Project #21 – Nixie – DS3231 Precision RTC – Mk03
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #NixieTube #Nixie #ArduiNIX #ArduinoUNO #Arduino #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
The datasheet for the DS3231 explains that this part is an extremely accurate I²C – Integrated RTC TCXO – crystal. This Real Time Clock (RTC) is the most precise you can get in a small, low power package. Most RTC’s use an external 32kHz timing crystal that is used to keep time with low current draw. That’s all well and good, but those crystals have slight drift, particularly when the temperature changes, the temperature changes the oscillation frequency very slightly but it does add up. This RTC is in a beefy package because the crystal is inside the chip. And right next to the integrated crystal is a temperature sensor. That sensor compensates for the frequency changes by adding or removing clock ticks so that the time keeping stays on schedule.
This is the finest RTC you can get, and now we have it in a compact, breadboard friendly breakout. With a coin cell plugged into the back, you can get years of precision time keeping, even when main power is lost. Great for datalogging and clocks, or anything where you need to really know the time.
1 x Arduino Mega 2560 R2
1 x ArduiNIX V3 Tube Driver Shield Kit
1 x IN-17×8 V1 Tube Board Kit
1 x Anode / Cathode Connector Cable Set
1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
1 x CR1220 12mm Coin Cell Battery
1 x Rocker Switch – SPST
1 x 10K Ohm
1 x SparkFun ProtoShield
1 x 9V 1000mA Power Supply
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Arduino Mega 2560 R2
SN2 – 2
SN3 – 3
SN4 – 4
SN5 – 5
SN6 – 6
SN7 – 7
SN8 – 8
SN9 – 9
AN10 – 10
AN11 – 11
AN12 – 12
AN13 – 13
VI14 – 14
VI15 – 15
SDA – 20
SCL – 21
RO0 – 53
VIN – +3.3V
VIN – +5V
VIN – +9V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #21 - Nixie - DS3231 Precision RTC - Mk03 21-03 DL2209Mk03p.ino 1 x Arduino Mega 2560 R2 1 x ArduiNIX V3 Tube Driver Shield Kit 1 x IN-17x8 V1 Tube Board Kit 1 x Anode / Cathode Connector Cable Set 1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing 1 x CR1220 12mm Coin Cell Battery 1 x Rocker Switch - SPST 1 x 10K Ohm 1 x 9V 1000mA Power Supply 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire you to communicate with I2C/TWI devices // Date and Time DS3231 RTC #include "RTClib.h" // SN74141 (1) int ledPin_0_a = 2; int ledPin_0_b = 3; int ledPin_0_c = 4; int ledPin_0_d = 5; // SN74141 (2) int ledPin_1_a = 6; int ledPin_1_b = 7; int ledPin_1_c = 8; int ledPin_1_d = 9; // Anode pins int ledPin_a_1 = 10; int ledPin_a_2 = 11; int ledPin_a_3 = 12; int ledPin_a_4 = 13; // NOTE: Grounding on virtual pins 14 and 15 // (analog pins 0 and 1) will set the Hour and Mins. int iVirtual14 = 14; int iVirtual15 = 15; // Fade float fadeMax = 0.1f; float fadeStep = 0.1f; // Number Array int NumberArray[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int currNumberArray[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; float NumberArrayFadeInValue[8]={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; float NumberArrayFadeOutValue[8]={5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f}; // Date and time functions using a DS3231 RTC RTC_DS3231 RTC; // Rocker Switch - SPST int iRO0 = 53; // State int iRO0State = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "21-03"; void loop() { // timeRTC timeRTC(); }
// Display Fade Number void DisplayFadeNumberString() { // Anode channel 1 - numerals 0,4 SetSN74141Chips(currNumberArray[0],currNumberArray[4]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_1, HIGH); delay(NumberArrayFadeOutValue[0]); SetSN74141Chips(NumberArray[0],NumberArray[4]); delay(NumberArrayFadeInValue[0]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_1, LOW); // Anode channel 2 - numerals 1,5 SetSN74141Chips(currNumberArray[1],currNumberArray[5]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_2, HIGH); delay(NumberArrayFadeOutValue[1]); SetSN74141Chips(NumberArray[1],NumberArray[5]); delay(NumberArrayFadeInValue[1]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_2, LOW); // Anode channel 3 - numerals 2,6 SetSN74141Chips(currNumberArray[2],currNumberArray[6]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_3, HIGH); delay(NumberArrayFadeOutValue[2]); SetSN74141Chips(NumberArray[2],NumberArray[6]); delay(NumberArrayFadeInValue[2]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_3, LOW); // Anode channel 4 - numerals 3,7 SetSN74141Chips(currNumberArray[3],currNumberArray[7]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_4, HIGH); delay(NumberArrayFadeOutValue[3]); SetSN74141Chips(NumberArray[3],NumberArray[7]); delay(NumberArrayFadeInValue[3]); digitalWrite(ledPin_a_4, LOW); // Loop thru and update all the arrays, and fades. for( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) //equal to & of digits { if( NumberArray[i] != currNumberArray[i] ) { NumberArrayFadeInValue[i] += fadeStep; NumberArrayFadeOutValue[i] -= fadeStep; if( NumberArrayFadeInValue[i] >= fadeMax ) { NumberArrayFadeInValue[i] = 2.0f; NumberArrayFadeOutValue[i] = 4.0f; //affects the refresh cycle currNumberArray[i] = NumberArray[i]; } } } }
// DS3231 Precision RTC // Setup RTC void setupRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC.begin(); if (! RTC.begin() ) { while (1) delay(10); } if (RTC.lostPower()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // August 2, 2021 at 13:53:0 you would call: // RTC.adjust(DateTime(2022, 4, 26, 11, 39, 0)); } } // timeRTC void timeRTC() { // Date and Time DateTime now =; // Read the state of the Switch value iRO0State = digitalRead(iRO0); // If it is the Switch State is HIGH if (iRO0State == HIGH) { // Get the high and low order values for hours, minute, seconds int lowerHours = now.hour() % 10; int upperHours = now.hour() - lowerHours; int lowerMins = now.minute() % 10; int upperMins = now.minute() - lowerMins; int lowerSeconds = now.second() % 10; int upperSeconds = now.second() - lowerSeconds; // 10 >= hours, minute, seconds if( upperSeconds >= 10 ) upperSeconds = upperSeconds / 10; if( upperMins >= 10 ) upperMins = upperMins / 10; if( upperHours >= 10 ) upperHours = upperHours / 10; if( upperHours == 0 && lowerHours == 0 ) { upperHours = 1; lowerHours = 2; } // Fill in the Number array used to display on the Nixie tubes NumberArray[7] = upperHours; NumberArray[6] = lowerHours; NumberArray[5] = 0; NumberArray[4] = upperMins; NumberArray[3] = lowerMins; NumberArray[2] = 0; NumberArray[1] = upperSeconds; NumberArray[0] = lowerSeconds; } else { // Get the high and low order values for year, month, day int iYear = now.year() - 2000; int lowerYear = iYear % 10; int upperYear = iYear - lowerYear; int lowerMonth = now.month() % 10; int upperMonth = now.month() - lowerMonth; int lowerDay = % 10; int upperDay = - lowerDay; // 10 >= year, month, day if( upperDay >= 10 ) upperDay = upperDay / 10; if( upperMonth >= 10 ) upperMonth = upperMonth / 10; if( upperYear >= 10 ) upperYear = upperYear / 10; // Fill in the Number array used to display on the Nixie tubes NumberArray[7] = 2; NumberArray[6] = 0; NumberArray[5] = upperYear; NumberArray[4] = lowerYear; NumberArray[3] = upperMonth; NumberArray[2] = lowerMonth; NumberArray[1] = upperDay; NumberArray[0] = lowerDay; } // Display DisplayFadeNumberString(); }
// SN74141 // SN74141 : Truth Table //D C B A # //L,L,L,L 0 //L,L,L,H 1 //L,L,H,L 2 //L,L,H,H 3 //L,H,L,L 4 //L,H,L,H 5 //L,H,H,L 6 //L,H,H,H 7 //H,L,L,L 8 //H,L,L,H 9 // isSetupSN74141 void isSetupSN74141(){ pinMode(ledPin_0_a, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_0_b, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_0_c, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_0_d, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_1_a, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_1_b, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_1_c, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_1_d, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_a_1, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_a_2, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_a_3, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin_a_4, OUTPUT); // NOTE: Grounding on virtual pins 14 and 15 // (analog pins 0 and 1) will set the Hour and Mins. // Set the vertual pin 14 (pin 0 on the analog inputs ) pinMode( iVirtual14, INPUT ); // Set pin 14 as a pull up resistor. digitalWrite(iVirtual14, HIGH); // Set the vertual pin 15 (pin 1 on the analog inputs ) pinMode( iVirtual15, INPUT ); // Set pin 15 as a pull up resistor. digitalWrite(iVirtual15, HIGH); } // SetSN74141Chips void SetSN74141Chips( int num2, int num1 ) { // Set defaults // Will display a zero. int a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0; int d = 0; // Load the a,b,c,d.. to send to the SN74141 IC (1) switch( num1 ) { case 0: a=0; b=0; c=0; d=0; break; case 1: a=1; b=0; c=0; d=0; break; case 2: a=0; b=1; c=0; d=0; break; case 3: a=1; b=1; c=0; d=0; break; case 4: a=0; b=0; c=1; d=0; break; case 5: a=1; b=0; c=1; d=0; break; case 6: a=0; b=1; c=1; d=0; break; case 7: a=1; b=1; c=1; d=0; break; case 8: a=0; b=0; c=0; d=1; break; case 9: a=1; b=0; c=0; d=1; break; default: a=1; b=1; c=1; d=1; break; } // Write to output pins. digitalWrite(ledPin_0_d, d); digitalWrite(ledPin_0_c, c); digitalWrite(ledPin_0_b, b); digitalWrite(ledPin_0_a, a); // Load the a,b,c,d.. to send to the SN74141 IC (2) switch( num2 ) { case 0: a=0; b=0; c=0; d=0; break; case 1: a=1; b=0; c=0; d=0; break; case 2: a=0; b=1; c=0; d=0; break; case 3: a=1; b=1; c=0; d=0; break; case 4: a=0; b=0; c=1; d=0; break; case 5: a=1; b=0; c=1; d=0; break; case 6: a=0; b=1; c=1; d=0; break; case 7: a=1; b=1; c=1; d=0; break; case 8: a=0; b=0; c=0; d=1; break; case 9: a=1; b=0; c=0; d=1; break; default: a=1; b=1; c=1; d=1; break; } // Write to output pins digitalWrite(ledPin_1_d, d); digitalWrite(ledPin_1_c, c); digitalWrite(ledPin_1_b, b); digitalWrite(ledPin_1_a, a); }
// Setup void setup() { // isSetupSN74141 isSetupSN74141(); // Switch pinMode(iRO0, INPUT); // Setup RTC setupRTC(); }
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Project #22: Synthesizer – Momentary Button – Mk09
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #Synthesizer #Mozzi #Keyboard #ADSREnvelope #Arduino #AdafruitMETROM0Express #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
Momentary Button – Panel Mount
It’s your basic black or blue action button. This is a very useful, small, panel-mount momentary switch. It is a SPST N.O. with the threaded portion being 6.75 mm in diameter. This button is perfect for basic On/Off functions. Overall length including leads and has small solder lugs for connection. These momentary buttons are rated up to 0.5A and 250VAC.
Momentary button connect two points in a circuit when you press them. Turns on and off a light emitting LED. When the button is open there is no connection between the two legs of the button, so the pin is connected to ground, through the pull-down resistor, and we read a LOW. When the button is closed, it makes a connection between its two legs, connecting the pin to 5 volts, so that we read a HIGH.
You can also wire this circuit the opposite way, with a pullup resistor keeping the input HIGH, and going LOW when the button is pressed. If so, the behavior of the sketch will be reversed, with the LED normally on and turning off when you press the button.
1 x Adafruit METRO M0 Express
8 x Momentary Button – Panel Mount (Blue)
5 x Momentary Button – Panel Mount (Black)
13 x 10K Ohm Resistor
1 x LED Red 5mm
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit METRO M0 Express
KY0 – 0
KY1 – 1
KY2 – 2
KY3 – 3
KY4 – 4
KY5 – 5
KY6 – 6
KY7 – 7
KY8 – 8
LEDR – 9
KY10 – 10
KY11 – 11
KY12 – 12
KY13 – 13
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #22: Synthesizer - Momentary Button - Mk09 22-09 DL2208Mk02p.ino 1 x Adafruit METRO M0 Express 8 x Momentary Button - Panel Mount (Blue) 5 x Momentary Button - Panel Mount (Black) 13 x 1K Ohm Resistor 1 x LED Red 5mm 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Simple Keyboard // Minimum reading of the button that generates a note //const int iKeyboard0 = 0; const int iKeyboard1 = 1; const int iKeyboard2 = 2; const int iKeyboard3 = 3; const int iKeyboard4 = 4; const int iKeyboard5 = 5; const int iKeyboard6 = 6; const int iKeyboard7 = 7; const int iKeyboard8 = 8; const int iKeyboard10 = 10; const int iKeyboard11 = 11; const int iKeyboard12 = 12; const int iKeyboard13 = 13; // Button is pressed int iB0 = 1; int iB1 = 1; int iB2 = 1; int iB3 = 1; int iB4 = 1; int iB5 = 1; int iB6 = 1; int iB7 = 1; int iB8 = 1; int iB10 = 1; int iB11 = 1; int iB12 = 1; int iB13 = 1; // The number of the LED Red pin 9 const int iLedR = 9; // Software Version Information String sver = "22-09"; void loop() { // isKeyboard isKeyboard(); }
// getKeyboard // setupKeyboard void setupKeyboard() { // Initialize the button pin as an input // pinMode(iKeyboard0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard11, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(iKeyboard13, INPUT_PULLUP); } // isKeyboard void isKeyboard() { /* // Read the state of the button value 0 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard0) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 0 iB0 = iB0 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB0 = iB0 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } */ // Read the state of the button value 1 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard1) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 1 iB1 = iB1 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB1 = iB1 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 2 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard2) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 2 iB2 = iB2 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB2 = iB2 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 3 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard3) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 3 iB3 = iB3 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB3 = iB3 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 4 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard4) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 4 iB4 = iB4 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB4 = iB4 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 5 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard5) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 5 iB5 = iB5 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB5 = iB5 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 6 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard6) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 6 iB6 = iB6 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB6 = iB6 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 7 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard7) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 7 iB7 = iB7 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB7 = iB7 - 1;// Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 8 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard8) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 8 iB8 = iB8 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB8 = iB8 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 10 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard10) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 10 iB10 = iB10 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB10 = iB10 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 11 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard11) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 11 iB11 = iB11 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB11 = iB11 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 12 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard12) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 12 iB12 = iB12 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB12 = iB12 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } // Read the state of the button value 13 if ( digitalRead(iKeyboard13) == HIGH ) { // Button is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally 13 iB13 = iB13 + 1; // Turn LED Red on digitalWrite(iLedR, HIGH ); } else { iB13 = iB13 - 1; // Turn LED Red off digitalWrite(iLedR, LOW ); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Setup Keyboard setupKeyboard(); // Initialize the LED Red pin 9 as an output pinMode(iLedR, OUTPUT); }
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Don Luc
Project #22: Synthesizer – Slide Linear Taper Pot – Mk08
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #Synthesizer #Mozzi #Keyboard #ADSREnvelope #Arduino #AdafruitMETROM0Express #Project #Fritzing #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
10k Ohm Slide Linear Taper Pot – X-Large
A simple slide potentiometer can go a long way. Rated at 10k Ohm and 0.5W. Comes with solder tab connections. The taper profile for this slide:
Length: 80 cm
Width: 15 cm
Height: 12 cm
Slide Potentiometer Knob – X-Large
This is a simple knob that connects to the extra large sized linear slide potentiometer. Each knob uses friction to secure itself to fit onto the slide pot. Once attached, this small knob provides you with an easier to use potentiometer for your project.
Adafruit METRO M0 Express
Metro is our series of microcontroller boards for use with the Arduino IDE. This new Metro M0 Express board looks a whole lot like our original Metro 328, but with a huge upgrade. This Metro features a ATSAMD21G18 chip, an ARM Cortex M0+.
At the Metro M0’s heart is an ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor, clocked at 48 MHz and at 3.3V logic. This chip has a 256K of FLASH and 32K of RAM. This chip comes with built in USB so it has USB-to-Serial program.
1 x Adafruit METRO M0 Express
5 x 10k Ohm Slide Linear Taper Pot – X-Large
5 x Slide Potentiometer Knob – X-Large
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
Adafruit METRO M0 Express
LP0 – Analog A0 – Blue
LP1 – Analog A1 – Green
LP2 – Analog A2 – Grey
LP3 – Analog A3 – Yellow
LP4 – Analog A4 – Purple
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #22: Synthesizer - Slide Linear Taper Pot - Mk08 22-08 DL2208Mk01p.ino 1 x Adafruit METRO M0 Express 5 x 10k Ohm Slide Linear Taper Pot - X-Large 5 x Slide Potentiometer Knob - X-Large 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Pot int iPot0 = A0; int iPot1 = A1; int iPot2 = A2; int iPot3 = A3; int iPot4 = A4; int sensorValue0 = 0; int iValue0 = 0; int sensorValue1 = 0; int iValue1 = 0; int sensorValue2 = 0; int iValue2 = 0; int sensorValue3 = 0; int iValue3 = 0; int sensorValue4 = 0; int iValue4 = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "22-08"; void loop() { // Pot isPot(); // Delay in between reads delay( 1000 ); }
// 10k Slide Linear Taper Pot - X-Large // Pot void isPot(){ // Read the input on analog pin 0 sensorValue0 = analogRead( iPot0 ); iValue0 = map(sensorValue0, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.print( "P0: " ); Serial.print( iValue0 ); // Read the input on analog pin 1 sensorValue1 = analogRead( iPot1 ); iValue1 = map(sensorValue1, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.print( " P1: " ); Serial.print( iValue1 ); // Read the input on analog pin 2 sensorValue2 = analogRead( iPot2 ); iValue2 = map(sensorValue2, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.print( " P2: " ); Serial.print( iValue2 ); // Read the input on analog pin 3 sensorValue3 = analogRead( iPot3 ); iValue3 = map(sensorValue3, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.print( " P3: " ); Serial.print( iValue3 ); // Read the input on analog pin 4 sensorValue4 = analogRead( iPot4 ); iValue4 = map(sensorValue4, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.print( " P4: " ); Serial.println( iValue4 ); }
// Setup void setup() { // Initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second Serial.begin(9600); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – Coin Cell Battery – Mk08
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #BME280 #CCS811 #CoinCell #RTC #SD #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
Coin Cell Battery Holder – 2 x CR2032 (Enclosed)
This is a simple coin cell battery holder that can enclose two CR2032 batteries inside itself, and safely kept closed via two phillips head screws. Each battery holder will run batteries in series, output up to 6V, and is equipped with an On/Off slide switch and two 6″ power wires (one positive and one negative) on the back.
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280
1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
1 x MicroSD card breakout board+
1 x MicroSD card 8 Gb
1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery
1 x LED Red
1 x 220 Ohm
1 x Coin Cell Battery Holder – 2 x CR2032
2 x CR2032 Coin Cell Battery
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
CS – Digital 10
LER – Digital 6
SCL – Digital 3
SDA – Digital 2
VIN – +5V
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - Coin Cell Battery - Mk08 23-08 DL2205Mk03p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280 1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing 1 x MicroSD card breakout board+ 1 x MicroSD card 8 Gb 1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery 1 x LED Red 1 x 220 Ohm 1 x Coin Cell Battery Holder - 2 x CR2032 2 x CR2032 Coin Cell Battery 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // Date and time DS3231 RTC #include <RTClib.h> // Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) #include <SPI.h> // Secure Digital (SD Card) #include <SD.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; // Temperature Celsius float BMEtempC = 0; // Humidity float BMEhumid = 0; // Altitude Meters float BMEaltitudeM = 0; // Barometric Pressure float BMEpressure = 0; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); // eCO2 float CCS811CO2 = 0; // TVOC float CCS811TVOC = 0; // Date and time functions using a DS3231 RTC RTC_DS3231 RTC; String sDate; String sTime; // Secure Digital (SD Card) const int chipSelect = 10; String zzzzzz = ""; // LED Red const int iLEDR = 6; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-08"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // Dates and Time timeRTC(); // MicroSD Card isSD(); // 1 Seconds delay( 1000 ); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity() ; // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// DS3231 Precision RTC // Setup RTC void setupRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC.begin(); if (! RTC.begin()) { while (1); } DateTime now =; if (RTC.lostPower()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // August 2, 2021 at 13:53:0 you would call: // RTC.adjust(DateTime(2022, 4, 26, 11, 39, 0)); } } // timeRTC void timeRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC sDate = ""; sTime = ""; // Date Time DateTime now =; // sData sDate += String(now.year(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(now.month(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(, DEC); // sTime sTime += String(now.hour(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.minute(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.second(), DEC); }
// MicroSD Card // MicroSD Setup void setupSD() { // MicroSD Card // See if the card is present and can be initialized: if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { // Don't do anything more: while (1); } } // MicroSD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; // Version|Date|Time|Temperature Celsius|Humidity|Altitude Meters|Barometric Pressure //|eCO2 Concentration|tVOC Concentration| zzzzzz = sver + "|" + sDate + "|" + sTime + "|" + BMEtempC + "|" + BMEhumid + "|" + BMEaltitudeM + "|" + BMEpressure + "|" + CCS811CO2 + "|" + CCS811TVOC + "|"; // Open the file. Note that only one file can be open at a time, // so you have to close this one before opening another. File dataFile ="DLE22Log.txt", FILE_WRITE); // If the file is available, write to it: if (dataFile) { // Write dataFile.println( zzzzzz ); dataFile.close(); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Delay delay( 100 ); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay delay( 50 ); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Setup RTC setupRTC(); //MicroSD Card setupSD(); // LED Red pinMode( iLEDR , OUTPUT); // Turn the LED Red on HIGH digitalWrite( iLEDR , HIGH); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – MicroSD Card – Mk07
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #BME280 #CCS811 #RTC #SD #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
MicroSD Card Breakout Board+
Not just a simple breakout board, this microSD adapter goes the extra mile designed for ease of use.
- Onboard 5 Volt – 3 Volt regulator provides 150mA for power-hungry cards.
- 3 Volt level shifting means you can use this with ease on either 3 Volt or 5 Volt systems.
- Uses a proper level shifting chip, not resistors, less problems, and faster read/write access.
- Use 3 or 4 digital pins to read and write 8 Gb of storage.
- Activity LED lights up when the SD card is being read or written.
- Push-push socket with card slightly over the edge of the PCB so its easy to insert and remove.
- Comes with 0.1″ header, unattached, so you can get it on a breadboard or use wires your choice.
To use with an Arduino, connect GND to ground, 5 Volt – 3 Volt to 5 Volt – 3 Volt, CLK to pin 13, DO to pin 12, DI to pin 11, and CS to pin 10. Then you can use the Arduino IDE’s SD library which supports FAT and FAT32 SD cards.
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280
1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
1 x MicroSD card breakout board+
1 x MicroSD card 8 Gb
1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery
1 x LED Red
1 x 220 Ohm
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
CS – Digital 10
LER – Digital 6
SCL – Digital 3
SDA – Digital 2
VIN – +5V
VIN – +3.3V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - MicroSD Card - Mk07 23-07 DL2205Mk01p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280 1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing 1 x MicroSD card breakout board+ 1 x MicroSD card 8 Gb 1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery 1 x LED Red 1 x 220 Ohm 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // Date and time DS3231 RTC #include <RTClib.h> // Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) #include <SPI.h> // Secure Digital (SD Card) #include <SD.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; // Temperature Celsius float BMEtempC = 0; // Humidity float BMEhumid = 0; // Altitude Meters float BMEaltitudeM = 0; // Barometric Pressure float BMEpressure = 0; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); // eCO2 float CCS811CO2 = 0; // TVOC float CCS811TVOC = 0; // Date and time functions using a DS3231 RTC RTC_DS3231 RTC; String sDate; String sTime; // Secure Digital (SD Card) const int chipSelect = 10; String zzzzzz = ""; // LED Red const int iLEDR = 6; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-07"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // Dates and Time timeRTC(); // MicroSD Card isSD(); // 1 Seconds delay( 1000 ); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity() ; // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// DS3231 Precision RTC // Setup RTC void setupRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC.begin(); if (! RTC.begin()) { while (1); } DateTime now =; if (RTC.lostPower()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // August 2, 2021 at 13:53:0 you would call: // RTC.adjust(DateTime(2022, 4, 26, 11, 39, 0)); } } // timeRTC void timeRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC sDate = ""; sTime = ""; // Date Time DateTime now =; // sData sDate += String(now.year(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(now.month(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(, DEC); // sTime sTime += String(now.hour(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.minute(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.second(), DEC); }
// MicroSD Card // MicroSD Setup void setupSD() { // MicroSD Card // See if the card is present and can be initialized: if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { // Don't do anything more: while (1); } } // MicroSD Card void isSD() { zzzzzz = ""; // Version|Date|Time|Temperature Celsius|Humidity|Altitude Meters|Barometric Pressure //|eCO2 Concentration|tVOC Concentration| zzzzzz = sver + "|" + sDate + "|" + sTime + "|" + BMEtempC + "|" + BMEhumid + "|" + BMEaltitudeM + "|" + BMEpressure + "|" + CCS811CO2 + "|" + CCS811TVOC + "|"; // Open the file. Note that only one file can be open at a time, // so you have to close this one before opening another. File dataFile ="DLE22Log.txt", FILE_WRITE); // If the file is available, write to it: if (dataFile) { // Write dataFile.println( zzzzzz ); dataFile.close(); } }
// Setup void setup() { // Delay delay( 100 ); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay delay( 50 ); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Setup RTC setupRTC(); //MicroSD Card setupSD(); // LED Red pinMode( iLEDR , OUTPUT); // Turn the LED Red on HIGH digitalWrite( iLEDR , HIGH); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – DS3231 Precision RTC – Mk06
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #MicroOLED #BME280 #CCS811 #RTC #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
A Feather board without ambition is a Feather board without FeatherWings. This is the DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing it adds an extremely accurate I2C-integrated Real Time Clock (RTC) with a Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). This RTC is the most precise you can get in a small, low power package.
Most RTCs use an external 32kHz timing crystal that is used to keep time with low current draw. And that’s all well and good, but those crystals have slight drift, particularly when the temperature changes, the temperature changes the oscillation frequency very very very slightly but it does add up. This RTC is in a beefy package because the crystal is inside the chip, and right next to the integrated crystal is a temperature sensor. That sensor compensates for the frequency changes by adding or removing clock ticks so that the timekeeping stays on schedule.
With a CR1220 12mm coin cell plugged into the top of the FeatherWing, you can get years of precision time keeping, even when main power is lost. Great for datalogging and clocks or anything where you need to really know the time.
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Micro OLED
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280
1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery
1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
SDA – Digital 2
SCL – Digital 3
NEO – Digital 6
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - DS3231 Precision RTC - Mk06 23-06 DL2204Mk06p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Micro OLED 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280 1 x DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing 1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery 1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel 1 x Half-Size Breadboard 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // NeoPixels #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // SparkFun Micro OLED #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // Date and time DS3231 RTC #include <RTClib.h> // NeoPixels // On digital pin 6 #define PIN 6 // NeoPixels NUMPIXELS = 1 #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Pixels Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Neopix int iNeo = 0; // Value int zz = 0; // SparkFun Micro OLED #define PIN_RESET 9 #define DC_JUMPER 1 // I2C declaration MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; // Temperature Celsius float BMEtempC = 0; // Humidity float BMEhumid = 0; // Altitude Meters float BMEaltitudeM = 0; // Barometric Pressure float BMEpressure = 0; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); // eCO2 float CCS811CO2 = 0; // TVOC float CCS811TVOC = 0; // Date and time functions using a DS3231 RTC RTC_DS3231 RTC; String sDate; String sTime; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-06"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // FLORA isFLORA(); // Dates and Time timeRTC(); // Micro OLED isMicroOLED(); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity() ; // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// FLORA // isFLORA void isFLORA() { // FLORA = Temperature Celsius // BMEtempC // FLORA = Temperature Celsius if ( BMEtempC >= 50 ) { // 40 <= Temperature Celsius < 50~~~ zz = 2; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 40 ) { // 30 <= Temperature Celsius < 40 zz = 3; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 30 ) { // 20 <= Temperature Celsius < 30 zz = 4; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 20 ) { // 10 <= Temperature Celsius < 20 zz = 0; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 10 ) { // ~~~0 <= Temperature Celsius < 10 zz = 1; isNUMPIXELS(); } }
// SparkFun Micro OLED // Setup Micro OLED void setupMicroOLED() { // Initialize the OLED oled.begin(); // Clear the display's internal memory oled.clear(ALL); // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen) oled.display(); // Delay 1000 ms delay(1000); // Clear the buffer. oled.clear(PAGE); } // Micro OLED void isMicroOLED() { // Text Display BME280 // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 0 oled.setFontType(0); // Temperature Celsius oled.print("T: "); oled.print(BMEtempC, 2); oled.setCursor(0, 10); // Humidity oled.print("H: "); oled.print(BMEhumid, 0); oled.setCursor(0, 20); // Altitude Meters oled.print("A: "); oled.print(BMEaltitudeM, 1); oled.setCursor(0, 30); // Barometric Pressure oled.print("P: "); oled.print(BMEpressure, 0); oled.display(); // Delay delay( 2000 ); // Text Display CCS811 // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 0 oled.setFontType(0); // Date oled.setCursor(0, 0); oled.print(sDate); // Time oled.setCursor(0, 10); oled.print(sTime); // eCO2 Concentration oled.setCursor(0, 20); oled.print("C: "); oled.print(CCS811CO2, 0); // tVOC Concentration oled.setCursor(0, 30); oled.print("V: "); oled.print(CCS811TVOC, 0); oled.display(); // Delay delay( 2000 ); }
// NeoPixels // Neopix void isNeopix() { // Pixels pixels.setBrightness( 150 ); // Pixels color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor( iNeo, pixels.Color(red,green,blue) ); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); } // isNUMPIXELS void isNUMPIXELS() { // Neopix Value switch ( zz ) { case 0: // NeoPixels Green // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // NeoPixels Blue // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // NeoPixels Red // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // NeoPixels Yellow // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // NeoPixels Magenta // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // NeoPixels Cyan // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // NeoPixels White // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; } } // isNUMPIXELSoff void isNUMPIXELSoff() { // Black Off // NeoPixels // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; isNeopix(); }
// DS3231 Precision RTC // Setup RTC void setupRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC RTC.begin(); if (! RTC.begin()) { while (1); } DateTime now =; if (RTC.lostPower()) { // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time, for example to set // August 2, 2021 at 13:53:0 you would call: // RTC.adjust(DateTime(2022, 4, 26, 11, 39, 0)); } } // timeRTC void timeRTC() { // DS3231 Precision RTC sDate = ""; sTime = ""; // Date Time DateTime now =; // sData sDate += String(now.year(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(now.month(), DEC); sDate += "/"; sDate += String(, DEC); // sTime sTime += String(now.hour(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.minute(), DEC); sTime += ":"; sTime += String(now.second(), DEC); }
// Setup void setup() { // NeoPixels // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // isNUMPIXELS Off isNUMPIXELSoff(); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Setup RTC setupRTC(); // Setup Micro OLED setupMicroOLED(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – ams CCS811 – Mk05
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #MicroOLED #BME280 #CCS811 #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
ams CCS811 Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality
The CCS811 is an ultra-low power digital gas sensor solution which integrates a metal oxide (MOX) gas sensor to detect a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for indoor air quality monitoring with a microcontroller unit (MCU), which includes an Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC), and an I²C interface.
CCS811 is based on ams unique micro-hotplate technology which enables a highly reliable solution for gas sensors, very fast cycle times and a significant reduction in average power consumption. The integrated MCU manages the sensor drive modes and raw sensor data measured while detecting VOCs. The I²C digital interface significantly simplifies the hardware and software design, enabling a faster time to market.
CCS811 supports intelligent algorithms to process raw sensor measurements to output a TVOC value or equivalent CO2 (eCO2) levels, where the main cause of VOCs is from humans. CCS811 supports multiple measurement modes that have been optimised for low-power consumption during an active sensor measurement and idle mode extending battery life in portable applications.
This device can be mainly used for indoor air quality monitoring in:
- Smartphones
- Wearables
- Home and building automation
- Accessories
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Micro OLED
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280
1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
NEO – Digital 6
SDA – Analog A2
SCL – Analog A3
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - ams CCS811 - Mk05 23-05 DL2204Mk05p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Micro OLED 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280 1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel 1 x Half-Size Breadboard 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // NeoPixels #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // SparkFun Micro OLED #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC #include <SparkFunCCS811.h> // NeoPixels // On digital pin 6 #define PIN 6 // NeoPixels NUMPIXELS = 1 #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Pixels Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Neopix int iNeo = 0; // Value int zz = 0; // SparkFun Micro OLED #define PIN_RESET 9 #define DC_JUMPER 1 // I2C declaration MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; // Temperature Celsius float BMEtempC = 0; // Humidity float BMEhumid = 0; // Altitude Meters float BMEaltitudeM = 0; // Barometric Pressure float BMEpressure = 0; // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // Default I2C Address #define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B CCS811 myCCS811(CCS811_ADDR); // eCO2 float CCS811CO2 = 0; // TVOC float CCS811TVOC = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-05"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // SparkFun CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC isCCS811(); // FLORA isFLORA(); // Micro OLED isMicroOLED(); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC // isCCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC void isCCS811(){ // This sends the temperature & humidity data to the CCS811 myCCS811.setEnvironmentalData(BMEhumid, BMEtempC); // Calling this function updates the global tVOC and eCO2 variables myCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); // eCO2 Concentration CCS811CO2 = myCCS811.getCO2(); // tVOC Concentration CCS811TVOC = myCCS811.getTVOC(); }
// FLORA // isFLORA void isFLORA() { // FLORA = Temperature Celsius // BMEtempC // FLORA = Temperature Celsius if ( BMEtempC >= 50 ) { // 40 <= Temperature Celsius < 50~~~ zz = 2; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 40 ) { // 30 <= Temperature Celsius < 40 zz = 3; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 30 ) { // 20 <= Temperature Celsius < 30 zz = 4; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 20 ) { // 10 <= Temperature Celsius < 20 zz = 0; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 10 ) { // ~~~0 <= Temperature Celsius < 10 zz = 1; isNUMPIXELS(); } }
// SparkFun Micro OLED // Setup Micro OLED void setupMicroOLED() { // Initialize the OLED oled.begin(); // Clear the display's internal memory oled.clear(ALL); // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen) oled.display(); // Delay 1000 ms delay(1000); // Clear the buffer. oled.clear(PAGE); } // Micro OLED void isMicroOLED() { // Text Display BME280 // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 0 oled.setFontType(0); // Temperature Celsius oled.print("T: "); oled.print(BMEtempC); oled.setCursor(0, 10); // Humidity oled.print("H: "); oled.print(BMEhumid); oled.setCursor(0, 20); // Altitude Meters oled.print("A: "); oled.print(BMEaltitudeM); oled.setCursor(0, 30); // Barometric Pressure oled.print("P: "); oled.print(BMEpressure); oled.display(); // Delay delay( 2000 ); // Text Display CCS811 // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 0 oled.setFontType(0); // eCO2 Concentration oled.print("eCO2"); oled.setCursor(0, 10); oled.print(CCS811CO2); // tVOC Concentration oled.setCursor(0, 20); oled.print("tVOC"); oled.setCursor(0, 30); oled.print(CCS811TVOC); oled.display(); // Delay delay( 2000 ); }
// NeoPixels // Neopix void isNeopix() { // Pixels pixels.setBrightness( 150 ); // Pixels color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor( iNeo, pixels.Color(red,green,blue) ); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); } // isNUMPIXELS void isNUMPIXELS() { // Neopix Value switch ( zz ) { case 0: // NeoPixels Green // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // NeoPixels Blue // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // NeoPixels Red // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // NeoPixels Yellow // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // NeoPixels Magenta // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // NeoPixels Cyan // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // NeoPixels White // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; } } // isNUMPIXELSoff void isNUMPIXELSoff() { // Black Off // NeoPixels // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; isNeopix(); }
// Setup void setup() { // NeoPixels // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // isNUMPIXELS Off isNUMPIXELSoff(); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // CCS811 - eCO2 & tVOC myCCS811.begin(); // Setup Micro OLED setupMicroOLED(); }
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – Bosch Sensortec BME280 – Mk04
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #MicroOLED #BME280 #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
Bosch Sensortec BME280 – Combined Humidity And Pressure Sensor
The BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor based on proven sensing principles. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption allow the implementation in battery driven devices such as handsets, GPS modules or watches. The BME280 is register and performance compatible to the Bosch Sensortec BMP280 digital pressure sensor. The BME280 achieves high performance in all applications requiring humidity and pressure measurement. These emerging applications of home automation control, in-door navigation, E-Textiles, fitness as well as GPS refinement require a high accuracy and a low TCO at the same time. The humidity sensor provides an extremely fast response time for fast context awareness applications and high overall accuracy over a wide temperature range. The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for lowest noise and highest resolution. Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature. The sensor provides both SPI and I²C interfaces.
Typical Application
- Context awareness, e.g. skin detection, room change detection
- Fitness monitoring / well-being
- Warning regarding dryness or high temperatures
- Measurement of volume and air flow
- Home automation control
- Control heating, venting, air conditioning (HVAC)
- Internet of Things
- GPS enhancement (e.g. time-to-first-fix improvement, dead reckoning, slope detection)
- Indoor navigation (e.g. change of floor detection, elevator detection)
- Outdoor navigation, leisure and sports applications
- Weather forecast
- Vertical velocity indication (rise/sink speed)
- E-Textiles and Wearable
Target Devices
- Handsets such as mobile phones, tablet PCs, GPS devices
- Navigation systems
- Gaming (e.g flying toys)
- Camera (DSC, video)
- Home weather stations
- Flying toys
- Watches
- E-Textiles
- Wearable
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Micro OLED
1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280
1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
NEO – Digital 6
SDA – Analog A2
SCL – Analog A3
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - BME280 - Mk04 23-04 DL2204Mk04p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Micro OLED 1 x SparkFun Environmental Combo CCS811/BME280 1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel 1 x Half-Size Breadboard 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // NeoPixels #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // SparkFun Micro OLED #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h> // SparkFun BME280 - Humidity, Temperature, Altitude and Barometric Pressure #include <SparkFunBME280.h> // NeoPixels // On digital pin 6 #define PIN 6 // NeoPixels NUMPIXELS = 1 #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Pixels Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Neopix int iNeo = 0; // Value int zz = 0; // SparkFun Micro OLED #define PIN_RESET 9 #define DC_JUMPER 1 // I2C declaration MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure BME280 myBME280; // Temperature Celsius float BMEtempC = 0; // Humidity float BMEhumid = 0; // Altitude Meters float BMEaltitudeM = 0; // Barometric Pressure float BMEpressure = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-04"; void loop() { // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure isBME280(); // FLORA isFLORA(); // Micro OLED isMicroOLED(); // Delay delay( 1000 ); }
// SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure // isBME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure void isBME280(){ // Temperature Celsius BMEtempC = myBME280.readTempC(); // Humidity BMEhumid = myBME280.readFloatHumidity(); // Altitude Meters BMEaltitudeM = myBME280.readFloatAltitudeMeters(); // Barometric Pressure BMEpressure = myBME280.readFloatPressure(); }
// FLORA // isFLORA void isFLORA() { // FLORA = Temperature Celsius // BMEtempC // FLORA = Temperature Celsius if ( BMEtempC >= 50 ) { // 40 <= Temperature Celsius < 50~~~ zz = 2; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 40 ) { // 30 <= Temperature Celsius < 40 zz = 3; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 30 ) { // 20 <= Temperature Celsius < 30 zz = 4; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 20 ) { // 10 <= Temperature Celsius < 20 zz = 0; isNUMPIXELS(); } else if ( BMEtempC >= 10 ) { // ~~~0 <= Temperature Celsius < 10 zz = 1; isNUMPIXELS(); } }
// SparkFun Micro OLED // Setup Micro OLED void setupMicroOLED() { // Initialize the OLED oled.begin(); // Clear the display's internal memory oled.clear(ALL); // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen) oled.display(); // Delay 1000 ms delay(1000); // Clear the buffer. oled.clear(PAGE); } // Micro OLED void isMicroOLED() { // Text Display BME280 // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 0 oled.setFontType(0); // Temperature Celsius oled.print("T: "); oled.print(BMEtempC); oled.setCursor(0, 10); // Humidity oled.print("H: "); oled.print(BMEhumid); oled.setCursor(0, 20); // Altitude Meters oled.print("A: "); oled.print(BMEaltitudeM); oled.setCursor(0, 30); // Barometric Pressure oled.print("P: "); oled.print(BMEpressure); oled.display(); }
// NeoPixels // Neopix void isNeopix() { // Pixels pixels.setBrightness( 150 ); // Pixels color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor( iNeo, pixels.Color(red,green,blue) ); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); } // isNUMPIXELS void isNUMPIXELS() { // Neopix Value switch ( zz ) { case 0: // NeoPixels Green // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // NeoPixels Blue // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // NeoPixels Red // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // NeoPixels Yellow // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // NeoPixels Magenta // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // NeoPixels Cyan // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // NeoPixels White // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; } } // isNUMPIXELSoff void isNUMPIXELSoff() { // Black Off // NeoPixels // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; isNeopix(); }
// Setup void setup() { // NeoPixels // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // isNUMPIXELS Off isNUMPIXELSoff(); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // SparkFun BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Barometric Pressure myBME280.begin(); // Setup Micro OLED setupMicroOLED(); }
People can contact us:
Technology Experience
- Single-Board Microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi,Espressif, etc…)
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- Camera and Video Capture Receiver Stationary, Wheel/Tank and Underwater Vehicle
- Unmanned Vehicles Terrestrial and Marine
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Instructor and E-Mentor
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- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – SparkFun Micro OLED – Mk03
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #MicroOLED #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (Qwiic)
The SparkFun Qwiic Micro OLED Breakout is a Qwiic-enabled version of our popular Micro OLED display. The small monochrome, blue-on-black OLED screen presents incredibly clear images for your viewing pleasure. It’s micro, but it still packs a punch the OLED display is crisp, and you can fit a deceivingly large amount of graphics on there. This breakout is perfect for adding graphics to your next project and displaying diagnostic information without resorting to a serial output, all with the ease of use of our own Qwiic Connect System.
This version of the Micro OLED Breakout is exactly the size of its non-Qwiic sibling, featuring a screen that is 64 pixels wide and 48 pixels tall and measuring 0.66 inch across. But it has also been equipped with two Qwiic connectors, making it ideal for I2C operations. We’ve also added two mounting holes and a convenient Qwiic cable holder incorporated into a detachable tab on the board that can be easily removed thanks to a v-scored edge. We’ve even made sure to include an I2C pull-up jumper and ADDR jumper on the back of the board, so if you have your own I2C pull-ups or need to change the I2C address of the board, you have options.
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x SparkFun Micro OLED
1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
NEO – Digital 6
SDA – Analog A2
SCL – Analog A3
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - SparkFun Micro OLED - Mk03 23-03 DL2204Mk03p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x SparkFun Micro OLED 1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel 1 x Half-Size Breadboard 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // Wire #include <Wire.h> // NeoPixels #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // SparkFun Micro OLED #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h> // FLORA // Color String sVal; // NeoPixels // On digital pin 6 #define PIN 6 // NeoPixels NUMPIXELS = 1 #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Pixels Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Neopix int iNeo = 0; // Value int zz = 0; // SparkFun Micro OLED #define PIN_RESET 9 #define DC_JUMPER 1 // I2C declaration MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER); // Software Version Information String sver = "23-03"; void loop() { // FLORA isFLORA(); // Micro OLED isMicroOLED(); // Delay delay( 3000 ); }
// FLORA // isFLORA void isFLORA() { // FLORA = zz => Neopix // FLORA = sVal => Color if ( zz == 0 ) { sVal = "Green"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 1; } else if ( zz == 1 ) { sVal = "Blue"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 2; } else if ( zz == 2 ) { sVal = "Red"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 3; } else if ( zz == 3 ) { sVal = "Yellow"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 4; } else if ( zz == 4 ) { sVal = "Magenta"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 5; } else if ( zz == 5 ) { sVal = "Cyan"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 6; } else if ( zz == 6 ) { sVal = "White"; isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 0; } }
// SparkFun Micro OLED // Setup Micro OLED void setupMicroOLED() { // Initialize the OLED oled.begin(); // Clear the display's internal memory oled.clear(ALL); // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen) oled.display(); // Delay 1000 ms delay(1000); // Clear the buffer. oled.clear(PAGE); } // Micro OLED void isMicroOLED() { // Clear the display oled.clear(PAGE); // Set cursor to top-left oled.setCursor(0, 0); // Set font to type 1 oled.setFontType(1); // Print sVal oled.print(sVal); oled.display(); }
// NeoPixels // Neopix void isNeopix() { // Pixels pixels.setBrightness( 255 ); // Pixels color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor( iNeo, pixels.Color(red,green,blue) ); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); } // isNUMPIXELS void isNUMPIXELS() { // Neopix Value switch ( zz ) { case 0: // NeoPixels Green // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // NeoPixels Blue // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // NeoPixels Red // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // NeoPixels Yellow // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // NeoPixels Magenta // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // NeoPixels Cyan // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // NeoPixels White // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; } } // isNUMPIXELSoff void isNUMPIXELSoff() { // Black Off // NeoPixels // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; isNeopix(); }
// Setup void setup() { // NeoPixels // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // isNUMPIXELS Off isNUMPIXELSoff(); // Set up I2C bus Wire.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // Setup Micro OLED setupMicroOLED(); }
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Instructor and E-Mentor
- IoT
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- DOS, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, Multi-OS
- Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL
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J. Luc Paquin – Curriculum Vitae – 2022 English & Español
Don Luc
Project #23: E-Textiles – FLORA – Mk02
#DonLucElectronics #DonLuc #ETextiles #Wearable #FLORA #Arduino #Project #Programming #Electronics #Microcontrollers #Consultant
FLORA – Wearable Electronic Platform – Version 1.0a
FLORA is Adafruit’s fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It’s a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects. The FLORA family also has the best stainless steel threads, sensors, GPS modules and chainable LED NeoPixels, perfect accessories for the FLORA main board. It’s built around the Atmega32u4 chip, which has built-in USB support, is wearable Arduino / Arduino-compatible.
The FLORA has built-in USB support. Built in USB means you plug it in to program it, it just shows up, all you need is a Mini-B USB cable, no additional purchases are needed. The FLORA has USB HID support, so it can act like a mouse or keyboard to attach directly to computers.
FLORA has a small but easy to use onboard reset button to reboot the system. The power supply is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Can be used with LiIon/LiPoly, LiFe, alkaline or rechargeable NiMh/NiCad batteries of any size. The FLORA does not have a LiPo charger included by design, this allows safe use with multiple battery types and reduces risk of fire as it is not recommended to charge these batteries on fabric. We suggest one of our micro-lipo chargers if you want to use LiPo batteries with FLORA.
FLORA has onboard power switch connected to 2A power FET for safe and efficient battery on/off control, so you can power quite a bit without burning out your switch. The FLORA has an onboard 3.3v 250mA regulator with a protection diode and USB fuse so that the microcontroller voltage is consistent and can power common 3.3v modules and sensors.
- FLORA is fabric friendly, all the components on board are flush to the PCB and won’t snag delicate garments.
- FLORA is extremely beginner-friendly. it is difficult to destroy the FLORA by connecting a battery backwards due to polarized connector and protection diodes.
- The FLORA has 4 indicator LEDs: power good, digital signal LED for bootloader feedback, data rx/tx. Also onboard is an ICSP connector for easy reprograming for advanced users.
- There are 14 sewing tap pads for attachment and electrical connections. Data buses are interleaved with power and ground pads for easy module and sensor attachments without worrying about overlapping traces which are not possible with conductive thread.
1 x FLORA – Version 1.0a
1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel
1 x Half-Size Breadboard
1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable
FLORA – Version 1.0a
NEO – Digital 6
VIN – +5V
/* ***** Don Luc Electronics © ***** Software Version Information Project #23: E-Textiles - FLORA - Wearable Electronic Platform - Mk02 23-02 DL2204Mk02p.ino 1 x FLORA - Version 1.0a 1 x RGB Smart NeoPixel 1 x Half-Size Breadboard 1 x SparkFun Cerberus USB Cable */ // Include the Library Code // NeoPixels #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // NeoPixels // On digital pin 6 #define PIN 6 // NeoPixels NUMPIXELS = 1 #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Pixels Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Red int red = 0; // Green int green = 0; // Blue int blue = 0; // Neopix int iNeo = 0; // Value int zz = 0; // Software Version Information String sver = "23-02"; void loop() { // FLORA isFLORA(); delay( 2000 ); }
// FLORA // isFLORA void isFLORA() { // FLORA = zz => Neopix if ( zz == 0 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 1; } else if ( zz == 1 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 2; } else if ( zz == 2 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 3; } else if ( zz == 3 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 4; } else if ( zz == 4 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 5; } else if ( zz == 5 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 6; } else if ( zz == 6 ) { isNUMPIXELS(); zz = 0; } }
// NeoPixels // Neopix void isNeopix() { // Pixels pixels.setBrightness( 255 ); // Pixels color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255 pixels.setPixelColor( iNeo, pixels.Color(red,green,blue) ); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware; // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); } // isNUMPIXELS void isNUMPIXELS() { // Neopix Value switch ( zz ) { case 0: // NeoPixels Green // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 1: // NeoPixels Blue // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 2: // NeoPixels Red // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 3: // NeoPixels Yellow // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 0; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 4: // NeoPixels Magenta // Red red = 255; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 5: // NeoPixels Cyan // Red red = 0; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; case 6: // NeoPixels White // Red red = 255; // Green green = 255; // Blue blue = 255; // Neopix iNeo = 0; isNeopix(); break; } } // isNUMPIXELSoff void isNUMPIXELSoff() { // Black Off // NeoPixels // Red red = 0; // Green green = 0; // Blue blue = 0; isNeopix(); }
// Setup void setup() { // NeoPixels // This initializes the NeoPixel library pixels.begin(); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds) delay(50); // isNUMPIXELS Off isNUMPIXELSoff(); }
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