Project #1 – The AcceleroSynth – Mk1
Apr 3, 2012 @ 15:03
We are finally ready for our first electronics project, The AcceleroSynth. It is an microcontroller-based (Arduino) music synth that is controller by a 3 axis analog accelerometer. It will be both a hardware and a software synth. This is the announcement for the project and in the coming days I will post the BOM (Bill of Material), schematics and Arduino code with the first assembly video. The project will first be assembled on a protoboard, then a soldered version will be built either on a perfboard or on an Arduino ProtoShield. If there is enough demand either a PCB or an Arduino Shield will be built for the project and sold here. More on that later. The first installment on the building of the project should be up on a few days.
Don Luc