Sub Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int) ' Update State UpdateState End Sub Private Sub btnDisconnect_Action ' Bluetooth Disconnect currentConnection.Disconnect ' AStream Close If astream.IsInitialized Then astream.Close connected = False ' Update State UpdateState End Sub
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Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022
Don Luc
Project #24 – RTOS – Bluetooth – Mk03
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ESP32 #RTOS #FreeRTOS #Bluetooth #ThumbJoystick #Keyboard #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
A joystick is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or direction to the device it is controlling. Joysticks are often used to control video games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. A popular variation of the joystick used on modern video game consoles is the analog stick. Joysticks are also used for controlling machines such as cranes, trucks, underwater unmanned vehicles, wheelchairs, surveillance cameras, and zero turning radius lawn mowers. This is a joystick very similar to the analog joysticks on PS2 controllers. Directional movements are simply two potentiometers, one for each axis. Pots are 10k Ohm each. This joystick also has a select button that is actuated when the joystick is pressed down.
1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2500mAh
1 x Thumb Joystick
1 x SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
ESP32 Feather
JY0 – Analog A0
JY1 – Analog A5
SE0 – Digital 12
LED – Digital 13
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #24 - RTOS - Bluetooth - Mk03 24-03 DL2210Mk04p.ino 1 x Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 2500mAh 1 x Thumb Joystick 1 x SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // FreeRTOS ESP32 #if CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE #define ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE 0 #else #define ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE 1 #endif // ESP32 BLE Keyboard #include <BleKeyboard.h> // ESP32 BLE Keyboard BleKeyboard bleKeyboard; // Connections to joystick // Vertical const int VERT = A0; // Horizontal const int HORIZ = A5; // Pushbutton const int SEL = 12; // Initialize variables for analog and digital values int vertical; int horizontal; int selec; // Led Built In #ifndef LED_BUILTIN #define LED_BUILTIN 13 #endif // Define two tasks for Blink void isTaskBlink( void *pvParameters ); // Software Version Information String sver = "24-03"; void loop() { // ESP32 BLE Keyboard if(bleKeyboard.isConnected()) { // Thumb Joystick isThumbJoystick(); } // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// Tasks // Setup Task void isSetupTask(){ // Now set up two tasks to run independently // TaskBlink xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( isTaskBlink , "TaskBlink" // A name just for humans , 1024 // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading. , NULL , 2 // Priority, with 2 being the highest, and 0 being the lowest. , NULL , ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE); // Now the task scheduler, which takes over control of scheduling individual tasks, // is automatically started. } // This is a Task Blink void isTaskBlink(void *pvParameters) { (void) pvParameters; // Blink // Turns on an LED on for 2 second, then off for 2 second, repeatedly // Initialize digital LED_BUILTIN on pin 13 as an output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // A Task shall never return or exit for (;;) { // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // One tick delay in between reads vTaskDelay(2000); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // One tick delay in between reads vTaskDelay(2000); } }
// Thumb Joystick void isThumbJoystick() { // Read all values from the joystick // Joystick was sitting around 2047 for the vertical and horizontal values // Will be 0-4095 // Vertical vertical = analogRead(VERT); if (vertical == 4095) { // Volume Up bleKeyboard.write(KEY_MEDIA_VOLUME_UP); } else if (vertical == 0) { // Volume Down bleKeyboard.write(KEY_MEDIA_VOLUME_DOWN); } // Horizontal // Will be 0-4095 horizontal = analogRead(HORIZ); if (horizontal == 4095) { // Previous Track bleKeyboard.write(KEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK); } else if (horizontal == 0) { // Next Track bleKeyboard.write(KEY_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK); } // Will be HIGH (1) if not pressed, and LOW (0) if pressed selec = digitalRead(SEL); if (selec == 0) { // Play/Pause media key bleKeyboard.write(KEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Make the SEL line an input pinMode(SEL, INPUT_PULLUP); // ESP32 BLE Keyboard bleKeyboard.begin(); // Setup Task isSetupTask(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc