#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – NeoPixel Stick – Mk06
#donluc #meditation #glassesledmeditation #musicshield #neopixels #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
NeoPixel Stick – 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers
Make your own little LED strip arrangement with this stick of NeoPixel LEDs. We crammed 8 of the tiny 5050 (5mm x 5mm) smart RGB LEDs onto a PCB with mounting holes and a chainable design. Use only one microcontroller pin to control as many as you can chain together! Each LED is addressable as the driver chip is inside the LED. Each one has ~18mA constant current drive so the color will be very consistent even if the voltage varies, and no external choke resistors are required making the design slim. Power the whole thing with 5VDC (4-7V works).
The LEDs are ‘chainable’ by connecting the output of one stick into the input of another. There is a single data line with a very timing-specific protocol. Since the protocol is very sensitive to timing, it requires a real-time microconroller such as an AVR, Arduino, PIC, mbed, etc. It cannot be used with a Linux-based microcomputer or interpreted microcontroller such as the netduino or Basic Stamp. Our wonderfully-written Neopixel library for Arduino supports these pixels. As it requires hand-tuned assembly it is only for AVR cores but others may have ported this chip driver code so please google around. An 8MHz or faster processor is required.
1 x Arduino Uno – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Music Shield V1.1
1 x NeoPixel Stick – 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
2 x Knob
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch – 10 Position
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout
1 x Breadboard Solderable
11 x 1K Ohm
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
17 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Ethernet Cable Cat 5 – 2 Metres
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno – R3
RW0 – Analog A4
PO0 – Analog A5
NP1 – Digital 1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED Meditation - NeoPixel Stick - Mk06 // 03-02 // DL2103Mk02p.ino 17-06 // DL2103Mk02 // 1 x Arduino Uno - R3 // 1 x ProtoScrewShield // 1 x Music Shield V1.1 // 1 x NeoPixel Stick - 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 11 x Knob // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch - 10 Position // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout // 1 x Breadboard Solderable // 11 x 1K Ohm // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 17 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Ethernet Cable Cat 5 - 2 Metres // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // Fat 16 #include <Fat16.h> #include <Fat16Util.h> // New SPI #include <NewSPI.h> // Arduino #include <arduino.h> // Music Player #include "pins_config.h" #include "vs10xx.h" #include "newSDLib.h" #include "MusicPlayer.h" // NeoPixels #define PIN 1 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 8 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brighten int BrightenValue = 0; // Color const int iSensorColor = A5; int y = 0; int ColorVal = 0; // Rotary Switch - 10 Position // Number 1 => 10 int iRotNum = A4; // iRotVal - Value int iRotVal = 0; // Number int z = 0; int x = 0; // Music Player MusicPlayer myplayer; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-06"; void loop() { // Rotary Switch isRot(); }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // BrightenValue = 40 BrightenValue = 40; pixels.setBrightness( BrightenValue ); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color ColorVal = analogRead( iSensorColor ); y = (ColorVal / 127); switch ( y ) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 7: // Red red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; } }
// Rotary Switch // isRot - iRotVal - Value void isRot() { // Rotary Switch z = analogRead( iRotNum ); x = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 9); iRotVal = map(z, 0, 1023, 0, 10); // Range Value switch ( iRotVal ) { case 0: // Range Color isRangeColor(); break; case 1: // Music // Add To Playlist // 3:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk001.mp3"); // 2:47 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk002.mp3"); // 4.34 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk003.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 10:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 2: // Music // Add To Playlist // 22:53 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk004.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 22:53 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 3: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk005.mp3"); // 4:20 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk006.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 8:38 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 4: // Music // Add To Playlist // 9:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk007.mp3"); // 7:52 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk008.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 17:07 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 5: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:37 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk009.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 4:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 6: // Music // Add To Playlist // 8:40 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk010.mp3"); // 8:40 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 7: // Music // Add To Playlist // 1:31 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk011.mp3"); // 3:29 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk012.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 5:00 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 8: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk013.mp3"); // 5:17 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk014.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 11:31 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 9: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:30 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk015.mp3"); // 3:00 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk016.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 9:30 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); delay(50); // Range Color isRangeColor(); // Music Player // Will initialize the hardware and set default mode to be normal myplayer.begin(); }
Music 01 – 10m 37s
Music 02 – 22m 53s
Music 03 – 8m 38s
Music 04 – 17m 07s
Music 05 – 4m 37s
Music 06 – 8m 40s
Music 07 – 5m 00s
Music 08 – 11m 31s
Music 09 – 9m 30s
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – Music Meditation – Mk05
#donluc #meditation #glassesledmeditation #musicshield #neopixels #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Meditation or Aesthetics or Ambient of Music
Aesthetics of music is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty and taste in music, and with the creation or appreciation of beauty in music. In the pre-modern tradition, the aesthetics of music or musical aesthetics explored the mathematical and cosmological dimensions of rhythmic and harmonic organization.
As an early 20th-century French composer, Erik Satie used such Dadaist-inspired explorations to create an early form of ambient/background music that he labeled “furniture music”. This he described as being the sort of music that could be played during a dinner to create a background atmosphere for that activity, rather than serving as the focus of attention.
I think of it as melodious, softening the noises of the knives and forks at dinner, not dominating them, not imposing itself. It would fill up those heavy silences that sometime fall between friends dining together. It would spare them the trouble of paying attention to their own banal remarks. And at the same time it would neutralize the street noises which so indiscreetly enter into the play of conversation. To make such music would be to respond to a need.
Background music for meditation should be calm, relaxing, and to evoke a warm feeling that allows viewers to feel safe and comfortable. Moreover, meditating music should quiet the inner voice, allowing the viewer to stay in the present moment and focus on immersing in meditation.
1 x Arduino Uno – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Music Shield V1.1
2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
2 x Knob
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch – 10 Position
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout
1 x Breadboard Solderable
11 x 1K Ohm
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
20 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno – R3
RW0 – Analog A4
PO0 – Analog A5
NP1 – Digital 1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED Meditation - Music - Mk05 // 03-01 // DL2103Mk01p.ino 17-05 // DL2103Mk01 // 1 x Arduino Uno - R3 // 1 x ProtoScrewShield // 1 x Music Shield V1.1 // 2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 11 x Knob // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch - 10 Position // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout // 1 x Breadboard Solderable // 11 x 1K Ohm // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 20 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // Fat 16 #include <Fat16.h> #include <Fat16Util.h> // New SPI #include <NewSPI.h> // Arduino #include <arduino.h> // Music Player #include "pins_config.h" #include "vs10xx.h" #include "newSDLib.h" #include "MusicPlayer.h" // NeoPixels #define PIN 1 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 2 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brighten int BrightenValue = 0; // Color const int iSensorColor = A5; int y = 0; int ColorVal = 0; // Rotary Switch - 10 Position // Number 1 => 10 int iRotNum = A4; // iRotVal - Value int iRotVal = 0; // Number int z = 0; int x = 0; // Music Player MusicPlayer myplayer; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-05"; void loop() { // Rotary Switch isRot(); }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // BrightenValue = 40 BrightenValue = 40; pixels.setBrightness( BrightenValue ); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color ColorVal = analogRead( iSensorColor ); y = (ColorVal / 127); switch ( y ) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 7: // Red red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; } }
// Rotary Switch // isRot - iRotVal - Value void isRot() { // Rotary Switch z = analogRead( iRotNum ); x = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 9); iRotVal = map(z, 0, 1023, 0, 10); // Range Value switch ( iRotVal ) { case 0: // Range Color isRangeColor(); break; case 1: // Music // Add To Playlist // 3:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk001.mp3"); // 2:47 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk002.mp3"); // 4.34 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk003.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 10:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 2: // Music // Add To Playlist // 22:53 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk004.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 22:53 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 3: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:18 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk005.mp3"); // 4:20 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk006.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 8:38 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 4: // Music // Add To Playlist // 9:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk007.mp3"); // 7:52 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk008.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 17:07 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 5: // Music // Add To Playlist // 4:37 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk009.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 4:37 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 6: // Music // Add To Playlist // 8:40 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk010.mp3"); // 8:40 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 7: // Music // Add To Playlist // 1:31 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk011.mp3"); // 3:29 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk012.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 5:00 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 8: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:14 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk013.mp3"); // 5:17 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk014.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 11:31 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; case 9: // Music // Add To Playlist // 6:30 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk015.mp3"); // 3:00 myplayer.addToPlaylist("DLEMk016.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist // 9:30 myplayer.playList(); while(1); break; } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); delay(50); // Range Color isRangeColor(); // Music Player // Will initialize the hardware and set default mode to be normal myplayer.begin(); }
Music 01 – 10m 37s
Music 02 – 22m 53s
Music 03 – 8m 38s
Music 04 – 17m 07s
Music 05 – 4m 37s
Music 06 – 8m 40s
Music 07 – 5m 00s
Music 08 – 11m 31s
Music 09 – 9m 30s
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – Music Shield – Mk04
#donluc #meditation #glassesledmeditation #musicshield #neopixels #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #zoom #patreon #videoblog
Music Shield V1.1
The Music Shield is a professional audio codec.It can work with Arduino and Arduino Mega. It is based on VS1053b IC, and can play a variety of music formats stored on MicroSD cards with the provided Arduino Library.
- Arduino and Arduino Mega compatible
- 2 control-push buttons and 1 knob switch
- Plays music from micro SD cards
- Decodes: MP3, WAV, MIDI, Ogg Vorbis
- Fat16 library
- I2S interface for external DAC
- Headphone/Line Out for playback
- Excellent sound quality with ±1dB frequency response
1 x Arduino Uno – R3
1 x ProtoScrewShield
1 x Music Shield V1.1
2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
1 x Knob
1 x Momentary Button – Panel Mount (Black)
1 x 1K Ohm
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
15 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Uno – R3
SW0 – Analog A4
PO0 – Analog A5
NP1 – Digital 1
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED Meditation - Music Shield - Mk04 // 02-07 // DL2102Mk07p.ino 17-04 // DL2102Mk07 // 1 x Arduino Uno - R3 // 1 x ProtoScrewShield // 1 x Music Shield V1.1 // 2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 1 x Knob // 1 x Momentary Button - Panel Mount (Black) // 1 x 1K Ohm // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 15 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // Fat 16 #include <Fat16.h> #include <Fat16Util.h> // New SPI #include <NewSPI.h> // Arduino #include <arduino.h> // Music Player #include "pins_config.h" #include "vs10xx.h" #include "newSDLib.h" #include "MusicPlayer.h" // NeoPixels #define PIN 1 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 2 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brighten int BrightenValue = 0; // Color const int iSensorColor = A5; int y = 0; int ColorVal = 0; // Mountable Slide Switch int iSS1 = A4; // State int iSS1State = 0; // Music Player MusicPlayer myplayer; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-04"; void loop() { // Slide Switch // Read the state of the iSS1 value iSS1State = digitalRead(iSS1); // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // Range Color isRangeColor(); } else { // Add To Playlist myplayer.addToPlaylist("F001.mp3"); myplayer.addToPlaylist("F002.mp3"); myplayer.addToPlaylist("F003.mp3"); myplayer.addToPlaylist("F004.mp3"); myplayer.addToPlaylist("F005.mp3"); // There are two songs in the playlist myplayer.playList(); while(1); } }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // BrightenValue = 40 BrightenValue = 40; pixels.setBrightness( BrightenValue ); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color ColorVal = analogRead( iSensorColor ); y = (ColorVal / 127); switch ( y ) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 7: // Red red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); delay(50); // Slide Switch pinMode(iSS1, INPUT); // Music Player // Will initialize the hardware and set default mode to be normal myplayer.begin(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger – Mk03
#donluc #meditation #glassesmeditation #glassesledmeditation #neopixels #audioplayer #microsd #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #patreon #videoblog
PCM(Pulse Width Modulation)/WAV playback direct from SD card
Samples Per second(Hz): 16000
Main formats: WAV files, 8-bit, 8-32khz Sample Rate, mono.
Voice: Yes
Music: No / Yes
Qwiic MP3 Trigger
The Qwiic MP3 Trigger is designed to operate at 3.3V and must not be powered above 3.6V as this is the maximum operating voltage of microSD cards. Otherwise, the board can also be powered through the Qwiic connector.
MP3 and ATtiny84
At the heart of the Qwiic MP3 Trigger is the WT2003S MP3 decoder IC. This IC reads MP3s from the microSD card and will automatically mount the SD card as a jump drive if USB is detected. The ATtiny84A receives I2C commands and controls the MP3 decoder.
Audio Amplifier
The speaker is boosted by a Class-D mono amplifier capable of outputting up to 1.4W. Both outputs have volume controlled by the SET_VOLUME command and is selectable between 32 levels.
Audio Outputs
This is a friction fit type connector; simply push stranded core wire into the hole and the connector will grip the wire, speaker as Dayton audio reference 3″ full-range drive.
Voice: Yes
Music: Yes
1 x SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger
1 x microSD Card – 2GB
2 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
2 x Knob
1 x Qwiic Cable – 100mm
1 x Dayton Audio Reference 3″ Full-Range Drive
2 x Wire Stranded Core – 18 AWG
17 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic
PO0 – Analog A0
PO1 – Analog A1
NP1 – Digital 6
I2C – 0x37
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED Meditation - SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger - Mk03 // 02-06 // DL2102Mk06p.ino 17-03 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel // 1 x SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger // 1 x microSD Card - 2GB // 2 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 2 x Knob // 1 x Qwiic Cable - 100mm // 1 x Dayton Audio Reference 3" Full-Range Drive // 2 x Wire Stranded Core - 16 AWG // 17 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun MP3 Trigger #include "SparkFun_Qwiic_MP3_Trigger_Arduino_Library.h" // NeoPixels #define PIN 6 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 2 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brighten const int iSensorBrighten = A0; // Max - Min int BrightenValue = 0; // Minimum sensor value int BrightenMin = 0; // Maximum sensor value int BrightenMax = 1023; // Color const int iSensorColor = A1; int y = 0; int ColorVal = 0; // SparkFun MP3 Trigger MP3TRIGGER mp3; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-03"; void loop() { // Range Color isRangeColor(); if (mp3.isPlaying() == false) { // Play Track dleMk002.mp3 mp3.playTrack(1); } }
// MP3 // Setup MP3 void isSetupMP3(){ // Check to see if Qwiic MP3 is present on the bus if (mp3.begin() == false) { // Qwiic MP3 failed to respond. Please check wiring and possibly the I2C address. Freezing... while (1); } if (mp3.hasCard() == false) { // Qwiic MP3 is missing its SD card. Freezing... while (1); } // Volume can be 0 (off) to 31 (max) mp3.setVolume(28); // Play Track dleMk002.mp3 mp3.playTrack(1); }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // Read the Brightneed BrightenValue = analogRead( iSensorBrighten ); // Apply the calibration to the BrightneedValue reading BrightenValue = map(BrightenValue, BrightenMin, BrightenMax, 0, 255); // In case the sensor value is outside the range seen during calibration BrightenValue = constrain(BrightenValue, 0, 255); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setBrightness( BrightenValue ); pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color ColorVal = analogRead( iSensorColor ); y = (ColorVal / 127); switch (y) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; isNeopix(); break; case 7: // Red red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; isNeopix(); break; } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Serial // Serial.begin(9600); // Wire communicate with I2C / TWI devices Wire.begin(); // SparkFun MP3 Trigger Setup isSetupMP3(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – Audio Player – Mk02
#donluc #meditation #glassesmeditation #glassesledmeditation #glassesled #neopixels #audioplayer #microsd #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #patreon #videoblog
Meditation Music
Music Meditation has many wonderful benefits for helping people with control meditation may significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression, COVID-19, HIV, TMJD, aphasia, ADHD, cancer, and pain; and enhance peace, perception, self-concept, and well-being. Music Meditation can also lift your mood, slow your breathing, and create other stress-inducing changes.
From mood enhancement and relaxation to full-blown oneness with the cosmos, music has the ability to powerfully shift our state of mind. Meditation is not that different. Meditation lowers the stress hormone cortisol, helps us sleep better, and rewires the brain with a host of positive emotional qualities. The goal of both music and meditation is to create a powerful and positive shift in our mental state.
Music is a reliable source of transformational experience for many, and we are attracted to music for the same reasons that meditators meditate. Music and meditation both allow a fuller and richer experience of our emotions. They stop our incessant and often negative mental chatter and offer us an opportunity to inhabit the present moment more fully and meaningfully. These are all important for good health and happiness in human beings.
Meditation and music are calming, transformative activities that can improve health in multiple ways. Research studies indicate that meditation can protect of a heart attack or stroke, improve sleep, relieve pain, sharpen mind and memory, lift mood, and ease anxiety.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
1 x Knob
1 x MicroSD card breakout board+
1 x MicroSD Memory Card (8 GB SDHC)
1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout
1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm
1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker
20 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
2 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Pro Mini 328
PO0 – Analog A0
SS0 – Digital 10
MOS – Digital 11
MIS – Digital 12
SCK – Digital 13
SPE – Digital 9
NP1 – Digital 6
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED Meditation - Audio Player - Mk02 // 02-05 // DL2102Mk05p.ino 17-05 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel // 1 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 1 x Knob // 1 x MicroSD card breakout board+ // 1 x MicroSD Memory Card (8 GB SDHC) // 1 x SparkFun Audio Jack Breakout // 1 x Audio Jack 3.5mm // 1 x Hamburger Mini Speaker // 20 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 2 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) #include <SPI.h> // SD Cards #include <SD.h> // PCM/WAV Audio Playback #include <TMRpcm.h> // NeoPixels #define PIN 6 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 2 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Color // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brightneed const int iSensorBrightneed = A0; // Max - Min int BrightneedValue = 0; // Minimum sensor value int BrightneedMin = 0; // Maximum sensor value int BrightneedMax = 1023; // PCM/WAV Audio Playback TMRpcm music; int iSpeaker = 9; int iPlaying = 0; // SD Cards int iSD = 10; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-02"; void loop() { // Range Color // White isRangeColor(); // Playing iPlaying = music.isPlaying(); if ( iPlaying == 0 ) { // Play"dleMk001.wav"); } }
// Neopix void isNeopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // Neopix // Read the Brightneed BrightneedValue = analogRead( iSensorBrightneed ); // Apply the calibration to the BrightneedValue reading BrightneedValue = map(BrightneedValue, BrightneedMin, BrightneedMax, 0, 255); // In case the sensor value is outside the range seen during calibration BrightneedValue = constrain(BrightneedValue, 0, 255); // The pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setBrightness( BrightneedValue ); pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; } } // Range Color void isRangeColor() { // Range Color // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; isNeopix(); }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // PCM/WAV Audio Playback music.speakerPin = iSpeaker; // SD Cards SD.begin( iSD ); // PCM/WAV Audio Playback // Volume music.setVolume(5); music.quality(1); // Play"dleMk001.wav"); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
#17 – Meditation – Glasses LED Meditation – Mk01
#donluc #glasses #glassesmeditation #glassesled #glassesledmeditation #neopixels #meditation #arduino #sparkfun #project #programming #software #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #patreon #vlog #videoblog
Me, Luc suffered on 2013 a massive stroke that let me with an aphasia condition. In 2014 I could speak words and make myself understand by using the computer, and the good thing is that I did not lose my abilities. In 2015 Norma, my wife, was doing meditation and praying and an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication. In the narrow sense, the term refers to an act of supplication or intercession directed towards a deity or a deified ancestor. More generally, prayer can also have the purpose of thanksgiving or praise, and in comparative religion is closely associated with more abstract forms of meditation and with charms or spells.
In this view, the ultimate goal of prayer is to help train a person to focus on divinity through philosophy and intellectual contemplation (meditation). This approach was taken by the other medieval rationalists. Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow. Some modalities of alternative medicine employ prayer.
Glasses LED Meditation
First Luc researched the scientific principles behind available biofeedback technologies, the ways to design and build the actual sensors Meditation Glasses LED. Arduino Pro Mini, RGB Smart NeoPixel, potentiometer, slide switch, USB LiPoly charger, lithium ion battery, wire, Etc… To find the solution yielding the best results, constructed proof-of-concept prototypes.
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHz
2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel
3 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer
3 x Knob
1 x Mountable Slide Switch
1 x USB LiPoly Charger – Single Cell
1 x Lithium Ion Battery – 400mAh
Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout – 5V
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Pro Mini 328
PO0 – Analog A0
PO1 – Analog A1
PO2 – Analog A2
NP1 – Digital 6
VIN – +5V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // #17 - Meditation - Glasses LED - Mk01 // 02-02 // DL2102Mk02p.ino 17-01 // 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz // 2 x Breadboard-friendly RGB Smart NeoPixel // 3 x Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // 3 x Knob // 1 x Mountable Slide Switch // 1 x USB LiPoly Charger - Single Cell // 1 x Lithium Ion Battery - 400mAh // Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 1 x SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // NeoPixel #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // NeoPixels #define PIN 6 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino #define NUMPIXELS 2 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Panel Mount 1K potentiometer // Brightneed const int sensorPin = A0; // Delay const int sensorDelay = A1; // Number const int sensorNumber = A2; // Variables int sensorValue = 0; // the sensor value int sensorMin = 1023; // minimum sensor value int sensorMax = 0; // maximum sensor value int red = 0; int green = 0; int blue = 0; int x = 0; long delayVal = 0; long xp = 0; int y = 0; int z = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "17-01"; void loop() { z = analogRead(sensorNumber); y = (z / 127); // range value: switch (y) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; neopix(); break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; neopix(); break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; neopix(); break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; neopix(); break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; neopix(); break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; neopix(); break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; neopix(); break; case 7: xp = analogRead(sensorDelay); delayVal = (1000 * xp); // range value: switch (x) { case 0: // Blue red = 0; green = 102; blue = 204; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 1; break; case 1: // Yellow red = 255; green = 255; blue = 0; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 2; break; case 2: // Pink red = 255; green = 153; blue = 203; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 3; break; case 3: // White red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 4; break; case 4: // Green red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 5; break; case 5: // Orange red = 255; green = 102; blue = 0; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 6; break; case 6: // Violet red = 204; green = 102; blue = 204; neopix(); delay(delayVal); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). x = 0; break; } break; } }
// Neopix void neopix() { for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++){ // read the sensor: sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // apply the calibration to the sensor reading sensorValue = map(sensorValue, sensorMin, sensorMax, 0, 255); // in case the sensor value is outside the range seen during calibration sensorValue = constrain(sensorValue, 0, 255); // pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setBrightness( sensorValue ); pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(red,green,blue)); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware.; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds). delay(50); } }
// Setup void setup() { // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #16: Sound – Audacity – Mk06
#donluc #sound #audacity #synthesizer #programming #arduino #fritzing #electronics #microcontrollers #consultant #vlog
Free, open source, cross-platform audio software. Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Developed by a group of volunteers as open source.
Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from other media.
Export / Import
Import, edit, and combine sound files. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Sound Quality
Supports 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit. Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.
Support for LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist, VST and Audio Unit effect plug-ins. Nyquist effects can be easily modified in a text editor – or you can even write your own plug-in.
Easy editing with Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete. Also unlimited sequential Undo (and Redo) in the session to go back any number of steps.
Real-time preview of LADSPA, LV2, VST and Audio Unit (macOS) effects. Plug-in Manager handles plug-in installation and addition/removal of effects and generators from the menus.
Tracks and selections can be fully manipulated using the keyboard. Large range of keyboard shortcuts.
Spectrogram view mode for visualizing and selecting frequencies. Plot Spectrum window for detailed frequency analysis.
The keyboard functions prevent Arduino Uno a processor ATmega328P to send keystrokes to an attached computer through their micro’s native USB port. Keyboard processor ATmega32U4 command the Leonardo, Micro, Due board, Pro Micro, and Fio v3. The approximately 150 most important functions in Audacity can be controlled and triggered with shortcuts, by pressing multiple keys on the computer keyboard. Keyboard Serial listens for a byte coming from the serial port. When received, the board sends a keystroke back to the computer.
1 x Fio v3 – ATmega32U4
1 x 4×4 Matrix Keypad
8 x Jumper Wires 6in M/F
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Fio v3 – ATmega32U4
KP2 – Digital 2
KP3 – Digital 3
KP4 – Digital 4
KP5 – Digital 5
KP6 – Digital 6
KP7 – Digital 7
KP8 – Digital 8
KP9 – Digital 9
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #16: Sound - Audacity - Mk06 // 10-05 // DL2010Mk05p.ino 16-06 // 1 x Fio v3 - ATmega32U4 // 1 x 4x4 Matrix Keypad // 8 x Jumper Wires 6in M/F // 1 x Half-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // Include the Library Code // 4x4 Matrix Keypad #include#include "Keyboard.h" // 4x4 Matrix Keypad // Four rows const byte ROWS = 4; // Four columns const byte COLS = 4; // Define the symbols on the buttons of the keypads char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'1','2','3','A'}, {'4','5','6','B'}, {'7','8','9','C'}, {'*','0','#','D'} }; // Connect to the row pinouts of the keypad byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 4, 3, 2}; // Connect to the column pinouts of the keypad byte colPins[COLS] = {9, 8, 7, 6}; // Initialize an instance of class NewKeypad Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); char customKey; // Software Version Information String sver = "16-06"; void loop() { // 4x4 Matrix Keypad isKeypad(); delay( 50 ); }
// 4x4 Matrix Keypad // Keypad void isKeypad() { // 4x4 Matrix Keypad customKey = customKeypad.getKey(); if ( customKey == '0' ){ // 0 = Go to Selection Start delay(10);; delay(10);'['); delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '1' ){ // 1 = Increase gain on focused track 1 dB. delay(10);; delay(10);; delay(10);; delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '2' ){ // 2 = Zoom In delay(10);; delay(10);'1'); delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '3' ){ // 3 = Play/Stop delay(10);; delay(10);'A'); delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '4' ){ // 4 = Decrease gain on focused track 1 dB. delay(10);; delay(10);; delay(10);; delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '5' ){ // 5 = Zoom Normal delay(10);; delay(10);'2'); delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '6' ){ // 6 = } if ( customKey == '7' ){ // 7 = } if ( customKey == '8' ){ // 8 = Zoom Out delay(10);; delay(10);'3'); delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == '9' ){ // 9 = } if ( customKey == 'A' ){ // A = Skip to Start delay(10);; delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == 'B' ){ // B = Skip to End delay(10);; delay(10); Keyboard.releaseAll(); } if ( customKey == 'C' ){ // C = } if ( customKey == 'D' ){ // D = } if ( customKey == '*' ){ // * = } if ( customKey == '#' ){ // # = } }
// Setup void setup() { // Open the serial port Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize control over the keyboard Keyboard.begin(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #14: Components – SparkFun Solderable Breadboard – Mk20
#DonLuc #Electronics #Components #SolderableBreadboard #Microcontrollers #Environment #SparkFun #Consultant #Vlog #Aphasia
SparkFun Solderable Breadboard
SparkFun Item: PRT-12070
This is the SparkFun Solderable Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our regular breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails. This board is especially useful for preserving a prototype or experiment you just created on a solderless breadboard by soldering all the pieces in place.
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
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The Alpha Geek
J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #15: Environment – PIR Motion Sensor – Mk12
#DonLuc #Environment #ESP32 #MQ #GPS #EMF #PIR #SparkFun #Adafruit #Pololu #Fritzing #Programming #Arduino #Consultant #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Vlog #Aphasia
PIR Motion Sensor (JST)
SparkFun Item: SEN-13285
This is a simple to use motion sensor. Power it up and wait 1-2 seconds for the sensor to get a snapshot of the still room. If anything moves after that period, the ‘alarm’ pin will go low. The alarm pin is an open collector meaning you will need a pull up resistor on the alarm pin. The open drain setup allows multiple motion sensors to be connected on a single input pin. If any of the motion sensors go off, the input pin will be pulled low.
We’ve finally updated the connector! Gone is the old “odd” connector, now you will find a common 3-pin JST! This makes the PIR Sensor much more accessible for whatever your project may need. Red = Power, White = Ground, and Black = Alarm.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout – CCS811/BME280
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x SparkFun GPS Receiver – GP-20U7
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 32Gb microSD Card
1 x Mountable Slide Switch
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch – 10 Position
1 x Black Knob
1 x Breadboard Solderable
4 x Pololu Carrier for MQ Gas Sensors
1 x SparkFun Hydrogen Gas Sensor – MQ-8
1 x Pololu Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor – MQ-9
1 x SparkFun Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor – MQ-7
1 x SparkFun Alcohol Gas Sensor – MQ-3
1 x Telescopic Antenna SMA – 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz (ANT700)
1 x SMA Connector
1 x Humidity and Temperature Sensor – RHT03
1 x PIR Motion Sensor (JST)
1 x Qwiic Cable – 100mm
1 x LED Green
11 x 1K Ohm
1 x 4.7K Ohm
2 x 10K Ohm
1 x 20k Ohm
1 x 200k Ohm
1 x 3.3m Ohm
12 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M
13 x Jumper Wires 6in M/M
20 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
2 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x DC Power Supply
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
LEG – Digital 21
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
SS1 – Digital 16
ROT – Analog A1
MH1 – Analog A0
MC1 – Analog A2
MC2 – Analog A3
MA1 – Analog A4
EMF – Analog A5
GPS – Digital 14
RHT – Digital 15
PIR – Digital 17
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #15: Environment - PIR Motion Sensor (JST) - Mk12 // 06-02 // DL2006Mk02p.ino 15-12 // EEPROM with Unique ID // 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM // 1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display // 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 // 1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // 1 x SparkFun GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 // 1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery // 1 x 32Gb microSD Card // 1 x Mountable Slide Switch // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch - 10 Position // 1 x Black Knob // 1 x Breadboard Solderable // 4 x Pololu Carrier for MQ Gas Sensors // 1 x SparkFun Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 // 1 x Pololu Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 // 1 x SparkFun Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 // 1 x SparkFun Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 // 1 x Telescopic Antenna SMA - 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz (ANT700) // 1 x SMA Connector // 1 x Humidity and Temperature Sensor - RHT03 // 1 x PIR Motion Sensor (JST) // 1 x Qwiic Cable - 100mm // 1 x LED Green // 11 x 1K Ohm // 1 x 4.7K Ohm // 2 x 10K Ohm // 1 x 20k Ohm // 1 x 200k Ohm // 1 x 3.3m Ohm // 12 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M // 13 x Jumper Wires 6in M/M // 20 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 2 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x DC Power Supply // Include the Library Code // EEPROM Library to Read and Write EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit #include "EEPROM.h" // Wire #include <Wire.h> // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> // Hardware Serial #include <HardwareSerial.h> // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here - 144x168 Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height int minorHalfSize; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); float CCS811CO2 = 0; float CCS811TVOC = 0; // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; float BMEtempC = 0; float BMEhumid = 0; float BMEaltitudeM = 0; float BMEpressure = 0; // Date and Time // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // microSD Card const int chipSelect = 33; String zzzzzz = ""; // Mountable Slide Switch int iSS1 = 16; // State int iSS1State = 0; // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 14 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection #define gpsTXPIN 32 // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int GPSStatus = 0; // Rotary Switch - 10 Position // Number 1 => 10 int iRotNum = A0; // iRotVal - Value int iRotVal = 0; // Number int z = 0; int x = 0; // Gas Sensors MQ // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 int iMQ8 = A1; int iMQ8Raw = 0; int iMQ8ppm = 0; // Two points are taken from the curve in datasheet // With these two points, a line is formed which is "approximately equivalent" to the original curve float H2Curve[3] = {2.3, 0.93,-1.44}; // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 int iMQ9 = A2; int iMQ9Raw = 0; int iMQ9ppm = 0; // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 int iMQ7 = A3; int iMQ7Raw = 0; int iMQ7ppm = 0; // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 int iMQ3 = A4; int iMQ3Raw = 0; int iMQ3ppm = 0; // EMF Meter (Single Axis) int iEMF = A5; // Raise this number to increase data smoothing #define NUMREADINGS 15 // Raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max) int senseLimit = 15; // EMF Value int valEMF = 0; // Readings from the analog input int readings[ NUMREADINGS ]; // Index of the current reading int indexEMF = 0; // Running total int totalEMF = 0; // Final average of the probe reading int averageEMF = 0; int iEMFDis = 0; int iEMFRect = 0; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor // RHT03 data pin Digital 15 const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 15; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor RHT03 rht; float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // PIR Motion // Motion detector const int iMotion = 17; // Proximity int proximity = LOW; String Det = ""; // Software Version Information String sver = "15-12"; // EEPROM Unique ID Information #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver isGPS(); // Date and Time isRTC(); // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // Gas Sensors MQ isGasSensor(); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isEMF(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // isPIR Motion isPIR(); // Rotary Switch isRot(); // Slide Switch // Read the state of the iSS1 value iSS1State = digitalRead(iSS1); // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // microSD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } delay( 1000 ); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = (myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(), 2); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// Display // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // Text Display // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(3); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Don Luc Electronics display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Don Luc" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,40); display.println( "Electronics" ); // Version display.setTextSize(3); display.setCursor(0,70); display.println( "Version" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( sver ); // EEPROM Unique ID display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "EEPROM Unique ID" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,145); display.println( uid ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Environmental void isDisplayEnvironmental(){ // Text Display Environmental // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature Celsius display.setCursor(0,0); display.println( "Temperature Celsius" ); display.setCursor(0,10); display.print( BMEtempC ); display.println( " C" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,20); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( BMEhumid ); display.println( "%" ); // Altitude Meters display.setCursor(0,40); display.println( "Altitude Meters" ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.print( BMEaltitudeM ); display.println( " m" ); // Pressure display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "Barometric Pressure" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( BMEpressure ); display.println( " Pa" ); // eCO2 Concentration display.setCursor(0,80); display.println( "eCO2 Concentration" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.print( CCS811CO2 ); display.println( " ppm" ); // tVOC Concentration display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( "tVOC Concentration" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( CCS811TVOC ); display.println( " ppb" ); // Date display.setCursor(0,120); display.println( dateRTC ); // Time display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( timeRTC ); // GPS Status display.setCursor(0,140); display.println( GPSStatus ); // Target Latitude display.setCursor(0,150); display.println( TargetLat ); // Target Longitude display.setCursor(0,160); display.println( TargetLon ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Date void isDisplayDate() { // Text Display Date // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Date display.setCursor(0,5); display.println( dateRTC ); // Time display.setCursor(0,30); display.println( timeRTC ); // GPS Status display.setCursor(0,60); display.print( "GPS: " ); display.println( GPSStatus ); // Target Latitude display.setCursor(0,80); display.println( "Latitude" ); display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( TargetLat ); // Target Longitude display.setCursor(0,120); display.println( "Longitude" ); display.setCursor(0,140); display.println( TargetLon ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display BME280 void isDisplayBME280() { // Text Display BME280 // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature Celsius display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Temperature" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( BMEtempC ); display.println( " C" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( BMEhumid ); display.println( "%" ); // Altitude Meters display.setCursor(0,90); display.println( "Altitude M" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( BMEaltitudeM ); display.println( " m" ); // Pressure display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "Barometric" ); display.setCursor(0,150); display.print( BMEpressure ); display.println( "Pa" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isDisplayCCS811() { // Text Display CCS811 // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // eCO2 Concentration display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "eCO2" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( CCS811CO2 ); display.println( " ppm" ); // tVOC Concentration display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "tVOC" ); display.setCursor(0,80); display.print( CCS811TVOC ); display.println( " ppb" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Gas Sensors MQ void isDisplayMQ() { // Text Display MQ // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Gas Sensors MQ display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Gas H2 MQ8" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( iMQ8ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( "Gas CO MQ9" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( iMQ9ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.println( "Gas CO MQ7" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( iMQ7ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "BAC MQ3" ); display.setCursor(0,150); display.print( iMQ3ppm ); display.println( "%" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // EMF Meter (Single Axis) void isDisplayEMF() { // Text Display EMF Meter // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // EMF Meter display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "EMF Meter" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( "EMF: " ); display.println( averageEMF ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( iEMFDis ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.setTextSize(1); display.println( "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.drawRect(0, 90, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); display.fillRect(0, 90, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display PIR Motion void isDisplayPIR() { // Text Display PIR // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // PIR Motion display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "PIR Motion" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.println( Det ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display RHT void isDisplayRHT() { // Text Display RHT // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Temp C" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println( "C" ); // Temp F display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "Temp F" ); display.setCursor(0,80); display.print( latestTempF ); display.println( "F" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,110); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,130); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println( " %" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Z void isDisplayZ() { // Text Display Z // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(3); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Z display.setCursor(0,10); display.print( "Z: " ); display.println( z ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM // isUID EEPROM Unique ID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// EMF Meter (Single Axis) // Setup EMF Meter void isSetupEMF() { // EMF Meter (Single Axis) pinMode( iEMF, OUTPUT ); for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++){ readings[ i ] = 0; // Initialize all the readings to 0 } } // EMF Meter void isEMF() { // Probe EMF Meter // Take a reading from the probe valEMF = analogRead( iEMF ); // If the reading isn't zero, proceed if( valEMF >= 1 ){ // Turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value valEMF = constrain( valEMF, 1, senseLimit ); // Remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range valEMF = map( valEMF, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023 ); // Subtract the last reading totalEMF -= readings[ indexEMF ]; // Read from the sensor readings[ indexEMF ] = valEMF; // Add the reading to the total totalEMF += readings[ indexEMF ]; // Advance to the next index indexEMF = ( indexEMF + 1 ); // If we're at the end of the array... if ( indexEMF >= NUMREADINGS ) { // Wrap around to the beginning indexEMF = 0; } // Calculate the average averageEMF = totalEMF / NUMREADINGS; iEMFDis = averageEMF; iEMFRect = map( averageEMF, 1, 1023, 1, 144 ); } else { averageEMF = 0; } }
// GPS Receiver // Setup GPS void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // isGPS void isGPS(){ // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo(){ // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat =; TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); GPSStatus = 2; } else { GPSStatus = 0; } }
// Gas Sensors MQ // Gas Sensor void isGasSensor() { // Read in analog value from each gas sensors // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 iMQ8Raw = analogRead( iMQ8 ); // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 iMQ9Raw = analogRead( iMQ9 ); // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 iMQ7Raw = analogRead( iMQ7 ); // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 iMQ3Raw = analogRead( iMQ3 ); // Caclulate the PPM of each gas sensors // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 iMQ8ppm = isMQ8( iMQ8Raw ); // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 iMQ9ppm = isMQ9( iMQ9Raw ); // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 iMQ7ppm = isMQ7( iMQ7Raw ); // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 iMQ3ppm = isMQ3( iMQ3Raw ); } // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 - PPM int isMQ8(double rawValue) { // RvRo double RvRo = rawValue * (3.3 / 1023); return (pow(4.7,( ((log(RvRo)-H2Curve[1])/H2Curve[2]) + H2Curve[0]))); } // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 int isMQ9(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double ppm = 3.027*exp(1.0698*( RvRo )); return ppm; } // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 int isMQ7(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double ppm = 3.027*exp(1.0698*( RvRo )); return ppm; } // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 int isMQ3(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double bac = RvRo * 0.21; return bac; }
// PIR Motion // Setup PIR void setupPIR() { // Setup PIR Montion pinMode(iMotion, INPUT_PULLUP); } // isPIR Motion void isPIR() { // Proximity proximity = digitalRead(iMotion); if (proximity == LOW) { // PIR Motion Sensor's LOW, Motion is detected Det = "Motion Yes"; } else { // PIR Motion Sensor's HIGH Det = "No"; } }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // setup RTH03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void setupRTH03() { // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); } // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// Date & Time // PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // Date & Time // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time dateRTC = ""; timeRTC = ""; DateTime now =; // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC +, DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// Rotary Switch // isRot - iRotVal - Value void isRot() { // Rotary Switch z = analogRead( iRotNum ); x = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 9); iRotVal = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 10); // Range Value switch ( iRotVal ) { case 0: // Display Environmental isDisplayEnvironmental(); break; case 1: // Display Date isDisplayDate(); break; case 2: // Display BME280 isDisplayBME280(); break; case 3: // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isDisplayRHT(); break; case 4: // Display CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isDisplayCCS811(); break; case 5: // Display Gas Sensors MQ isDisplayMQ(); break; case 6: // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isDisplayEMF(); break; case 7: // Display PIR Motion isDisplayPIR(); break; case 8: // Display UID isDisplayUID(); break; case 9: // Z isDisplayZ(); break; } }
// microSD Card // microSD Setup void setupSD() { // microSD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // microSD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; // EEPROM Unique ID|Version|Date|Time|GPS Status|Target Latitude|Target Longitude|Temperature Celsius|Humidity|Altitude Meters|Barometric Pressure|Latest Temp C|Latest Temp F|Latest Humidity|eCO2 Concentration|tVOC Concentration|H2 Gas Sensor MQ-8|CO Gas Sensor MQ-9|CO Gas Sensor MQ-7|Alcohol Gas Sensor MQ-3|EMF Meter (Single Axis)|PIR Motion zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + GPSStatus + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + BMEtempC + "|" + BMEhumid + "|" + BMEaltitudeM + "|" + BMEpressure + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + CCS811CO2 + "|" + CCS811TVOC + "|" + iMQ8ppm + "|" + iMQ9ppm + "|" + iMQ7ppm + "|" + iMQ9ppm + "|" + iMQ3ppm + "|" + averageEMF + "|" + Det + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root =; if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){; if(levels){ listDir(fs,, levels -1); } } else {; file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file =, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file =, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM Size EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // EEPROM Unique ID isUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display Start & Clear the Display display.begin(); // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // Display UID isDisplayUID(); // Wire - Inialize I2C Hardware Wire.begin(); // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // Date & Time RTC // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date & Time isRTC(); // microSD Card setupSD(); // Slide Switch pinMode(iSS1, INPUT); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) - Setup isSetupEMF(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // setup RTH03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor setupRTH03(); // PIR Motion // Setup PIR setupPIR(); delay( 5000 ); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae
Don Luc
Project #15: Environment – Humidity and Temperature Sensor – RHT03 – Mk11
#DonLuc #Environment #ESP32 #MQ #GPS #EMF #SparkFun #Adafruit #Pololu #Fritzing #Programming #Arduino #Consultant #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Vlog #Aphasia
Humidity and Temperature Sensor – RHT03
SparkFun Item: SEN-10167
The RHT03 is a low cost humidity and temperature sensor with a single wire digital interface. The sensor is calibrated and doesn’t require extra components so you can get right to measuring relative humidity and temperature.
1 x SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout – CCS811/BME280
1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD
1 x SparkFun GPS Receiver – GP-20U7
1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery
1 x 32Gb microSD Card
1 x Mountable Slide Switch
1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch – 10 Position
1 x Black Knob
1 x Breadboard Solderable
4 x Pololu Carrier for MQ Gas Sensors
1 x SparkFun Hydrogen Gas Sensor – MQ-8
1 x Pololu Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor – MQ-9
1 x SparkFun Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor – MQ-7
1 x SparkFun Alcohol Gas Sensor – MQ-3
1 x Telescopic Antenna SMA – 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz (ANT700)
1 x SMA Connector
1 x Humidity and Temperature Sensor – RHT03
1 x Qwiic Cable – 100mm
1 x LED Green
11 x 1K Ohm
1 x 4.7K Ohm
2 x 10K Ohm
1 x 20k Ohm
1 x 200k Ohm
1 x 3.3m Ohm
10 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M
12 x Jumper Wires 6in M/M
20 x Wire Solid Core – 22 AWG
2 x Full-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
1 x DC Power Supply
SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM
LEG – Digital 21
SCK – Digital 13
MOS – Digital 12
SSD – Digital 27
SDA – Digital 23
SCL – Digital 22
SD1 – Digital 33
SC2 – Digital 5
MO2 – Digital 18
MI2 – Digital 19
SS1 – Digital 16
ROT – Analog A1
MH1 – Analog A0
MC1 – Analog A2
MC2 – Analog A3
MA1 – Analog A4
EMF – Analog A5
GPS – Digital 14
RHT – Digital 15
VIN – +3.3V
// ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** // Software Version Information // Project #15: Environment - Humidity and Temperature Sensor - RHT03 - Mk11 // 06-01 // DL2006Mk01p.ino 15-11 // EEPROM with Unique ID // 1 x SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM // 1 x Adafruit SHARP Memory Display // 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 // 1 x Adafruit Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD // 1 x SparkFun GPS Receiver - GP-20U7 // 1 x CR1220 12mm Lithium Battery // 1 x 32Gb microSD Card // 1 x Mountable Slide Switch // 1 x SparkFun Rotary Switch - 10 Position // 1 x Black Knob // 1 x Breadboard Solderable // 4 x Pololu Carrier for MQ Gas Sensors // 1 x SparkFun Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 // 1 x Pololu Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 // 1 x SparkFun Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 // 1 x SparkFun Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 // 1 x Telescopic Antenna SMA - 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz (ANT700) // 1 x SMA Connector // 1 x Humidity and Temperature Sensor - RHT03 // 1 x Qwiic Cable - 100mm // 1 x LED Green // 11 x 1K Ohm // 1 x 4.7K Ohm // 2 x 10K Ohm // 1 x 20k Ohm // 1 x 200k Ohm // 1 x 3.3m Ohm // 10 x Jumper Wires 3in M/M // 12 x Jumper Wires 6in M/M // 20 x Wire Solid Core - 22 AWG // 2 x Full-Size Breadboard // 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable // 1 x DC Power Supply // Include the Library Code // EEPROM Library to Read and Write EEPROM with Unique ID for Unit #include "EEPROM.h" // Wire #include <Wire.h> // SHARP Memory Display #include <Adafruit_SharpMem.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // Date and Time #include "RTClib.h" // SD Card #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // GPS Receiver #include <TinyGPS++.h> // Hardware Serial #include <HardwareSerial.h> // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor #include <SparkFun_RHT03.h> // LED Green int iLEDGreen = 21; // SHARP Memory Display // any pins can be used #define SHARP_SCK 13 #define SHARP_MOSI 12 #define SHARP_SS 27 // Set the size of the display here - 144x168 Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 144, 168); // The currently-available SHARP Memory Display (144x168 pixels) // requires > 4K of microcontroller RAM; it WILL NOT WORK on Arduino Uno // or other <4K "classic" devices! #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 1 // 1/2 of lesser of display width or height int minorHalfSize; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); float CCS811CO2 = 0; float CCS811TVOC = 0; // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; float BMEtempC = 0; float BMEhumid = 0; float BMEaltitudeM = 0; float BMEpressure = 0; // Date and Time // PCF8523 Precision RTC RTC_PCF8523 rtc; String dateRTC = ""; String timeRTC = ""; // microSD Card const int chipSelect = 33; String zzzzzz = ""; // Mountable Slide Switch int iSS1 = 16; // State int iSS1State = 0; // ESP32 HardwareSerial HardwareSerial tGPS(2); // GPS Receiver #define gpsRXPIN 14 // This one is unused and doesnt have a conection #define gpsTXPIN 32 // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; float TargetLat; float TargetLon; int GPSStatus = 0; // Rotary Switch - 10 Position // Number 1 => 10 int iRotNum = A0; // iRotVal - Value int iRotVal = 0; // Number int z = 0; int x = 0; // Gas Sensors MQ // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 int iMQ8 = A1; int iMQ8Raw = 0; int iMQ8ppm = 0; // Two points are taken from the curve in datasheet // With these two points, a line is formed which is "approximately equivalent" to the original curve float H2Curve[3] = {2.3, 0.93,-1.44}; // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 int iMQ9 = A2; int iMQ9Raw = 0; int iMQ9ppm = 0; // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 int iMQ7 = A3; int iMQ7Raw = 0; int iMQ7ppm = 0; // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 int iMQ3 = A4; int iMQ3Raw = 0; int iMQ3ppm = 0; // EMF Meter (Single Axis) int iEMF = A5; // Raise this number to increase data smoothing #define NUMREADINGS 15 // Raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max) int senseLimit = 15; // EMF Value int valEMF = 0; // Readings from the analog input int readings[ NUMREADINGS ]; // Index of the current reading int indexEMF = 0; // Running total int totalEMF = 0; // Final average of the probe reading int averageEMF = 0; int iEMFDis = 0; int iEMFRect = 0; // RHT Humidity and Temperature Sensor // RHT03 data pin Digital 15 const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 15; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we'll use to interact with the sensor RHT03 rht; float latestHumidity; float latestTempC; float latestTempF; // Software Version Information String sver = "15-11"; // EEPROM Unique ID Information #define EEPROM_SIZE 64 String uid = ""; void loop() { // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver isGPS(); // Date and Time isRTC(); // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // Gas Sensors MQ isGasSensor(); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isEMF(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isRHT03(); // Rotary Switch isRot(); // Slide Switch // Read the state of the iSS1 value iSS1State = digitalRead(iSS1); // If it is the Slide Switch State is HIGH if (iSS1State == HIGH) { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, HIGH ); // microSD Card isSD(); } else { // iLEDGreen digitalWrite(iLEDGreen, LOW ); } delay( 1000 ); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = (myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(), 2); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// Display // SHARP Memory Display - UID void isDisplayUID() { // Text Display // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(3); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Don Luc Electronics display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Don Luc" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,40); display.println( "Electronics" ); // Version display.setTextSize(3); display.setCursor(0,70); display.println( "Version" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( sver ); // EEPROM Unique ID display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "EEPROM Unique ID" ); display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor(0,145); display.println( uid ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Environmental void isDisplayEnvironmental(){ // Text Display Environmental // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature Celsius display.setCursor(0,0); display.println( "Temperature Celsius" ); display.setCursor(0,10); display.print( BMEtempC ); display.println( " C" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,20); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( BMEhumid ); display.println( "%" ); // Altitude Meters display.setCursor(0,40); display.println( "Altitude Meters" ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.print( BMEaltitudeM ); display.println( " m" ); // Pressure display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "Barometric Pressure" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( BMEpressure ); display.println( " Pa" ); // eCO2 Concentration display.setCursor(0,80); display.println( "eCO2 Concentration" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.print( CCS811CO2 ); display.println( " ppm" ); // tVOC Concentration display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( "tVOC Concentration" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( CCS811TVOC ); display.println( " ppb" ); // Date display.setCursor(0,120); display.println( dateRTC ); // Time display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( timeRTC ); // GPS Status display.setCursor(0,140); display.println( GPSStatus ); // Target Latitude display.setCursor(0,150); display.println( TargetLat ); // Target Longitude display.setCursor(0,160); display.println( TargetLon ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Date void isDisplayDate() { // Text Display Date // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Date display.setCursor(0,5); display.println( dateRTC ); // Time display.setCursor(0,30); display.println( timeRTC ); // GPS Status display.setCursor(0,60); display.print( "GPS: " ); display.println( GPSStatus ); // Target Latitude display.setCursor(0,80); display.println( "Latitude" ); display.setCursor(0,100); display.println( TargetLat ); // Target Longitude display.setCursor(0,120); display.println( "Longitude" ); display.setCursor(0,140); display.println( TargetLon ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display BME280 void isDisplayBME280() { // Text Display BME280 // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature Celsius display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Temperature" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( BMEtempC ); display.println( " C" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( BMEhumid ); display.println( "%" ); // Altitude Meters display.setCursor(0,90); display.println( "Altitude M" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( BMEaltitudeM ); display.println( " m" ); // Pressure display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "Barometric" ); display.setCursor(0,150); display.print( BMEpressure ); display.println( "Pa" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isDisplayCCS811() { // Text Display CCS811 // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // eCO2 Concentration display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "eCO2" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( CCS811CO2 ); display.println( " ppm" ); // tVOC Concentration display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "tVOC" ); display.setCursor(0,80); display.print( CCS811TVOC ); display.println( " ppb" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Gas Sensors MQ void isDisplayMQ() { // Text Display MQ // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Gas Sensors MQ display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Gas H2 MQ8" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( iMQ8ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( "Gas CO MQ9" ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.print( iMQ9ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.println( "Gas CO MQ7" ); display.setCursor(0,110); display.print( iMQ7ppm ); display.println( " ppm" ); display.setCursor(0,130); display.println( "BAC MQ3" ); display.setCursor(0,150); display.print( iMQ3ppm ); display.println( "%" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // EMF Meter (Single Axis) void isDisplayEMF() { // Text Display EMF Meter // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // EMF Meter display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "EMF Meter" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( "EMF: " ); display.println( averageEMF ); display.setCursor(0,50); display.println( iEMFDis ); display.setCursor(0,70); display.setTextSize(1); display.println( "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" ); display.setCursor(0,90); display.drawRect(0, 90, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); display.fillRect(0, 90, iEMFRect , display.height(), BLACK); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display RHT void isDisplayRHT() { // Text Display RHT // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Temperature display.setCursor(0,10); display.println( "Temp C" ); display.setCursor(0,30); display.print( latestTempC ); display.println( "C" ); // Temp F display.setCursor(0,60); display.println( "Temp F" ); display.setCursor(0,80); display.print( latestTempF ); display.println( "F" ); // Humidity display.setCursor(0,110); display.println( "Humidity" ); display.setCursor(0,130); display.print( latestHumidity ); display.println( " %" ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); } // Display Z void isDisplayZ() { // Text Display Z // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); display.setRotation(4); display.setTextSize(3); display.setTextColor(BLACK); // Z display.setCursor(0,10); display.print( "Z: " ); display.println( z ); // Refresh display.refresh(); delay( 100 ); }
// EEPROM // isUID EEPROM Unique ID void isUID() { // Is Unit ID uid = ""; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { uid = uid + char(; } }
// EMF Meter (Single Axis) // Setup EMF Meter void isSetupEMF() { // EMF Meter (Single Axis) pinMode( iEMF, OUTPUT ); for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++){ readings[ i ] = 0; // Initialize all the readings to 0 } } // EMF Meter void isEMF() { // Probe EMF Meter // Take a reading from the probe valEMF = analogRead( iEMF ); // If the reading isn't zero, proceed if( valEMF >= 1 ){ // Turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value valEMF = constrain( valEMF, 1, senseLimit ); // Remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range valEMF = map( valEMF, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023 ); // Subtract the last reading totalEMF -= readings[ indexEMF ]; // Read from the sensor readings[ indexEMF ] = valEMF; // Add the reading to the total totalEMF += readings[ indexEMF ]; // Advance to the next index indexEMF = ( indexEMF + 1 ); // If we're at the end of the array... if ( indexEMF >= NUMREADINGS ) { // Wrap around to the beginning indexEMF = 0; } // Calculate the average averageEMF = totalEMF / NUMREADINGS; iEMFDis = averageEMF; iEMFRect = map( averageEMF, 1, 1023, 1, 144 ); } else { averageEMF = 0; } }
// GPS Receiver // Setup GPS void setupGPS() { // Setup GPS tGPS.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, gpsRXPIN, gpsTXPIN ); } // isGPS void isGPS(){ // Receives NEMA data from GPS receiver // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while ( tGPS.available() > 0) if (gps.encode( )) { displayInfo(); } if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10) { while(true); } } // GPS Vector Pointer Target void displayInfo(){ // Location if (gps.location.isValid()) { TargetLat =; TargetLon = gps.location.lng(); GPSStatus = 2; } else { GPSStatus = 0; } }
// Gas Sensors MQ // Gas Sensor void isGasSensor() { // Read in analog value from each gas sensors // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 iMQ8Raw = analogRead( iMQ8 ); // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 iMQ9Raw = analogRead( iMQ9 ); // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 iMQ7Raw = analogRead( iMQ7 ); // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 iMQ3Raw = analogRead( iMQ3 ); // Caclulate the PPM of each gas sensors // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 iMQ8ppm = isMQ8( iMQ8Raw ); // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 iMQ9ppm = isMQ9( iMQ9Raw ); // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 iMQ7ppm = isMQ7( iMQ7Raw ); // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 iMQ3ppm = isMQ3( iMQ3Raw ); } // Hydrogen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 - PPM int isMQ8(double rawValue) { // RvRo double RvRo = rawValue * (3.3 / 1023); return (pow(4.7,( ((log(RvRo)-H2Curve[1])/H2Curve[2]) + H2Curve[0]))); } // Carbon Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor - MQ-9 int isMQ9(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double ppm = 3.027*exp(1.0698*( RvRo )); return ppm; } // Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor - MQ-7 int isMQ7(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double ppm = 3.027*exp(1.0698*( RvRo )); return ppm; } // Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ-3 int isMQ3(double rawValue) { double RvRo = rawValue * 3.3 / 4095; double bac = RvRo * 0.21; return bac; }
// RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // setup RTH03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void setupRTH03() { // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // Call rht.begin() to initialize the sensor and our data pin rht.begin(RHT03_DATA_PIN); } // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor void isRHT03(){ // Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor. int updateRet = rht.update(); // The humidity(), tempC(), and tempF() functions can be called -- after // a successful update() -- to get the last humidity and temperature value latestHumidity = rht.humidity(); latestTempC = rht.tempC(); latestTempF = rht.tempF(); }
// Date & Time // PCF8523 Precision RTC void setupRTC() { // Date & Time // pcf8523 Precision RTC if (! rtc.begin()) { while (1); } if (! rtc.initialized()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 9, 29, 12, 17, 0)); } } // Date and Time RTC void isRTC () { // Date and Time dateRTC = ""; timeRTC = ""; DateTime now =; // Date dateRTC = now.year(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC + now.month(), DEC; dateRTC = dateRTC + "/"; dateRTC = dateRTC +, DEC; // Time timeRTC = now.hour(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.minute(), DEC; timeRTC = timeRTC + ":"; timeRTC = timeRTC + now.second(), DEC; }
// Rotary Switch // isRot - iRotVal - Value void isRot() { // Rotary Switch z = analogRead( iRotNum ); x = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 9); iRotVal = map(z, 0, 4095, 0, 10); // Range Value switch ( iRotVal ) { case 0: // Display Environmental isDisplayEnvironmental(); break; case 1: // Display Date isDisplayDate(); break; case 2: // Display BME280 isDisplayBME280(); break; case 3: // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor isDisplayRHT(); break; case 4: // Display CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isDisplayCCS811(); break; case 5: // Display Gas Sensors MQ isDisplayMQ(); break; case 6: // EMF Meter (Single Axis) isDisplayEMF(); break; case 7: // Display UID isDisplayUID(); break; case 8: // Z isDisplayZ(); break; case 9: // Z isDisplayZ(); break; } }
// microSD Card // microSD Setup void setupSD() { // microSD Card pinMode( chipSelect , OUTPUT ); if(!SD.begin( chipSelect )){ ; return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ ; return; } //Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ ; } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ ; } else { ; } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); } // microSD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; // EEPROM Unique ID|Version|Date|Time|GPS Status|Target Latitude|Target Longitude|Temperature Celsius|Humidity|Altitude Meters|Barometric Pressure|Latest Temp C|Latest Temp F|Latest Humidity|eCO2 Concentration|tVOC Concentration|H2 Gas Sensor MQ-8|CO Gas Sensor MQ-9|CO Gas Sensor MQ-7|Alcohol Gas Sensor MQ-3|EMF Meter (Single Axis) zzzzzz = uid + "|" + sver + "|" + dateRTC + "|" + timeRTC + "|" + GPSStatus + "|" + TargetLat + "|" + TargetLon + "|" + BMEtempC + "|" + BMEhumid + "|" + BMEaltitudeM + "|" + BMEpressure + "|" + latestTempC + "|" + latestTempF + "|" + latestHumidity + "|" + CCS811CO2 + "|" + CCS811TVOC + "|" + iMQ8ppm + "|" + iMQ9ppm + "|" + iMQ7ppm + "|" + iMQ9ppm + "|" + iMQ3ppm + "|" + averageEMF + "|\r"; char msg[zzzzzz.length() + 1]; zzzzzz.toCharArray(msg, zzzzzz.length() + 1); appendFile(SD, "/espdata.txt", msg ); } // List Dir void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ dirname; File root =; if(!root){ return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){; if(levels){ listDir(fs,, levels -1); } } else {; file.size(); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } // Write File void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file =, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); } // Append File void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ path; File file =, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ return; } if(file.print(message)){ ; } else { ; } file.close(); }
// Setup void setup() { // EEPROM Size EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); // EEPROM Unique ID isUID(); // GPS Receiver // Setup GPS setupGPS(); // SHARP Display Start & Clear the Display display.begin(); // Clear Display display.clearDisplay(); // Display UID isDisplayUID(); // Wire - Inialize I2C Hardware Wire.begin(); // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Initialize the LED Green pinMode(iLEDGreen, OUTPUT); // Date & Time RTC // PCF8523 Precision RTC setupRTC(); // Date & Time isRTC(); // microSD Card setupSD(); // Slide Switch pinMode(iSS1, INPUT); // EMF Meter (Single Axis) - Setup isSetupEMF(); // RHT03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor // setup RTH03 Humidity and Temperature Sensor setupRTH03(); delay( 5000 ); }
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Don Luc