Program Arduino
Project #16: Sound – Brownian Noise – Mk02
#donluc #sound #programming #arduino #fritzing #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #vlog
Brownian Noise
White noise has equal intensity at equal frequencies. This sounds tinny and harsh to humans. The problem is due to the high frequencies. In order to produce a more pleasant sound, we need to attenuate those high frequencies. This is called a “low pass filter”. Brownian noise is noise with a power density which decreases 6 dB per octave with increasing frequency and, when heard, has a “damped” or “soft” quality compared to white and pink noise.
In science is the kind of signal noise produced by Brownian motion, hence its alternative name of random walk noise. The graphic representation of the sound signal mimics a Brownian pattern. The sound is a low roar resembling a waterfall or heavy rainfall.
Brown Noise Sleep Machine
Brown noise can be produced by integrating white noise. That is, whereas white noise can be produced by randomly choosing each sample independently, Brown noise can be produced by adding a random offset to each sample to obtain the next one. Note that while the first sample is random across the entire range that the sound sample can take on, the remaining offsets from there on are a tenth or thereabouts, leaving room for the signal to bounce around.
This is a pretty common diode. It acts as a flyback, a protective measure to against voltage spikes caused by inductive loads, in this case the speaker. It is basically the same setup, except that an electrolytic decoupling capacitors has been added. I found that 33uF to be suitable. If the output sounds too tinny, which I think is unlikely, then increase the capacitance. As you increase the capacitance, the output volume will go down. So you might try experimenting with a lower capacitance and potentiometer.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
1 x 1K Potentiometer
1 x Knob
1 x Diode Small Signal – 1N4148
1 x Electrolytic Decoupling Capacitors – 33uF/63V
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
9 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
SPT – Digital 6
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - Brownian Noise - Mk02 // 09-02 // DL2010Mk01p.ino 16-02 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 1 x 1K Potentiometer // 1 x Knob // 1 x Diode Small Signal - 1N4148 // 1 x Electrolytic Decoupling Capacitors - 33uF/63V // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 9 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M // 1 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // Include the Library Code // Mini Speaker int SPK = 6; long randNumber; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-02"; void loop() { // Mini Speaker randNumber = random(); digitalWrite( SPK , randNumber ); // Delay the actual frequency of updates delayMicroseconds (50); }
// Setup void setup() { // Connect a speaker between ground pinMode(SPK, OUTPUT); // Random Seed randomSeed(analogRead( SPK )); }
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #16: Sound – White Noise – Mk01
#donluc #sound #programming #arduino #fritzing #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #vlog
White Noise
In signal processing, white noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density. In other words, the signal has equal power in any band of a given bandwidth when the bandwidth is measured in Hz. The term is used, with this or similar meanings, in many scientific and technical disciplines, including physics, acoustical engineering, telecommunications, and statistical forecasting. White noise refers to a statistical model for signals and signal sources, rather than to any specific signal.
White noise is commonly used in the production of electronic music, usually either directly or as an input for a filter to create other types of noise signal. A simple example of white noise is a nonexistent radio station (static). White noise is also used to obtain the impulse response of an electrical circuit, in particular of amplifiers and other audio equipment. Computing, white noise is used as the basis of some random number generators.
Sounds from all frequencies we can hear. Tends to sound high pitch and tinny. This tends to be the least pleasant noise.
Simple breakout board for the 3.5mm audio jack, TRS are abbreviations for Tip / Ring / Sleeve. A TRS is often though of as stereo, as the addition of the ring gives us two contacts allowing us a left and right audio channel.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
3 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
SPT – Digital 6
SPR – Digital 7
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - White Noise - Mk01 // 09-01 // DL2009Mk01p.ino 16-01 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 3 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // Include the Library Code // Mini Speaker int Tip = 6; int Ring = 7; long randNumber; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-01"; void loop() { // Mini Speaker randNumber = random(); digitalWrite( Tip , randNumber ); randNumber = random(); digitalWrite( Ring , randNumber ); // Delay the actual frequency of updates delayMicroseconds (50); }
// Setup void setup() { // Connect a speaker between ground pinMode(Tip, OUTPUT); pinMode(Ring, OUTPUT); // Random Seed randomSeed(analogRead( Tip )); randomSeed(analogRead( Ring )); }
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
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- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1h – Mk12
Pololu Stepper Motor Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 2.8V, 1.7 A/Phase
This hybrid bipolar stepping motor has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution). Each phase draws 1.7 A at 2.8 V, allowing for a holding torque of 3.7 kg-cm. The motor has four color-coded wires terminated with bare leads: black and green connect to one coil; red and blue connect to the other.
1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
2 x Pololu DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
2 x Electrolytic Decoupling Capacitors – 100uF/25V
2 x Pololu Stepper Motor Bipolar, 2.8V, 1.7 A/Phase
2 x Pololu Universal Aluminum Mounting Hub for 5mm Shaft, M3 Holes
1 x Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB
14 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
SP1 – Digital 9
DI1 – Digital 8
SP2 – Digital 7
DI2 – Digital 6
VIN – 3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1h - Mk12 // 03-05 // DL2003Mk05Rp.ino 12-12 // Receiver // 1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic // 2 x Pololu DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier // 2 x Electrolytic Decoupling Capacitors - 100uF/25V // 2 x Pololu Stepper Motor Bipolar, 2.8V, 1.7 A/Phase // 2 x Pololu Universal Aluminum Mounting Hub for 5mm Shaft, M3 Holes // 1 x Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB // Include the library code: // DRV8834 Stepper Motor Driver #include <BasicStepperDriver.h> #include <MultiDriver.h> // DRV8834 Stepper Motor Driver // Stepper motor steps per revolution. Most steppers are 200 steps or 1.8 degrees/step #define MOTOR_STEPS 200 // Target RPM for X axis stepper motor #define MOTOR_X_RPM 800 // Target RPM for Y axis stepper motor #define MOTOR_Y_RPM 800 // Since microstepping is set externally, make sure this matches the selected mode // If it doesn't, the motor will move at a different RPM than chosen // 1=full step, 2=half step etc. #define MICROSTEPS 1 // X Stepper motor #define DIR_X 8 #define STEP_X 9 // Y Stepper motor #define DIR_Y 6 #define STEP_Y 7 // BasicStepperDriver BasicStepperDriver stepperX(MOTOR_STEPS, DIR_X, STEP_X); BasicStepperDriver stepperY(MOTOR_STEPS, DIR_Y, STEP_Y); // Pick one of the two controllers below each motor moves independently MultiDriver controller(stepperX, stepperY); // Software Version Information String sver = "12-12"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { controller.rotate(360, 360); }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // Set stepper target motors RPM. stepperX.begin(MOTOR_X_RPM, MICROSTEPS); stepperY.begin(MOTOR_Y_RPM, MICROSTEPS); }
// Setup void setup() { // DRV8834 Stepper Motor Driver isStepperSetup(); }
Technology Experience
- Research & Development (R & D)
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- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
- Robotics
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
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The Alpha Geek
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1f – Mk10
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
1 x XBee S1
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
1 x Slide Pot (Small)
1 x Knob
1 x Acrylic Blue 5.75in x 3.75in x 1/8in
24 x Screw – 4-40
12 x Standoff – Metal 4-40 – 3/8″
7 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer USB
1 x DIGI XCTU Software
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
LP1 – Analog A0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Transmitter
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 40717A1F
CE Coordinator: Coordinator
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1f - Mk10 // 02-07 // DL2002Mk01p.ino 12-10 // Arduino UNO - R3 // ProtoScrewShield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // XBee S1 // Stepper // Slide Pot (Small) // Knob // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Communication unsigned long dTime = 50; // Slide Pot (Small) int iSP1 = A0; // Select the input pin for the slide pot int iValue = 0; // Variable to store the value // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to read to next) // Version String sver = "12-10.p"; // Unit ID Information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Forward isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Reverse isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Forward RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Reverse RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } // Read the value iValue = analogRead( iSP1 ); // Process Message isProcessMessage(); delay( dTime ); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { // Loop through serial buffer while ( Serial.available() ) { // Print = "<" + yy + "|" + sver + "|" + iValue + "*" Serial.print( '<' ); Serial.print( yy ); Serial.print( '|' ); Serial.print( iValue ); Serial.println( '*' ); } }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ yy = 1; // Stepper // Forward RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Forward"); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ yy = 2; // Stepper // Reverse RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Reverse"); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ yy = 3; // Stepper // Right RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Right"); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ yy = 4; // Stepper // Left RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Left"); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ yy = 5; // Stepper // Stop RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open serial port at 9600 baud Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Version: "); // Version RGBLCDShield.print( sver ); // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("UID: "); // Unit ID Information RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1e – Mk09
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
2 x XBee S1
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
1 x Breakout Board for XBee Module
2 x EasyDriver
2 x Small Stepper
1 x Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Shield
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2Ah
1 x LED Green
1 x Slide Pot (Small)
1 x Knob
7 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
16 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer USB
1 x DIGI XCTU Software
1 x SparkFun USB Mini-B Cable
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
LP1 – Analog A0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Transmitter
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 40717A1F
CE Coordinator: Coordinator
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1d - Mk09 // 02-05 // DL2002Mk01p.ino 12-09 // Arduino UNO - R3 // ProtoScrewShield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // XBee S1 // Stepper // Slide Pot (Small) // Knob // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Communication unsigned long dTime = 50; // Slide Pot (Small) int iSP1 = A0; // Select the input pin for the slide pot int iValue = 0; // Variable to store the value // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to read to next) // Version String sver = "12-9.p"; // Unit ID Information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Up isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Down isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Up RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Down RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } // Read the value iValue = analogRead( iSP1 ); // Process Message isProcessMessage(); delay( dTime ); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { // String msg = ""; /// Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message //while ( Serial.available() ) // { // Print => XBEE + Unit ID + Version + * // msg = "XBEE|" + uid + "|" + sver + "|" + yy + "|*"; Serial.print( '<' ); Serial.print( yy ); Serial.print( '|' ); Serial.print( iValue ); Serial.println( '*' ); // } }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ yy = 1; // Stepper // Up RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Up"); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ yy = 2; // Stepper // Down RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Down"); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ yy = 3; // Stepper // Right RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Right"); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ yy = 4; // Stepper // Left RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Left"); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ yy = 5; // Stepper // Stop RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open serial port at 9600 baud Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Serial // Serial.println( "Don Luc Electronics"); // Serial.println( "Robotics"); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Version: "); // Version RGBLCDShield.print( sver ); // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("UID: "); // Unit ID Information RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); // Serial // Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); // Serial.println( sver ); // Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); // Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
LEG – Digital 6
SP1 – Digital 3
DI1 – Digital 2
SP2 – Digital 5
DI2 – Digital 4
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Receiver
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 4076E2C5
CE Coordinator: End Device
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1e - Mk09 // 02-05 // DL2002Mk05Rp.ino 12-09 // Arduino UNO - SparkFun RedBoard // EEPROM with Unique ID // Receiver // Breakout Board for XBee Module // XBee S1 // 2 x EasyDriver // 2 x Small Stepper // Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Shield // Lithium Ion Battery - 2Ah // LED Green // delayMicroseconds // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Momentary Button int yy = ""; // 2 x EasyDriver - 2 x Stepper int dirPinR = 2; // EasyDriver Right int stepPinR = 3; // stepPin Right int dirPinL = 4; // EasyDriver Left int stepPinL = 5; // stepPin Left int i = 0; // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 6; // Process Message bool bStart = false; // Start bool bEnd = false; // End int incb = 0; // Variable to store the incoming byte String msg = ""; // Message String zzz = ""; byte in = 0; // Index int x = 0; // delayMicroseconds int dMicro = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "12-09"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Check for serial messages if ( Serial.available() ) { isProcessMessage(); } // Switch isSwitch(); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { // Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message while ( Serial.available() ) { // Read the incoming byte: incb =; // Start the message when the '<' symbol is received if(incb == '<') { bStart = true; in = 0; msg = ""; } // End the message when the '*' symbol is received else if(incb == '*') { bEnd = true; x = msg.length(); msg.remove( x , 1); break; // Done reading } // Read the message else { if(in < 8) // Make sure there is room { msg = msg + char(incb); in++; } } } if( bStart && bEnd) { // Stepper zzz = msg.charAt( 0 ); yy = zzz.toInt(); msg.remove( 0 , 2); // delayMicroseconds dMicro = msg.toInt() + 300; in = 0; zzz = ""; msg = ""; bStart = false; bEnd = false; } }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // 2 x EasyDriver pinMode(dirPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinL, OUTPUT); } // isStepper1 void isStepper1(){ // 2 x EasyDriver - Up digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. } // isStepper2 void isStepper2(){ // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. } // Switch 3 void isStepper3(){ // Right // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. } // Switch 4 void isStepper4(){ // Left // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(dMicro); // This delay time is close to top speed. } // isStepperStop void isStepperStop() { // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the }
// Switch // isSwitch void isSwitch(){ switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Stepper 1 - Up isStepper1(); break; case 2: // Stepper 2 - Back isStepper2(); break; case 3: // Stepper 3 - Right isStepper3(); break; case 4: // Stepper 4 - Left isStepper4(); break; case 5: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); break; default: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // 2 x EasyDriver isStepperSetup(); // LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH); }
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1d – Mk08
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
2 x XBee S1
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
1 x Breakout Board for XBee Module
2 x EasyDriver
2 x Small Stepper
1 x Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Shield
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2Ah
1 x LED Green
7 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
13 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer USB
1 x DIGI XCTU Software
1 x SparkFun USB Mini-B Cable
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Transmitter
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 40717A1F
CE Coordinator: Coordinator
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1d - Mk08 // 02-03 // DL2002Mk01p.ino 12-08 // Arduino UNO - R3 // ProtoScrewShield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // XBee S1 // Stepper // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Communication unsigned long dTime = 50; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to read to next) // Version String sver = "12-7.p"; // Unit ID Information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Up isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Down isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Up RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Down RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } // Process Message isProcessMessage(); delay( dTime ); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { // String msg = ""; /// Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message //while ( Serial.available() ) // { // Print => XBEE + Unit ID + Version + * // msg = "XBEE|" + uid + "|" + sver + "|" + yy + "|*"; Serial.print( '<' ); Serial.print( yy ); Serial.println( '*' ); // } }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ yy = 1; // Stepper // Up RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Up"); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ yy = 2; // Stepper // Down RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Down"); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ yy = 3; // Stepper // Right RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Right"); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ yy = 4; // Stepper // Left RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Left"); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ yy = 5; // Stepper // Stop RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open serial port at 9600 baud Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Serial // Serial.println( "Don Luc Electronics"); // Serial.println( "Robotics"); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Version: "); // Version RGBLCDShield.print( sver ); // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("UID: "); // Unit ID Information RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); // Serial // Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); // Serial.println( sver ); // Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); // Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
LEG – Digital 6
SP1 – Digital 3
DI1 – Digital 2
SP2 – Digital 5
DI2 – Digital 4
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +3.3V
XBee S1: Receiver
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 4076E2C5
CE Coordinator: End Device
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1d - Mk08 // 02-03 // DL2002Mk01Rp.ino 12-08 // Arduino UNO - SparkFun RedBoard // EEPROM with Unique ID // Receiver // Breakout Board for XBee Module // XBee S1 // 2 x EasyDriver // 2 x Small Stepper // Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Shield // Lithium Ion Battery - 2Ah // LED Green // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Momentary Button int yy = ""; // 2 x EasyDriver - 2 x Stepper int dirPinR = 2; // EasyDriver Right int stepPinR = 3; // stepPin Right int dirPinL = 4; // EasyDriver Left int stepPinL = 5; // stepPin Left int i = 0; // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 6; // Software Version Information String sver = "12-08"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Check for serial messages if ( Serial.available() ) { isProcessMessage(); } // Switch isSwitch(); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { int incb = 0; String msg = ""; String zzz = ""; // Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message while ( Serial.available() ) { // Read the incoming byte: incb =; // Add character to string msg = msg + char(incb); // Check if receive character is the end of message * if ( incb == 42 ) { // Serial.println(msg); zzz = msg.charAt( 1 ); // Serial.println(zzz); yy = zzz.toInt(); // Serial.println( yy ); } } }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // 2 x EasyDriver pinMode(dirPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinL, OUTPUT); } // isStepper1 void isStepper1(){ // 2 x EasyDriver - Up digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepper2 void isStepper2(){ // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<1000; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // Switch 3 void isStepper3(){ // Right // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // Switch 4 void isStepper4(){ // Left // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepperStop void isStepperStop() { // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the }
// Switch // isSwitch void isSwitch(){ switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Stepper 1 - Up isStepper1(); break; case 2: // Stepper 2 - Back isStepper2(); break; case 3: // Stepper 3 - Right isStepper3(); break; case 4: // Stepper 4 - Left isStepper4(); break; case 5: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); break; default: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Serial // Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); // Serial.println( sver ); // Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); // Serial.println( uid ); // delay(5000); // 2 x EasyDriver isStepperSetup(); // LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH); }
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1c – Mk07
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
2 x XBee S1
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
1 x Breakout Board for XBee Module
2 x EasyDriver
2 x Small Stepper
6 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
12 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer USB
1 x DIGI XCTU Software
1 x SparkFun USB Mini-B Cable
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Transmitter
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 40717A1F
CE Coordinator: Coordinator
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1c - Mk07 // 02-01 // DL2002Mk01p.ino 12-07 // Arduino UNO - R3 // ProtoScrewShield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // XBee S1 // Stepper // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Communication unsigned long dTime = 50; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to read to next) // Version String sver = "12-7.p"; // Unit ID Information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Up isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Down isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Up RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Down RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } // Process Message isProcessMessage(); delay( dTime ); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { // String msg = ""; /// Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message //while ( Serial.available() ) // { // Print => XBEE + Unit ID + Version + * // msg = "XBEE|" + uid + "|" + sver + "|" + yy + "|*"; Serial.print( '<' ); Serial.print( yy ); Serial.println( '*' ); // } }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ yy = 1; // Stepper // Up RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Up"); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ yy = 2; // Stepper // Down RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Down"); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ yy = 3; // Stepper // Right RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Right"); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ yy = 4; // Stepper // Left RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Left"); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ yy = 5; // Stepper // Stop RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open serial port at 9600 baud Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Serial // Serial.println( "Don Luc Electronics"); // Serial.println( "Robotics"); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Version: "); // Version RGBLCDShield.print( sver ); // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("UID: "); // Unit ID Information RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); // Serial // Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); // Serial.println( sver ); // Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); // Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
Arduino UNO – SparkFun RedBoard
SP1 – Digital 3
DI1 – Digital 2
SP2 – Digital 5
DI2 – Digital 4
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +3.3V
XBee S1: Receiver
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 4076E2C5
CE Coordinator: End Device
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1c - Mk07 // 02-01 // DL2002Mk01Rp.ino 12-07 // Arduino UNO - SparkFun RedBoard // EEPROM with Unique ID // Receiver // Breakout Board for XBee Module // XBee S1 // 2 x EasyDriver // 2 x Small Stepper // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Momentary Button int yy = ""; // 2 x EasyDriver - 2 x Stepper int dirPinR = 2; // EasyDriver Right int stepPinR = 3; // stepPin Right int dirPinL = 4; // EasyDriver Left int stepPinL = 5; // stepPin Left int i = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "12-07"; // Unit ID information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Check for serial messages if ( Serial.available() ) { isProcessMessage(); } // Switch isSwitch(); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { int incb = 0; String msg = ""; String zzz = ""; // Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message while ( Serial.available() ) { // Read the incoming byte: incb =; // Add character to string msg = msg + char(incb); // Check if receive character is the end of message * if ( incb == 42 ) { // Serial.println(msg); zzz = msg.charAt( 1 ); // Serial.println(zzz); yy = zzz.toInt(); // Serial.println( yy ); } } }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // 2 x EasyDriver pinMode(dirPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinL, OUTPUT); } // isStepper1 void isStepper1(){ // 2 x EasyDriver - Up digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepper2 void isStepper2(){ // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<1000; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // Switch 3 void isStepper3(){ // Right // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // Switch 4 void isStepper4(){ // Left // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(300); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepperStop void isStepperStop() { // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(5); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the }
// Switch // isSwitch void isSwitch(){ switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Stepper 1 - Up isStepper1(); break; case 2: // Stepper 2 - Back isStepper2(); break; case 3: // Stepper 3 - Right isStepper3(); break; case 4: // Stepper 4 - Left isStepper4(); break; case 5: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); break; default: // Stepper Stop isStepperStop(); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Serial // Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); // Serial.println( sver ); // Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); // Serial.println( uid ); // delay(5000); // 2 x EasyDriver isStepperSetup(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1b – Mk06
Digi XBee is the brand name of a family of form factor compatible radio modules from Digi International. The first XBee radios were introduced under the MaxStream brand in 2005 and were based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard designed for point-to-point and star communications at over-the-air baud rates of 250 kbit/s.
Two models were initially introduced, a lower cost 1 mW XBee and the higher power 100 mW XBee-PRO. Since the initial introduction, a number of new XBee radios have been introduced and an ecosystem of wireless modules, gateways, adapters and software has evolved.
The XBee radios can all be used with the minimum number of connections — power (3.3 V), ground, data in and data out (UART), with other recommended lines being Reset and Sleep. Additionally, most XBee families have some other flow control, input/output (I/O), analog-to-digital converter (A/D) and indicator lines built in.
1 x Arduino Fio
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
2 x XBee S1
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 2.5Ah
1 x LED Red
1 x LED Green
1 x LED Bi-Colour
1 x LED Yellow
4 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
10 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun XBee Explorer USB
1 x DIGI XCTU Software
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 3.3V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +5V
XBee S1: Transmitter
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 40717A1F
CE Coordinator: Coordinator
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1b - Mk06 // 01-02 // DL2001Mk01p.ino 12-06 // Arduino UNO - R3 // ProtoScrewShield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // XBee S1 // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Communication unsigned long dTime = 1000; // The current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to read to next) // Version String sver = "12-2.p"; // Unit ID Information String uid = ""; void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // LED Green isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // LED Bipolar (Green) isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // LED Red isSwitch5(); break; default: // LED Red yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // LED Green RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // LED Bipolar A RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // LED Bipolar B RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // LED Bipolar A B RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // LED Red RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } // Process Message isProcessMessage(); delay( dTime ); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { //int incb = 0; String msg = ""; /// Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message //while ( Serial.available() ) // { // Print => XBEE + Unit ID + Version + * msg = "XBEE|" + uid + "|" + sver + "|" + yy + "|*"; Serial.println( msg ); // } }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ yy = 1; isSwitchLEDStop(); // LED // turn LED on: RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Green"); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ yy = 2; isSwitchLEDStop(); // LED // turn LED on: RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Bi-Colour A"); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ yy = 3; isSwitchLEDStop(); // LED // turn LED on: RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Bi-Colour B"); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ yy = 4; isSwitchLEDStop(); // LED // turn LED on: RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Bi-Colour A B"); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); //delay( 250 ); isSwitchLEDStop(); // LED // turn LED on: //digitalWrite(iLEDRed, HIGH); } void isSwitchLEDStop(){ //digitalWrite(iLEDRed, LOW); //digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW); //digitalWrite(iLEDB1, LOW); //digitalWrite(iLEDB2, LOW); //digitalWrite(iLEDYellow, LOW); }
// Setup void setup() { //Open serial port at 9600 baud Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics // Serial Serial.println( "Don Luc Electronics"); Serial.println( "Robotics"); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Version: "); // Version RGBLCDShield.print( sver ); // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("UID: "); // Unit ID Information RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); // Serial Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); Serial.println( sver ); Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
Arduino Fio
LER – Digital 13
LEG – Digital 12
LEA – Digital 11
LEB – Digital 10
LEY – Digital 9
TX0 – Digital 1
RX0 – Digital 0
VIN – +3.3V
XBee S1: Receiver
CH Channel: C
PAN Id: 3333
SH Serial Number: 13A200
SL Serial Number: 4076E2C5
CE Coordinator: End Device
BD: 9600
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1b - Mk06 // 01-02 // DL2001Mk02Rp.ino 12-06 // Arduino Fio // SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V // EEPROM with Unique ID // LED Red // LED Green // LED Bi-Colour // LED Yellow // Lithium Ion Battery - 2.5Ah // Receiver // XBee S1 // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // LED Red int iLEDRed = 13; // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 12; // LED Bi-Colour int iLEDBiCoA = 11; int iLEDBiCoB = 10; // LED Yellow int iLEDYellow = 9; // Momentary Button int yy = ""; // Software Version Information String sver = "12-02"; // Unit ID information String uid = "DR001"; void loop() { // Check for serial messages if ( Serial.available() ) { isProcessMessage(); } // Switch isSwitch(); }
// EEPROM // isUID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// ProcessMessage // isProcessMessage void isProcessMessage() { int incb = 0; String msg = ""; String zzz = ""; // Loop through serial buffer one byte at a time until you reach * which will be end of message while ( Serial.available() ) { // Read the incoming byte: incb =; // Add character to string msg = msg + char(incb); // Check if receive character is the end of message * if ( incb == 42 ) { Serial.println(msg); zzz = msg.charAt( 18 ); Serial.println(zzz); yy = zzz.toInt(); Serial.println( yy ); } } }
// Switch // isSwitch void isSwitch(){ switch ( yy ) { case 1: // LED Green sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); break; case 2: // LED Bi-Colour A sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoA, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); break; case 3: // LED Bi-Colour B sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoB, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); break; case 4: // LED Bi-Colour A B sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoA, HIGH); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoB, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); break; case 5: // LED Red sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDRed, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); break; default: // LED Red sLEDStop(); digitalWrite(iLEDRed, HIGH); delay( 1000 ); } } // LED Stop void sLEDStop(){ digitalWrite(iLEDRed, LOW); digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoA, LOW); digitalWrite(iLEDBiCoB, LOW); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin( 9600 ); // Pause delay(5); // EEPROM Unit ID isUID(); // Pause delay(5); // Serial Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); Serial.println( sver ); Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); // LED => OUTPUT pinMode(iLEDRed, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDBiCoA, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDBiCoB, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDYellow, OUTPUT); // LED Yellow digitalWrite(iLEDYellow, HIGH); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – Unmanned Vehicles 1a – Mk05
EEPROM stands for electrically erasable programmable read-only memory and is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers, integrated in microcontrollers for smart cards and remote keyless systems, and other electronic devices to store relatively small amounts of data but allowing individual bytes to be erased and reprogrammed.
In electronics and telecommunications a transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which produces radio waves with an antenna. The transmitter itself generates a radio frequency alternating current, which is applied to the antenna. When excited by this alternating current, the antenna radiates radio waves.
A modern communications receiver, used in two-way radio communication stations to talk with remote locations by shortwave radio.
In radio communications, a radio receiver, also known as a receiver, wireless or simply radio is an electronic device that receives radio waves and converts the information carried by them to a usable form. It is used with an antenna. The antenna intercepts radio waves (electromagnetic waves) and converts them to tiny alternating currents which are applied to the receiver, and the receiver extracts the desired information.
1 x Arduino Fio
1 x Arduino UNO
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 3.3V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino UNO
VIN – +5V
Arduino Fio
VIN – +3.3V
Transmitter => DT001
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1a - Mk05 // 01-01 // DL2001Mk01p.ino 12-05 // Arduino UNO // Screw Shield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // EEPROM with Unique ID // Transmitter // Include the library code: #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define GREEN 0x2 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "12-05"; // Unit ID Information String uid = "DT001"; void loop() { // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { isEEPROMw(); yy = 1; } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { isUID(); yy = 2; } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { UIDr(); yy =3; } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { isEEPROMc(); yy = 4; } } delay(1000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
// getEEPROM // Write and Read EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit // Write EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit void isEEPROMw() { // set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( "Write" ); // EEPROM int incb = 0; int v = 0; String msg = ""; String emp = ""; // Set Unit ID // The message starts with sid then is followed by 5 characters // First clear a string buffer emp = ""; // Loop through the 5 ID characters and write their ASCII (byte) value to the EEPROM for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { //Get ASCII value of character v = int(uid.charAt(x)); // + 5)); //Add the actual character to the buffer so we can send it back to the PC emp = emp + uid.charAt(x + 5); //Write the value to the EEPROM EEPROM.write(x, v); } delay( 5000 ); } // Read EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit void isUID() { // Unit ID String ruid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { ruid = ruid + char(; } // set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( ruid ); delay( 5000 ); } // Read uid void UIDr() { // set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( uid ); delay( 5000 ); } // Clear EEPROM void isEEPROMc() { // Clear EEPROM for (int i = 0 ; i < EEPROM.length() ; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0); } // set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( "Clear EEPROM" ); delay( 5000 ); }
// Setup void setup() { // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Unique ID"); // Unique ID delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); }
Receiver => DR001
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - Unmanned Vehicles 1a - Mk05 // 01-01 // DL2001Mk01Rp.ino 12-05 // Arduino Fio // SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V // EEPROM with Unique ID // Receiver // Include the library code: // EEPROM library to read and write EEPROM with unique ID for unit #include <EEPROM.h> // Software Version Information String sver = "12-05"; // Unit ID information String uid = "DR001"; void loop() { // Write EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit int incb = 0; int v = 0; String emp = ""; String ruid = ""; // Set Unit ID // The message starts with uid then is followed by 5 characters // First clear a string buffer emp = ""; // Loop through the 5 ID characters and write their ASCII (byte) value to the EEPROM for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { // Get ASCII value of character v = int(uid.charAt(y)); // + 5)); // Add the actual character to the buffer emp = emp + uid.charAt(y + 5); // Write the value to the EEPROM EEPROM.write(y, v); } // Write EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit Serial.println( "Write ID Information"); // Read ID Information // Unit ID for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { ruid = ruid + char(; } // Read ID Information Serial.print( "Read ID Information: "); Serial.println( ruid ); Serial.println( "Ok!" ); ruid = ""; delay( 5000 ); }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); // Serial Serial.print( "Software Version Information: "); Serial.println( sver ); Serial.print( "Unit ID Information: "); Serial.println( uid ); delay(5000); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #12: Robotics – 5-Way Switch – Mk04
SparkFun 5-Way Tactile Switch Breakout
This 5-way tactile switch (up, down, left, right, and center click) allows for joystick-like control in a very small package.
1 x Adafruit RGB LCD Shield 16×2 Character Display
1 x Arduino UNO – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
2 x EasyDriver – Stepper Motor Driver
1 x Small Stepper Motor
1 x Pololu Mounting
1 x Symbol Stepper Motor
2 x RC Servo Motor
2 x Potentiometer 1M Ohm
2 x Knob
2 x LED Red
1 x Rocker Switches
1 x Laser Red
1 x SparkFun 5-Way Tactile Switch Breakout
1 x LED Green
1 x LED Bi-Colour
1 x LED Yellow
17 x Jumper Wires 3″ M/M
31 x Jumper Wires 6″ M/M
4 x Half-Size Breadboard
Arduino UNO
SP1 – Digital 3
DI1 – Digital 2
SP2 – Digital 5
DI2 – Digital 4
SV1 – Digital 6
PO1 – Analog A0
SV2 – Digital 7
PO2 – Analog A1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #12: Robotics - 5-Way Switch - Mk04 // 12-03 // DL1912Mk02p.ino 12-04 // Arduino UNO // Screw Shield // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // 1 x Small Stepper Motor // 1 x Symbol Stepper Motor // 2 x EasyDriver // 2 x RC Servo Motor // 2 x Potentiometer // 2 x LED Red // 1 x Rocker Switches // 1 x Laser Red // 1 x SparkFun 5-Way Tactile Switch Breakout // 1 x LED Green // 1 x LED Bi-Colour // 1 x LED Yellow // include the library code: #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> #include <Servo.h> // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield RGBLCDShield = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); // These #defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // Momentary Button int yy = 0; uint8_t momentaryButton = 0; // 2 x EasyDriver int dirPinR = 2; // EasyDriver Right int stepPinR = 3; // stepPin Right int dirPinL = 4; // EasyDriver Left int stepPinL = 5; // stepPin Left int i = 0; // 2 x RC Servo Motor // 2 x Potentiometer Servo isRCServo1; // Create servo object to control a RCServo1 int servo1 = 6; // Servo 1 int iPot1 = A0; // Analog Potentiometer 1 int iVal1; // Variable - Analog Potentiometer 1 Servo isRCServo2; // Create servo object to control a RCServo2 int servo2 = 7; // Servo 2 int iPot2 = A1; // Analog Potentiometer 2 int iVal2; // Variable - Analog Potentiometer 2 void loop() { // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // Momentary Button momentaryButton = RGBLCDShield.readButtons(); switch ( yy ) { case 1: // Up isSwitch1(); break; case 2: // Down isSwitch2(); break; case 3: // Right isSwitch3(); break; case 4: // Left isSwitch4(); break; case 5: // Stop isSwitch5(); break; default: // Stop yy = 5; RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); isSwitch5(); } if ( momentaryButton ) { if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_UP ) { yy = 1; // Up RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_DOWN ) { yy = 2; // Down RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(VIOLET); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_LEFT ) { yy = 3; // Right RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(TEAL); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_RIGHT ) { yy = 4; // Left RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(YELLOW); } if ( momentaryButton & BUTTON_SELECT ) { yy = 5; // Stop RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(RED); } } }
// Servo // isServoSetup void isServoSetup() { // 2 x RC Servo Motor isRCServo1.attach( servo1 ); isRCServo2.attach( servo2 ); } // isServo1 void isServo1() { // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 iVal1 = analogRead( iPot1 ); // Reads the value of the iPot1 (Value between 0 and 1023) iVal1 = map(iVal1, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Scale it to use it with the isRCServo1 (Value between 0 and 180) isRCServo1.write( iVal1 ); // isRCServo1 sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("RC Servo 1"); // RC Servo 1 // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( iVal1 ); // Reads the value iVal1 delay(500); } // isServo2 void isServo2() { // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 iVal2 = analogRead( iPot2 ); // Reads the value of the iPot2 (Value between 0 and 1023) iVal2 = map(iVal2, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Scale it to use it with the isRCServo2 (Value between 0 and 180) isRCServo2.write( iVal2 ); // isRCServo2 sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("RC Servo 2"); // RC Servo 2 // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print( iVal2 ); // Reads the value iVal2 delay(500); }
// Stepper // isStepperSetup void isStepperSetup() { // 2 x EasyDriver pinMode(dirPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinR, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinL, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinL, OUTPUT); } // isStepper1 void isStepper1(){ // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("EasyDriver"); // EasyDriver RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Small Stepper"); // Small Stepper delay(500); // EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinR, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepper2 void isStepper2(){ // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("EasyDriver"); // EasyDriver RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Symbol Stepper"); // Symbol Stepper delay(500); // EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinL, HIGH); // Set the direction. delay(100); for (i = 0; i<300; i++) // Iterate for 1000 microsteps. { digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, HIGH); // "Rising Edge" so the easydriver knows to when to step. delayMicroseconds(170); // This delay time is close to top speed. } } // isStepperStop void isStepperStop() { // 2 x EasyDriver digitalWrite(dirPinR, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(dirPinL, LOW); // Set the direction. delay(100); digitalWrite(stepPinR, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the digitalWrite(stepPinL, LOW); // This LOW to HIGH change is what creates the }
// Switch // Switch 1 void isSwitch1(){ // Small Stepper yy = 1; // EasyDriver isStepper1(); } // Switch 2 void isSwitch2(){ // Symbol Stepper yy = 2; // EasyDriver isStepper2(); } // Switch 3 void isSwitch3(){ // RC Servo Motor 1 yy = 3; // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 1 isServo1(); } // Switch 4 void isSwitch4(){ // RC Servo Motor 2 yy = 4; // Potentiometer RC Servo Motor 2 isServo2(); } // Switch 5 void isSwitch5(){ // Stop yy = 5; // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // Robotics RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,1); RGBLCDShield.print("Stop"); delay( 500 ); // EasyDriver isStepperStop(); }
// Setup void setup() { // Adafruit RGB LCD Shield // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: RGBLCDShield.begin(16, 2); RGBLCDShield.setBacklight(GREEN); // Display // Set the cursor to column 0, line 0 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0,0); RGBLCDShield.print("Don Luc Electron"); // Don luc Electron // Set the cursor to column 0, line 1 RGBLCDShield.setCursor(0, 1); RGBLCDShield.print("Robotics"); // EasyDriver delay(5000); // Clear RGBLCDShield.clear(); // 2 x EasyDriver isStepperSetup(); // 2 x RC Servo Motor isServoSetup(); }
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