Project #16: Sound – SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM – Mk19
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #Sound #Arduino #ESP32 #SparkFunThingPlusESP32WROOM #SparkFunQwiicMP3 #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant #VideoBlog
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
The SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus is the next step to get started with Espressif IoT ideations while still enjoying all the amenities of the original ESP32 Thing. Espressif’s ESP32 WROOM is a powerful WiFi and Bluetooth MCU module that targets a wide variety of applications. At the core of this module is the ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip which is designed to be both scalable and adaptive. To make the Thing Plus even easier to use, we’ve moved a few pins around to make the board Feather compatible and it utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system. A JST connector to plug in a LiPo battery.
SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger
Sometimes you just need an MP3 to play. The SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger takes care of all the necessary requirements, all you need to do is send a simple I2C command and listen to whatever is on your micro SD card. The contents of the microSD card appears as a jump drive. Simply plug in the Qwiic MP3 Trigger and you’ll be transferring MP3s, no need for drivers and no need for WAV or Vorbis conversion. Your supplied speaker is boosted by a Class-D mono amplifier capable of outputting up to 1.4W making it capable of being incredibly loud. Volume is software selectable between 32 levels.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
1 x Knob
1 x Qwiic Cable – 100mm
1 x Dayton Audio Reference 3″ Full-Range Drive
2 x Wire Stranded Core – 18 AWG
7 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
PO1 – Analog A0
SW0 – Digital 21
SW1 – Digital 17
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #16 - Sound - SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM - Mk19 // 07-01 // DL2107Mk01p.ino // 1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic // 1 x SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 1 x Knob // 1 x Qwiic Cable - 100mm // 1 x Dayton Audio Reference 3" Full-Range Drive // 2 x Wire Stranded Core - 18 AWG // 7 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun MP3 Trigger #include "SparkFun_Qwiic_MP3_Trigger_Arduino_Library.h" // SparkFun MP3 Trigger MP3TRIGGER mp3; int iSongCount = 0; int x = 0; // Volume int iVolume = A0; int iVolumeLevel = 0; // EQ Setting Normal byte bEQSetting = 0; // Play Next const int iPlayNext = 21; // Variable for reading the iPlayNext status int iPlayNextState = 0; // Play Previous const int iPlayPrevious = 17; // Variable for reading the iPlayPrevious status int iPlayPreviousState = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-19"; void loop() { if (mp3.isPlaying() == false) { if ( x > iSongCount ) { x = 0; } else { x = x + 1; } // Play Track mp3.playTrack( x ); } else { // Volume isVolume(); // Play Next isPlayNext(); // Play Previous isPlayPrevious(); } }
// MP3 // Setup MP3 void isSetupMP3(){ // Check to see if Qwiic MP3 is present on the bus if (mp3.begin() == false) { // Qwiic MP3 failed to respond. Please check wiring and possibly the I2C address. Freezing... while (1); } if (mp3.hasCard() == false) { // Qwiic MP3 is missing its SD card. Freezing... while (1); } // Song Count iSongCount = mp3.getSongCount(); // EQ Setting Classic bEQSetting = mp3.getEQ(); // Initialize the iPlayNext pinMode( iPlayNext, INPUT); // Initialize the iPlayPrevious pinMode( iPlayPrevious, INPUT); } // Volume void isVolume() { // Volume iVolumeLevel = analogRead( iVolume ); // (0-1023 for 10 bits or 0-4095 for 12 bits) iVolumeLevel = map(iVolumeLevel, 0, 4095, 0, 31); // Volume can be 0 (off) to 31 (max) mp3.setVolume( iVolumeLevel ); } // Play Next void isPlayNext() { // Read the state of the iPlayNext value iPlayNextState = digitalRead( iPlayNext ); if ( iPlayNextState == HIGH ) { mp3.stop(); if ( x > iSongCount ) { x = 0; } else { x = x + 1; } // Play Track mp3.playTrack( x ); } } // Play Previous void isPlayPrevious() { // Read the state of the iPlayPrevious value iPlayPreviousState = digitalRead( iPlayPrevious ); if ( iPlayPreviousState == HIGH ) { mp3.stop(); if ( x > iSongCount ) { x = 0; } else { x = x - 1; } // Play Track mp3.playTrack( x ); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices Wire.begin(); // SparkFun MP3 Trigger Setup isSetupMP3(); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
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Don Luc
Project #16: Sound – Music Acoustics – Mk18
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #Sound #WhiteNoise #Mozzi #WavePacket #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant #VideoBlog
Music Acoustics
Music acoustics is a multidisciplinary field that combines knowledge from physics, psychophysics, physiology, and signal processing among other disciplines. As a branch of acoustics, it is concerned with researching and describing the physics of music, how sounds are employed to make music. Examples of areas of study are the function human voice (the physics of speech), computer analysis, and in the clinical.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
2 x Mountable Slide Switch
1 x 10K Ohm
2 x LED Green
2 x 270 Ohm
3 x Rotary Potentiometer – 10k Ohm
3 x Knob
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
2 x Battery Holder – 2 x AAA
4 x Alkaline Battery – AAA
1 x JST Jumper 2 Wire Assembly
19 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
8 x Screw, 1/4 inches, 4-40
8 x Nut, Nylon Locknut, 4-40
3 x Standoff, Metal 4-40, 3/8 inches
1 x Adafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB
1 x Bakelite Perfboard
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
1 x ABS Plastic Multi-Purpose Enclosures
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
PO1 – Analog A0
PO2 – Analog A1
PO3 – Analog A2
SPK – Digital 9
LD1 – Digital 6
LD2 – Digital 7
SW1 – Digital 4
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - Music Acoustics - Mk18 // 06-05 // DL2106Mk05.ino 16-18 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 2 x Mountable Slide Switch // 1 x 10K Ohm // 2 x LED Green // 2 x 270 Ohm // 3 x Rotary Potentiometer - 10k Ohm // 3 x Knob // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 2 x Battery Holder - 2 x AAA // 4 x Alkaline Battery - AAA // 1 x JST Jumper 2 Wire Assembly // 19 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 8 x Screw, 1/4 inches, 4-40 // 8 x Nut, Nylon Locknut, 4-40 // 3 x Standoff, Metal 4-40, 3/8 inches // 1 x Adafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB // 1 x Bakelite Perfboard // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 1 x ABS Plastic Multi-Purpose Enclosures // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // Include the Library Code // Mozzi #include <MozziGuts.h> // Mozzi Random #include <mozzi_rand.h> // Oscillator template #include <Oscil.h> // Mozzi Analog #include <mozzi_analog.h> // WavePacket Sample #include <WavePacket.h> // Rolling Average #include <RollingAverage.h> // Sine table for oscillator whitenoise #include <tables/whitenoise8192_int8.h> // Set the input for the knob #define FUNDAMENTAL_PIN A0 #define BANDWIDTH_PIN A1 #define CENTREFREQ_PIN A2 // for smoothing the control signals // Rolling Average RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageF; RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageBw; RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageCf; // SINGLE selects 1 non-overlapping stream WavePacket <SINGLE> wavey; // Oscil <table_size, update_rate> oscilName (wavetable) Oscil <WHITENOISE8192_NUM_CELLS, AUDIO_RATE> aSin(WHITENOISE8192_DATA); // Mini Speaker int SPK = 9; // Mountable Slide Switch int iSS1 = 4; // State int iSS1State = 0; // LED Green int iLEDG1 = 6; int iLEDG2 = 7; // Set the input for the volume // Volume level from updateControl() to updateAudio() byte vol; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-18"; void loop() { // Slide Switch // Read the state of the iSS1 value iSS1State = digitalRead(iSS1); // Audio Hook audioHook(); }
// Mozzi // Update Control void updateControl(){ // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // White Noise vol = 255; } else { // Wavey Set wavey.set(kAverageF.next(mozziAnalogRead(FUNDAMENTAL_PIN))+1, kAverageBw.next(mozziAnalogRead(BANDWIDTH_PIN)), kAverageCf.next(2*mozziAnalogRead(CENTREFREQ_PIN))); } } // Update Audio int updateAudio() { // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG1, HIGH); digitalWrite(iLEDG2, LOW); // White Noise char whitenoise = rand((byte)255) - 128; return (((whitenoise * aSin.next())) * vol)>>8; } else { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG1, LOW); digitalWrite(iLEDG2, HIGH); // AUDIO_MODE STANDARD // Wavey Next return wavey.next()>>8; } }
// Setup void setup() { // Slide Switch pinMode(iSS1, INPUT); // LED Green pinMode(iLEDG1, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDG2, OUTPUT); // Mozzi Start startMozzi(); // Set the frequency aSin.setFreq(0.05f); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
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- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
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Don Luc
Lucito & Normita General Store
#LucPaquinArt #LucPaquin #DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #iGourmand #Lucito #Announcements #Art #Beer #Wine #Spirits #FoodDrinkIndustry #Books #Jewelry #Microcontrollers #Courses #Consultant #Zoom #VideoBlog
General Store
A general store is a rural or small-town store that carries a general line of merchandise. It carries a broad selection of merchandise, sometimes in a small space, where people from the town and surrounding rural areas come to purchase all their general goods. The store carries routine stock and obtains special orders from warehouses. General stores often sell staple food items such as milk and bread, and various household goods such as hardware and electrical supplies.
Luc’s grandfather had a general store in Canada. That general store sold beans, cigarette, tobacco, chips, candy, household, home appliance, clothing, shoes, tools, hardware, electrical, paints, fishings, sports equipment, firearms, etc…
Business Concept
This document is to outline a business concept that has been in the back of my mind for many years. The main reason that it is still in the back of my mind is that the project requires substantial commitments and financing and that I was always waiting to find a place where I wanted to settle down and for other projects to move forward to be able to start this one.
After postponing it for a couple of decades, I think that it is a good idea to bring it to the forefront and actually work on making it come through as the time seems right. This document is not a business plan, but a way to put all the ideas that have been turning in my head for so many years. I plan to present it to various people to see if the project makes sense and is worth investing substantial efforts in preparing a formal business plan and finding proper financing.
Lucito: Canadian
Normita: Mexican
Lucito & Normita General Store
- -Books
- -Graphic Design
- -Jewelry
- -Painting
- -Prints
- -Digital Prints
- -Drawing
- -Illustration
- -Sculpture
- -Fruit Preserves
- -Bread
- -Chocolate
- -Candy
- -Cheese
- -Ham
- -Coffee
- -Tea
- -Sauces
- -Herbes
- -Home Appliance
- -Electronic
- -Cabinetry
- -Furniture
- -Microcontrollers
- -Robotics
- -Essences
- -Incenses
- -Candles
- -Clothing
- -Cooking Courses
- -Beer Courses
- -Wine Courses
- -Jewelry Courses
- -Painting Courses
- -English and Spanish Courses
- -Electronic, Microcontrollers, Robotics Courses
- -Tutoring
- -Computer-Based Tutoring
- -Webinars
- -Etc…
Phase Investment
- -Mexico or Canada
- -Requirement Analysis
- -Investors
- -Internationally
- -Opening Costs
- -Moving
- -Kitchen Equipment
- -Kitchen Table and Chairs
- -Refrigerators
- -Range
- -Incidentals
- -Rent
- -Electricity
- -Gaz
- -Water
- -Internet
- -Web Hosting
- -Telephone
- -Cellulars
- -Accountant
- -Lawyer
- -Transportation
- -Marketing
- -Etc…
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Don Luc
Project #18: Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi OS With Desktop – Mk03
#donluc #project #RaspberryPiZeroW #RaspberryPi #RaspberryPiCamera #Camera #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Raspberry Pi OS With Desktop
Raspberry PI OS Desktop versions come with a default Graphical User Interface. Based on Pixel, it aims to be light and to run fast in your Raspberry Pi. The desktop version includes all the scripts to display the icons. It also includes all the tools to configure your environment and utilities to interface other programs/applications. Command Line interface is still available using terminal window. Like all Desktop environments, even if optimized it requires anyway addicting packages and software, RAM and CPU usage will result increased if compared to Lite version. Raspberry PI OS Desktop requires keyboard, mouse and monitor, at least until you will configure remote desktop service.
1 x Raspberry Pi Zero W
1 x microSD Card – 32GB
1 x USB 3.0 Card Reader
1 x 2021-03-04-raspios-buster-armhf.zip
1 x Etcher
1 x Pi Zero Micro USB to USB A socket
1 x Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
1 x USB 3.0 Hub
1 x Wireless Keyboard
1 x Wireless Mouse
1 x 2GB USB Flash Drive
1 x Wall Adapter – 5V DC 2A – USB Micro-B
Raspberry Pi Zero W
VIN – +5V
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
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Don Luc
Project #18: Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi Camera – Mk02
#donluc #project #RaspberryPiZeroW #RaspberryPi #RaspberryPiCamera #Camera #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Raspberry Pi Camera
This 8mp camera module is capable of 1080p video and still images that connect directly to your Raspberry Pi. This is the plug-and-play-compatible latest version of the Raspbian operating system, making it perfect for time-lapse photography, recording video, motion detection and security applications. Connect the included ribbon cable to the CSI (Camera Serial Interface) port on your Raspberry Pi, and you are good to go.
The board itself is tiny, at around 25mm x 23mm x 9mm and weighing in at just over 3g, making it perfect for mobile or other applications where size and weight are important. The sensor has a native resolution of 8 megapixel, and has a fixed focus lens on board. In terms of still images, the camera is capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images, and also supports 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p90 video.
1 x Raspberry Pi Zero W
1 x microSD Card – 32GB
1 x Pi Zero Micro USB to USB A socket
1 x Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
1 x Wireless Keyboard
1 x Wall Adapter – 5V DC 2A – USB Micro-B
Raspberry Pi Zero W
VIN – +5V
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Don Luc
Project #18: Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi Zero W – Mk01
#donluc #project #RaspberryPiZeroW #RaspberryPi #PuTTY #Etcher #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Raspberry Pi Zero W
The Raspberry Pi is a popular Single Board Computer in that it is a full computer packed into a single board. Many may already familiar with the Raspberry Pi 4 and its predecessors, which comes in a form factor that has become as highly recognizable. The Raspberry Pi comes in an even smaller form factor. The introduction of the Raspberry Pi Zero allowed one to embed an entire computer in even smaller projects. While these directions should work for most any version and form factor of the Raspberry Pi Zero W.
The credit-card-sized computer has become even smaller. The Raspberry Pi Zero W is still the Pi you know and love, but at a largely reduced size of only 65mm long by 30mm wide. With the addition of wireless LAN and Bluetooth, the Raspberry Pi Zero W is ideal for making embedded IoT projects. The Pi Zero W has been designed to be as flexible and compact as possible with mini connectors and an unpopulated 40-pin GPIO, allowing you to use only what your project requires.
At the heart of the Raspberry Pi Zero W is a 1GHz BCM2835 single-core processor with 512MB RAM. The setup for the Raspberry Pi Zero W is a little more complicated than on other Pis.
balenaEtcher is a free and open-source utility used for writing image files such as .iso and .img files, as well as zipped folders onto storage media to create live SD cards and USB flash drives.
1 x Raspberry Pi Zero W
1 x microSD Card – 32GB
1 x USB 3.0 Card Reader
1 x 2021-03-04-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.zip
1 x Etcher
1 x PuTTY
1 x Wall Adapter – 5V DC 2A
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Raspberry Pi Zero W
VIN – +5V
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
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Don Luc
2012 – Mexico City – March 27, 2012
#donluc #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Electronics Projects
I got into electronics when I could not afford to buy a proper darkroom timer and I saw some article, probably in some electronics magazine, that explained how to build a simple timer that blinks a LED at one second intervals. After a trip, probably to Radio Shack, to buy a 555 timer IC, a LED, some resistors, wires and a small perforated circuit board. After that I was hooked on electronics projects from that day.
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2021 English & Español
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
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Don Luc
Project #16: Sound – White Noise or Wave Packet – Mk17
#donluc #sound #whitenoise #mozzi #WavePacket #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
White Noise
White Noise can be used by all audiences in a variety of ways throughout our daily lives. Whether you’re trying to work, study, relax, or even sleep. Offices can be either too quiet or too noisy. White noise makes it impossible to concentrate. Sound affects many areas of the brain and has an undeniable effect on the body. A good way to test if a particular sound is relaxing to you is to check your pulse, if it slows down, then you have found the sound that is calming you. Keep listening to it and you will relax, reaching a state of increased calmness and reducing your levels of anxiety, stress, or anger.
Wave Packet
In physics, a wave packet is a short burst of localized wave action that travels as a unit. A wave packet can be analyzed into, or can be synthesized from, an infinite set of component sinusoidal waves of different wavenumbers, with phases and amplitudes such that they interfere constructively only over a small region of space, and destructively elsewhere.Each component wave function, and hence the wave packet, are solutions of a wave equation. Depending on the wave equation, the wave packet’s profile may remain constant or it may change while propagating.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
1 x Mountable Slide Switch
1 x 10K Ohm
2 x LED Green
2 x 270 Ohm
3 x Rotary Potentiometer – 10k Ohm
3 x Knob
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
12 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
7 x Jumper Wires 3 inches M/M
2 x Jumper Wires 6 inches M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
PO1 – Analog A0
PO2 – Analog A1
PO3 – Analog A2
SPK – Digital 9
LD1 – Digital 6
LD2 – Digital 7
SW1 – Digital 4
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - White Noise - Mk17 // 04-02 // DL2104Mk02p.ino 16-17 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 1 x Mountable Slide Switch // 1 x 10K Ohm // 2 x LED Green // 2 x 270 Ohm // 3 x Rotary Potentiometer - 10k Ohm // 3 x Knob // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 12 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 7 x Jumper Wires 3 inches M/M // 2 x Jumper Wires 6 inches M/M // 1 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // Include the Library Code // Mozzi #include <MozziGuts.h> // Mozzi Random #include <mozzi_rand.h> // Oscillator template #include <Oscil.h> // Mozzi Analog #include <mozzi_analog.h> // WavePacket Sample //#include <WavePacketSample.h> #include <WavePacket.h> // Rolling Average #include <RollingAverage.h> // Sine table for oscillator whitenoise #include <tables/whitenoise8192_int8.h> // Set the input for the knob #define FUNDAMENTAL_PIN A0 #define BANDWIDTH_PIN A1 #define CENTREFREQ_PIN A2 // for smoothing the control signals // Rolling Average RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageF; RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageBw; RollingAverage <int, 32> kAverageCf; // SINGLE selects 1 non-overlapping stream WavePacket <SINGLE> wavey; // Oscil <table_size, update_rate> oscilName (wavetable) Oscil <WHITENOISE8192_NUM_CELLS, AUDIO_RATE> aSin(WHITENOISE8192_DATA); // Mini Speaker int SPK = 9; // Mountable Slide Switch int iSS1 = 4; // State int iSS1State = 0; // LED Green int iLEDG1 = 6; int iLEDG2 = 7; // Set the input for the volume // Volume level from updateControl() to updateAudio() byte vol; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-17"; void loop() { // Slide Switch // Read the state of the iSS1 value iSS1State = digitalRead(iSS1); // Audio Hook audioHook(); }
// Mozzi // Update Control void updateControl(){ // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // White Noise vol = 255; } else { // Wavey Set wavey.set(kAverageF.next(mozziAnalogRead(FUNDAMENTAL_PIN))+1, kAverageBw.next(mozziAnalogRead(BANDWIDTH_PIN)), kAverageCf.next(2*mozziAnalogRead(CENTREFREQ_PIN))); } } // Update Audio int updateAudio() { // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG1, HIGH); digitalWrite(iLEDG2, LOW); // White Noise char whitenoise = rand((byte)255) - 128; return (((whitenoise * aSin.next())) * vol)>>8; } else { // LED Green digitalWrite(iLEDG1, LOW); digitalWrite(iLEDG2, HIGH); // AUDIO_MODE STANDARD // Wavey Next return wavey.next()>>8; } }
// Setup void setup() { // Slide Switch pinMode(iSS1, INPUT); // LED Green pinMode(iLEDG1, OUTPUT); pinMode(iLEDG2, OUTPUT); // Mozzi Start startMozzi(); // Set the frequency aSin.setFreq(0.05f); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Don Luc
Project #16: Sound – White Noise – Mk16
#donluc #sound #whitenoise #mozzi #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
White Noise
Thus, random signals are considered “white noise” if they are observed to have a flat spectrum over the range of frequencies that are relevant to the context. For an audio signal, the relevant range is the band of audible sound frequencies (between 20 and 20,000 Hz). Such a signal is heard by the human ear as a hissing sound. In music and acoustics, the term “white noise” may be used for any signal that has a similar hissing sound. It is sometimes used analogously in nontechnical contexts to mean “random talk without meaningful contents”.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
4 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M
1 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
SPK – Digital 9
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - White Noise - Mk16 // 04-01 // DL2104Mk01p.ino 16-16 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 4 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M // 1 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // Include the Library Code // Mozzi #include <MozziGuts.h> #include <mozzi_rand.h> // Oscillator template #include <Oscil.h> // Sine table for oscillator whitenoise #include <tables/whitenoise8192_int8.h> // Oscil <table_size, update_rate> oscilName (wavetable), look in .h file of table #included above Oscil <WHITENOISE8192_NUM_CELLS, AUDIO_RATE> aSin(WHITENOISE8192_DATA); // Mini Speaker int SPK = 9; // Set the input for the volume // To convey the volume level from updateControl() to updateAudio() byte volume; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-16"; void loop() { // Audio Hook audioHook(); }
// Mozzi // Update Control int updateAudio() { // White Noise char whitenoise = rand((byte)255) - 128; return ((whitenoise * aSin.next()) * volume)>>8; } // Update Audio void updateControl(){ // Map it to an 8 bit range for efficient calculations in updateAudio // Volume volume = 255; }
// Setup void setup() { // Mozzi Start startMozzi(); // Set the frequency aSin.setFreq(0.05f); }
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Goggles NeoPixel Meditation – Small Enclosures – Mk08
#donluc #meditation #gogglesmeditation #musicshield #neopixels #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Hammond Manufacturing Ltd.
For more than 100 years, customers who have required unsurpassed performance, wide selection and durability for power distribution, racks and enclosures have relied on the Hammond brand.
The business started in a backyard workshop in 1916 located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. In 1917, the original company known as O.S. Hammond and Son was established in Guelph. O.S. Hammond and Son began making tube radio sets, battery chargers and other related products between 1919 and 1927. In the early 1930’s Hammond became the first company in Canada to manufacture a line of 2-post racks and a narrow cabinet to support the growing broadcast and communications industries. Company expanded its focus on the U.S. and International markets. Hammond made a number of strategic acquisitions of transformer companies and became one of the largest suppliers of magnetics to the North American electrical OEM market.
ABS plastic hand held enclosures, 1553 series, soft sided, ergonomic comfort, battery compartments. Ergonomically designed for hand-held comfort. Choice of five sizes and six color combinations.
1 x Arduino Uno – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Music Shield V1.1
1 x NeoPixel Stick – 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
2 x Knob
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch – 10 Position
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout
1 x Breadboard Solderable
11 x 1K Ohm
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
1 x In-Ear Headphones
1 x 5200 mAh Portable Charger
17 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Ethernet Cable Cat 5 – 2 Metres
1 x Goggles
1 x Hammond Manufacturing, Small Enclosures, 1553 Series
1 x USB Cable A to B – 6 Foot
Arduino Uno – R3
RW0 – Analog A4
PO0 – Analog A5
NP1 – Digital 1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Goggles NeoPixel Meditation - Small Enclosures - Mk08 // 03-04 // DL2103Mk04p.ino 17-08 // DL2103Mk04 // 1 x Arduino Uno - R3 // 1 x ProtoScrewShield // 1 x Music Shield V1.1 // 1 x NeoPixel Stick - 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 2 x Knob // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch - 10 Position // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout // 1 x Breadboard Solderable // 11 x 1K Ohm // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 1 x In-Ear Headphones // 1 x 5200 mAh Portable Charger // 17 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Ethernet Cable Cat 5 - 2 Metres // 1 x Goggles // 1 x Hammond Manufacturing, Small Enclosures, 1553 Series // 1 x USB Cable A to B - 6 Foot // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // Fat 16 #include <Fat16.h> #include <Fat16Util.h> // New SPI #include <NewSPI.h> // Arduino #include <arduino.h> // Music Player #include "pins_config.h" #include "vs10xx.h" #include "newSDLib.h" #include "MusicPlayer.h" // NeoPixels #define PIN 1 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 8 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brighten int BrightenValue = 0; // Color const int iSensorColor = A5; int y = 0; int ColorVal = 0; // Rotary Switch - 10 Position // Number 1 => 10 int iRotNum = A4; // iRotVal - Value int iRotVal = 0; // Number int z = 0; int x = 0; // Music Player MusicPlayer myplayer; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-08"; void loop() { // Rotary Switch isRot(); }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // BrightenValue = 40 BrightenValue = 40; pixels.setBrightness( BrightenValue ); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware pixels.show(); } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color ColorVal = analogRead( iSensorColor ); y = (ColorVal / 127); switch ( y ) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 7: // Red red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; } }
// Rotary Switch // isRot - iRotVal - Value void isRot() { // Rotary Switch z = analogRead( iRotNum ); x = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 9); iRotVal = map(z, 0, 1023, 0, 10); // Range Value switch ( iRotVal ) { case 0: // Range Color isRangeColor(); break; case 1: // Music // Add To Playlist // 3:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk001.mp3"); // 2:47 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk002.mp3"); // 4.34 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk003.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 10:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 2: // Music // Add To Playlist // 22:53 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk004.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 22:53 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 3: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk005.mp3"); // 4:20 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk006.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 8:38 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 4: // Music // Add To Playlist // 9:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk007.mp3"); // 7:52 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk008.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 17:07 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 5: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:37 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk009.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 4:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 6: // Music // Add To Playlist // 8:40 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk010.mp3"); // 8:40 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 7: // Music // Add To Playlist // 1:31 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk011.mp3"); // 3:29 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk012.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 5:00 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 8: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk013.mp3"); // 5:17 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk014.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 11:31 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 9: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:30 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk015.mp3"); // 3:00 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk016.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 9:30 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); delay(50); // Range Color isRangeColor(); // Music Player // Will initialize the hardware and set default mode to be normal myplayer.begin(); }
Music 01 – 10m 37s
Music 02 – 22m 53s
Music 03 – 8m 38s
Music 04 – 17m 07s
Music 05 – 4m 37s
Music 06 – 8m 40s
Music 07 – 5m 00s
Music 08 – 11m 31s
Music 09 – 9m 30s
People can contact us: https://www.donluc.com/?page_id=1927
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
- Robotics
- Research & Development (R & D)
- Desktop Applications (Windows, OSX, Linux, Multi-OS, Multi-Tier, etc…)
- Mobile Applications (Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, etc…)
- Web Applications (LAMP, Scripting, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, RoR, Wakanda, etc…)
- Social Media Programming & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc…)
- Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, etc…)
- Bulletin Boards (phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, jobberBase, etc…)
- eCommerce (WooCommerce, OSCommerce, ZenCart, PayPal Shopping Cart, etc…)
- PIC Microcontrollers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Espressif
- Robotics
- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
Follow Us
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Web: https://www.donluc.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLE/
Web: https://www.donluc.com/DLHackster/
Web: https://www.hackster.io/neosteam-labs
Web: https://zoom.us/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DonLucElectronics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neosteamlabs/
Don Luc